When An "Insurrection" Isn't....

Definition of insurrection​

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

January 6th meets that standard.

From your link:

"REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds"

Here's more info defining the scope of the term "insurrection" and whether a particular event is accurately characterized as such, from legal dictionaries that are recognized as authoritative by courts, and prevailing federal court cases on this point:

From Black's Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019)

  • insurrection : "A violent revolt against an oppressive authority, usu. a government."

“Insurrection is distinguished from rout, riot, and offense connected with mob violence by the fact that in insurrection there is an organized and armed uprising against authority or operations of government[.]” 77 C.J.S. Riot; Insurrection § 29, at 579 (1994).​
  • insurgent n. : "Someone who, for political purposes, engages in armed hostility against an established government."

  • armed adj. : "1. Equipped with a weapon <an armed robber>. 2. Involving the use of a weapon <armed robbery>"

Prevailing federal court cases defining "insurrection":

"[T]he word insurrection means ‘(1) a violent uprising by a group or movement (2) acting for the specific purpose of overthrowing the constituted government and seizing its powers." Pan Am. World Airways, Inc. v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 505 F.2d 989, 1018 (2d Cir. 1974) (holding that armed offensive, destructive demonstrations and threats of violence by the fedayeen in Jordan was not an "insurrection" because there was no objective to violently overthrow the government and seize power, but rather, amounted to severe unrest intended to put pressure on King Hussein and the Jordanian government).

"To constitute an insurrection [] there must have been a movement accompanied by actions specifically intended to overthrow the constituted government and to take possession of the inherent powers thereof. As the insurrection develops into an affair of greater magnitude, so that the insurgents come into de facto control of a definite region of the country, the insurrection may be spoken of as a ‘rebellion’. If the insurrection or rebellion proceeds to the attainment of its objective, viz., the overthrow of the old constituted government and the establishment of a new one in its place, then the movement, retroactively, will be dignified by the characterization of a ‘revolution.’" Home Ins. Co. of New York v. Davila, 212 F.2d 731, 736 (1st Cir. 1954)

. . . . .

In sum, a brief incident of civil disorder that erupts spontaneously by certain members of a larger political gathering, consisting of people who are not armed or organized with the specific intent to violently overthrow the established government and seize its powers, does not meet the definition of an "insurrection." It may be a riot, to be sure, but not an insurrection. Otherwise, countless events would be treated as "insurrections" each year, particularly during the past couple of years.
Otherwise, countless events would be treated as "insurrections" each year, particularly during the past couple of years.
How many of those events were perpetrated with the express purpose of over turning an election?
A photo emerged of a GOP lawmaker who last week downplayed the Capitol siege and compared the rioters to tourists barricading the House doors with furniture on January 6.

Rep. Andrew Clyde said during a House oversight committee hearing on Wednesday that it was a "bald-faced lie" to call the riot an insurrection. He said the riot, in which hundreds of Trump supporters breached the Capitol, resembled a "normal tourist visit."

After Clyde's comments, a photographer shared a photo he had taken of Clyde using furniture to barricade the House against rioters trying to force their way in to disrupt the certification of President Joe Biden's election victory. Several people died in the riot.
“BOMBSHELL VIDEO Emerges of Capitol Police Giving the OK to Enter the Capitol on January 6th
I knew this was going to be a load of crap and false as your usual and standard fictional tales! The "peaceful insurrectionists" in the video were ALREADY inside the Capitol, not outside on the Capitol grounds and that bloody "Q" Shaman was either before or later seen on the floor of the U. S. House howling like some fool on Meth! Currently, his ignorant self is in jail waiting for his trial to start. Yeah, a fine example of the peaceful, law-abiding folks you display as sterling examples of the Far Right!

Your propaganda doesn't pass muster, Chica! You're shoveling crap and again displaying you have great difficulty wrestling with the truth but are completely at home with untruthful tales of your "earthy" creation.

Oh, and trying to identify Democrats as the Wehrmacht as in your first sentence of the OP, assuming you are referring to the Third Reich German military is pointing a stupid and baseless meme as if it were a loaded cannon. The Wehrmacht was composed of the German Army, Navy and Air Force (Heer, Kriegsmarine & Luftwaffe which lasted a total of 10 years, '35-'45. So you see twit, your attempted slam of a political party simply turned about and smacked you displaying your ignorance!

A thought crime, in a free society, is an affront.
It is fitting thought, in a Bolshevik or Nazis or similar oppressed society.

You certainly have chosen the correct appellation.

Please depart, scum.
You can only respond with ad hominem, and with a defeated gasp to boot? Pathetic!

So limited... I know now that your done, Chica! Hey, you're the Long Island JAP wannabe in YOUR MIND sweetie! You live with it; it's not MY fantasy, Chica!

A thought crime, in a free society, is an affront.
It is fitting thought, in a Bolshevik or Nazis or similar oppressed society.

You certainly have chosen the correct appellation.

Please depart, scum.
You can only respond with ad hominem, and with a defeated gasp to boot? Pathetic!

