When did we become a medieval society?

when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story



He's a sissy because he doesn't require a picture to believe the words of the USG when they say a scumbag is dead? That's just weird. Guess I'm a sissy to.

Had this President not given us reason to doubt his word, most wouldn't.
Exhibition of the body of state enemies is a time honored tradition in all cultures.

Some put heads on sticks. Some took scalps. Some nailed corpses to bridges and cities.

It's silly to balk at this at this point. And if we don't do it, the Muslim community will jeer at us and claim he's not dead.

Sorta silly when the wife and kids are all up in arms pointing their fingers at the US for killing him....:lol:

We are damned if we do and damned if we don't.

We went through the same thing when Saddam was hanged.
The pics will come out, I'm sure.

And it doesn't make any difference to Muslims what we do at this point, so it should just be a matter of publicizing them to assert that he really is dead, and screw it.
When Sadaam Hussien was hanged. I was not all up on watching that either.

I have watched as society has become seemingly more "medieval". But I think a lot of it has to do with being desensitized to gratuitous pictures via the internet. It is disturbing.

Have you watched any of the beheading videos? I think it's important for everyone to watch them. It will give you an idea who are enemy is.
I haven't watched the beheading videos...I just can't. But I do know who we're dealing with.
any conspiracy loon deathers who think bin laden isn't dead wouldn't believe it if the body were notarized.

heck with them.

We, the taxpayers, paid for those photos. We have a right to see them.

Obama is arrogantly playing daddy and determining what the rest of us adults are mature enough to see. that isn't his prerogative.

Much as i would love to see osama's head shot to shreds, obama is correct in his assessment of the situation and i agree with him. It is not a good idea add fuel to the flames.

What about all of the attacks he plotted, financed, and carried out against innocent victims ending with bodies charred, splattered, and ripped apart like road kill. I find it unfitting the only pictures we have of bin Laden feature spotless white robes, a head wrapped in turban and a serene dignified expression. He was a cold calculating mass murderer, I would like his epitaph to be the final image he deserves to be remembered by, his mutilated gory face. Sure we already know from reports that half his skull was blown away but why leave it to the imagination.
We, the taxpayers, paid for those photos. We have a right to see them.

Obama is arrogantly playing daddy and determining what the rest of us adults are mature enough to see. that isn't his prerogative.

Much as i would love to see osama's head shot to shreds, obama is correct in his assessment of the situation and i agree with him. It is not a good idea add fuel to the flames.

What about all of the attacks he plotted, financed, and carried out against innocent victims ending with bodies charred, splattered, and ripped apart like road kill. I find it unfitting the only pictures we have of bin Laden feature spotless white robes, a head wrapped in turban and a serene dignified expression. He was a cold calculating mass murderer, I would like his epitaph to be the final image he deserves to be remembered by, his mutilated gory face. Sure we already know from reports that half his skull was blown away but why leave it to the imagination.

Because we aren't sick animals? The mother fucker is dead. Only a kook denies that fact. That's good enough.

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.
Oscar Wilde
when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


Funny how so many people are all of the sudden for taking the Governments word for it!


Every single one of you Libs would be in here Demanding proof if the exact same thing had went down under a Republican Administration.

You are all a bunch of insane Hippocrates.

According to several Moderate Muslims I have now heard speak on the matter. They feel that the Muslim world needs to see proof to move on. Who knows, I personally do not doubt we got the bastard, I just think it is silly not to release proof, I mean the pics are going to get out anyways. WTF, but I do so enjoy watching you shamlessly hippocritical Libs pretend you would not be screaming for proof if anyone but a Dem was sitting in the WH.

i'm not a lib.

i'm not a muslim.

hope you're still enjoying yourself.

p.s. hippocrates was the father of medicine, not the guy hypocrisy was named after- edumacate yourself

have a nice day
when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


Funny how so many people are all of the sudden for taking the Governments word for it!


Every single one of you Libs would be in here Demanding proof if the exact same thing had went down under a Republican Administration.

You are all a bunch of insane Hippocrates.

According to several Moderate Muslims I have now heard speak on the matter. They feel that the Muslim world needs to see proof to move on. Who knows, I personally do not doubt we got the bastard, I just think it is silly not to release proof, I mean the pics are going to get out anyways. WTF, but I do so enjoy watching you shamlessly hippocritical Libs pretend you would not be screaming for proof if anyone but a Dem was sitting in the WH.
Del isn't a lib. He's a conservative. Notice the lack of quotation marks.
saw this thread the other day....avoided it...but here i go....

del my dear,, since the beginning of graphics death has been pictured....after the invention of photography...death photos became an utter rage...look at the photos of dead cowboy outlaws and then fast forward to the early 20th century when death photos of gangster were popular. i.e. the photos of bonnie and Clyde

this is hardly a new thing....now is it...cavemen depicted their drawings on the sides of caves, we just have digital photos now and can do it faster....

all this said...i would say the want and need to see these graphic images is a primal drive. perhaps the pictures serve as a deep seeded warning to others not to behave in the way this person did....after all ....they do say a picture is worth a thousand words
I think it's silly to balk at sharing photos of the #1 public enemy we've had for many years when there are photos of Al Quaeda victims all over the place.

Show the pics already. Obama's an idiot.

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