When Faith and Football Teamed Up Against American Democracy


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Guarantee you this hack writer would have never written this article if the coach were a Muslim and he routinely went out to the 50yd line with a prayer rug. SI is just like ESPN, they have been every bit as woke, and every bit as left wing.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide the case of a football coach at a public high school who was told he wasn’t allowed to pray on the field in front of players. The expected result is a win for the coach—and the further erosion of the separation between church and state.

The shriek of a whistle sounded an end and a beginning.

On an October night in 2015, reporters, curious out-of-towners and even satanists assembled at, of all places, a high school football game in suburban Washington state. They were all stoked for an impending collision, the crescendo of a fight that, over just six weeks, had ballooned into a spectacle.

After the game clock hit triple zero, and after the teams shook hands, no one left the stadium. Instead, all eyes trained on Joe Kennedy as he walked onto the field. Once at the 50-yard-line, the Bremerton High School assistant coach bantered with opposing coaches, then gave this oddest of audiences the moment it had gathered for.

Joe Kennedy’s Supreme Court case: Can the high school football coach pray on the field? - Sports Illustrated
Guarantee you this hack writer would have never written this article if the coach were a Muslim and he routinely went out to the 50yd line with a prayer rug. SI is just like ESPN, they have been every bit as woke, and every bit as left wing.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide the case of a football coach at a public high school who was told he wasn’t allowed to pray on the field in front of players. The expected result is a win for the coach—and the further erosion of the separation between church and state.

Joe Kennedy’s Supreme Court case: Can the high school football coach pray on the field? - Sports Illustrated
But you'll get your panties in a bunch over some black football players kneeling?
LOL. Geez....
Guarantee you this hack writer would have never written this article if the coach were a Muslim and he routinely went out to the 50yd line with a prayer rug. SI is just like ESPN, they have been every bit as woke, and every bit as left wing.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide the case of a football coach at a public high school who was told he wasn’t allowed to pray on the field in front of players. The expected result is a win for the coach—and the further erosion of the separation between church and state.

Joe Kennedy’s Supreme Court case: Can the high school football coach pray on the field? - Sports Illustrated

It's not a coincidence that the country and youth started to go downhill after we stopped prayer in public forums, schools and so on.

Even if you're not a hardcore Christian just believing in morality and being a decent person is beneficial. Christianity on the whole was a message about doing the right thing and if even half the people are openly Christian they do influence others. Being a good person towards others often leads them to be good towards others.

There is a reason why Christianity was a major force in taming wild people thousands of years ago. Now when we stop promoting it we see people going back to being savage heathens.

Being a good Christian has become downplayed a lot and once it was he saw a rise in the pre Christian savages running wild. Now we have drag fags on tv waving green strap-on dongs around, pedophiles, parents taking little kids to drag shows, a rise in crime, more shootings, criminals being let run free to loot and burn, people tearing down statues of once revered people, a decline in morals in general and so on. We're slowly reverting back to old days where people didn't have a moral compass and it was "anything goes".

My grandmother is a big Christian but she never forced me to go to church, she just offered. All she cared about was I be a good person with morals and hoped I would atleast once in a while talk to God. Now I am not a Christian, but I still believe in being a good person, trying to have decent morals, and show others common courtesy. I am not a Christian but I still was influenced by one. The fewer of my grandma we have this the fewer people will learn from them.

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