When it comes to a Brexit deal, the UK can call the shots


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Already, way before formal negotiations, the largest German industrial lobby says it would be “very, very foolish” to hinder free trade with the UK. French politicians, too, urged on by their ferocious export lobby, are showing signs of playing nice. “Ah, but the rules of the single market mean giving up border controls,” we constantly hear from Remain campaigners.

Well, we’ll see. Yes, I know that’s what Norway accepted, but our economy is nine-times bigger and we’re a front-ranking strategic and military power. As for Brussels’ “rules”, they’re words on pieces of paper, subject to whatever political interpretation is subsequently agreed. The sacred “stability and growth pact” – limiting each country’s budget deficit to 2pc once the euro was launched – that lasted less than two years.

When it comes to a Brexit deal, the UK can call the shots
Sure the UK can call the shots. LOL
I see Frankfurt, Paris and Dublin saying, let's keep the London financial services in London when the UK eaves the EU. What delusional thinking.
Yes you are delusional if you think that water tight contracts can be just torn up in a fit of anger. You would not last long in business if you did that and the other party decided to enforce the clause and sue you for breach of contract. Then there is the fact of legal rights to the service provided that no other company can take and use, so the business would have to start from scratch.

U.S. markets recovered rather quickly...........don't you think so?

Oh, has the UK actually left? Because I think the market is going to be a whole new ball game if/when that happens.

Article 50 says that they cant do anything for 2 years unless Britain agrees. And the blip is over and the markets are returning to normal, with a small increase in the British economy.
This is what will halt brexit.

The UK negotiating team will realise the full horror of the reality and take it back to the government.

They will have to go back to the people with the deal and say our country will be fuked if we do this.

And the underclass who voted for brexit will finally realise that they have been lied to.

Meanwhile jos and investment have drifted away because of the uncertainty.
Article 50 says that they cant do anything for 2 years unless Britain agrees. And the blip is over and the markets are returning to normal, with a small increase in the British economy.

Right. Exactly. So I don't know why people are acting like anything is indicative of anything while everything is hanging like this.
This is what will halt brexit.

The UK negotiating team will realise the full horror of the reality and take it back to the government.

They will have to go back to the people with the deal and say our country will be fuked if we do this.

And the underclass who voted for brexit will finally realise that they have been lied to.

Meanwhile jos and investment have drifted away because of the uncertainty.

BULLSHIT as the deals were struck before the vote was taken, and we are still trading with non EU nations just the same. Now we don't have to go cap in hand and beg for the dregs of the deals we struck and negotiated, meaning that our trade defecit will start to narrow and we will start to bounce back. The £ and stock markets are already back at the levels they were pre referendum because the morons like you realised they had made a knee jerk reaction and cost themselves £billions. Learn to read and you will be educated as to the full impact Britain leaving the EU will have on not just Britain but on Europe, and who will come out on top.

For the record it wont be you neo Marxist scum, your days are numbered
Article 50 says that they cant do anything for 2 years unless Britain agrees. And the blip is over and the markets are returning to normal, with a small increase in the British economy.

Right. Exactly. So I don't know why people are acting like anything is indicative of anything while everything is hanging like this.

Because they have been told to do so by their handlers to muddy the water are create as much unrest as they can. The true impact was shown over the weekend when barely 30,000 marched in protest at the result, showing the apathy and feeling of the remain side. More stayed at Glastonbury to watch the fun and complained friday morning in the executive enclosure over their breakfast wine
The EU economy need the UK far more than the UK needs the EU, hence the UK has the most leverage in negotiations.
The EU economy need the UK far more than the UK needs the EU, hence the UK has the most leverage in negotiations.
That is the exact opposite of the actuality. 50% of our trade goes to Europe. People in the Central African Republic dont buy many Aston Martins. We are fucked and Europe knows it.
The EU economy need the UK far more than the UK needs the EU, hence the UK has the most leverage in negotiations.
That is the exact opposite of the actuality. 50% of our trade goes to Europe. People in the Central African Republic dont buy many Aston Martins. We are fucked and Europe knows it.

Which means that the people in the EU need the products supplied by the UK.
The EU economy need the UK far more than the UK needs the EU, hence the UK has the most leverage in negotiations.
That is the exact opposite of the actuality. 50% of our trade goes to Europe. People in the Central African Republic dont buy many Aston Martins. We are fucked and Europe knows it.

Which means that the people in the EU need the products supplied by the UK.

They need some but not all.There will be, for example, tool makers in Belgium and Poland who can supply the same items as British firms. Why should those countries,who pay into the EU, allow the UK access to the market without tariffs ?
No country will allow that.Its a huge opportunity for Europe to carve up as much British trade as possible.

Unique stuff like Harris Tweed and Jaguar cars will be ok but places that make generic stuff will find that there are others who also make this stuff.

It is this that will cause the politicos to come back to the people for a rubber stamp. The consequences are too awful to contemplate and no politician will have the balls to create an economic basket case in exchange for the racial purity of the UK.

As it unravels over the next few years it will run out of steam and get shelved.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth..................

Standard Life suspends trading in UK property fund - BBC News

Do you even know what you are reporting, or are you just grasping at any little bit of news that makes exit look bad for the country. It is morons like you panicking about their savings not giving the same 6% return they have for the last 18 months that are trying to withdraw all their money and putting it under the mattress.
While back on planet Earth the Chancellor has announced tax cuts for industry to attract new companies to set up shop in Britain. This means we will have the lowest corporation tax in the world second only to Ireland, and will be a tax haven like the Bahamas and Switzerland.
The EU economy need the UK far more than the UK needs the EU, hence the UK has the most leverage in negotiations.
That is the exact opposite of the actuality. 50% of our trade goes to Europe. People in the Central African Republic dont buy many Aston Martins. We are fucked and Europe knows it.

LIES and neo Marxist propaganda. No one buys many Aston Martins, but many people but T.V's, Cookers, Fridges and heaters. The EU sends more here than we send to the EU and they are worried what will happen when we stop buying EU goods. Just think we will see EU vacuum cleaners with an A+ energy rating not able to lift even sugar spilt on the floor on sale for £100, and next to it a British vacuum cleaner with a b+ energy rating able to lift a car with just the suction from its efficient motor priced at £75. Which one will you buy ?

The EU accounts for 45% of the UK's exports. The UK accounts for 16% of the EU's exports.

Yes, the U.K. is important to Germany. German exports to Britain totaled £60.7 billion last year, almost twice British exports to Germany, and the U.K. was Germany’s third-largest export market. But the EU as a whole takes 45% of British exports, a share that has fallen in recent years while remaining very significant. On the other hand, Jonathan Portes of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research has calculated, just under 16% of EU goods exports go to the U.K.; Ireland and Cyprus are the only two EU countries that send more than 10% of their goods exports to the U.K. In other words, the EU is more important to Britain than vice versa.​

U.K. Can’t Bank on EU’s Rationality in Talks

I hope the separation is amicable, but the UK's economy is more reliant on the EU than vice-versa. So I'm not sure why people think the UK calls the shots.
The EU economy need the UK far more than the UK needs the EU, hence the UK has the most leverage in negotiations.
That is the exact opposite of the actuality. 50% of our trade goes to Europe. People in the Central African Republic dont buy many Aston Martins. We are fucked and Europe knows it.

Which means that the people in the EU need the products supplied by the UK.

They need some but not all.There will be, for example, tool makers in Belgium and Poland who can supply the same items as British firms. Why should those countries,who pay into the EU, allow the UK access to the market without tariffs ?
No country will allow that.Its a huge opportunity for Europe to carve up as much British trade as possible.

Unique stuff like Harris Tweed and Jaguar cars will be ok but places that make generic stuff will find that there are others who also make this stuff.

It is this that will cause the politicos to come back to the people for a rubber stamp. The consequences are too awful to contemplate and no politician will have the balls to create an economic basket case in exchange for the racial purity of the UK.

As it unravels over the next few years it will run out of steam and get shelved.

Not without falling foul of copyright and patent laws they wont, if they want second or third rate goods let them go to Belgium or Poland. They allow other nations to trade without hitting them with tariffs, so why will they breach international trade regulations in Britain's case.

True and this is where the cost base will come in and show the EU that the people want quality at the lowest price, not high cost rubbish.

WRONG get used to being beaten by democracy in action, you had your chance and blew it through complacency and stupidity. The people have spoken and now we all need to pull together. In your world we would be overrun by migrants emptying the coffers faster than you neo Marxists could increase taxes to cover the costs. How many stealth taxes c=did G.Brown bring in one week, over 125 I believe because he could not cover the costs of migrant welfare, migrant healthcare and migrant education. When 90% were over pension age and had no skills that the country needed at that time. That was the start of the downfall, capped when the outgoing chancellor left a note saying spent all the money, none left.

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