So limited... I know now that your done, Chica! Hey, you're the Long Island JAP wannabe in YOUR MIND sweetie! You live with it; it's not MY fantasy, Chica!
Oo, harsh retort Chic.. but yes you're right, free thought is the only way for an enlightened progressive society. Throw out all the nazis! You get my vote Chic!
“BOMBSHELL VIDEO Emerges of Capitol Police Giving the OK to Enter the Capitol on January 6th
I knew this was going to be a load of crap and false as your usual and standard fictional tales! The "peaceful insurrectionists" in the video were ALREADY inside the Capitol, not outside on the Capitol grounds and that bloody "Q" Shaman was either before or later seen on the floor of the U. S. House howling like some fool on Meth! Currently, his ignorant self is in jail waiting for his trial to start. Yeah, a fine example of the peaceful, law-abiding folks you display as sterling examples of the Far Right!

Your propaganda doesn't pass muster, Chica! You're shoveling crap and again displaying you have great difficulty wrestling with the truth but are completely at home with untruthful tales of your "earthy" creation.

Oh, and trying to identify Democrats as the Wehrmacht as in your first sentence of the OP, assuming you are referring to the Third Reich German military is pointing a stupid and baseless meme as if it were a loaded cannon. The Wehrmacht was composed of the German Army, Navy and Air Force (Heer, Kriegsmarine & Luftwaffe which lasted a total of 10 years, '35-'45. So you see twit, your attempted slam of a political party simply turned about and smacked you displaying your ignorance!

A thought crime, in a free society, is an affront.
It is fitting thought, in a Bolshevik or Nazis or similar oppressed society.

You certainly have chosen the correct appellation.

Please depart, scum.
You can only respond with ad hominem, and with a defeated gasp to boot? Pathetic!

So limited... I know now that your done, Chica! Hey, you're the Long Island JAP wannabe in YOUR MIND sweetie! You live with it; it's not MY fantasy, Chica!

Oh, no!!

It's Gregor Samsa......he's back.

Definition of insurrection​

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

January 6th meets that standard.
An "alternate" and equally valid definition of INSURRECTION:
The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.

In which case, since there was no "armed resistance", there was no "insurrection". It was a "mostly peaceful" protest.

An "alternate" and equally valid definition of INSURRECTION:

Er ... no ...

18 US Code § 2383:
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
[Emphasis mine]

No mention of "armed" under the law ... and Congress certainly does have the authority to certify the Presidential election results ... my sense is that only those who intended for their actions to lead to four more years of a Trump administration could be held to this charge ... those who wanted to raise hell would get by with just rioting charges ... either way, they need to say bye-bye to their 2nd Amendment rights ... dumb fuckers ...
OK, but then you'd need to arrest all of the antifa and BLM rioters, and democrat pol enablers. Thousands more than the few hundred goobers who visited the capital building.

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OK, but then you'd need to arrest all of the antifa and BLM rioters, and democrat pol enablers. Thousands more than the few hundred goobers who visited the capital building.

100% agree ...

The sad part is that there were thousands of peaceful protesters who respected the barricades around the Capitol ... law-abiding citizens ... who are currently being completely ignored by just about everyone these days ...if we want the Press to notice us, we have to riot ...

For the record, left-wing violence in the United States started with the Battle of Lexington and Concord ... April 19th, 1775 ...
“BOMBSHELL VIDEO Emerges of Capitol Police Giving the OK to Enter the Capitol on January 6th

Exclusive video obtained by American Greatness shows USCP officers talking with January 6 protestors inside the building that day, giving the ok to enter and peacefully protest:
I think giving the 'OK' to enter is moot after they have broken windows and are already inside. Asking them to be peaceful is very different from giving an 'OK'.
“BOMBSHELL VIDEO Emerges of Capitol Police Giving the OK to Enter the Capitol on January 6th

Exclusive video obtained by American Greatness shows USCP officers talking with January 6 protestors inside the building that day, giving the ok to enter and peacefully protest:
I think giving the 'OK' to enter is moot after they have broken windows and are already inside. Asking them to be peaceful is very different from giving an 'OK'.

There was no insurrection January 6th.

But there was in March, by Biden voters....

...and no body invites rioters in.

Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.
Not much of a siege since Lafayette Park is at the front of the WH and there are at least a 1/2 dozen other gates with no protesters. I don't recall any of the protesters trying to break into the WH. Face it, it was a protest. There was some throwing of water bottles and such by some but on the whole it was peaceful until Trump ordered the SS and military to clear the square so he could take a photo.

Definition of insurrection​

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

January 6th meets that standard.
A photo emerged of a GOP lawmaker who last week downplayed the Capitol siege and compared the rioters to tourists barricading the House doors with furniture on January 6.

Rep. Andrew Clyde said during a House oversight committee hearing on Wednesday that it was a "bald-faced lie" to call the riot an insurrection. He said the riot, in which hundreds of Trump supporters breached the Capitol, resembled a "normal tourist visit."

After Clyde's comments, a photographer shared a photo he had taken of Clyde using furniture to barricade the House against rioters trying to force their way in to disrupt the certification of President Joe Biden's election victory. Several people died in the riot.
so what

Definition of insurrection​

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

January 6th meets that standard.

Where what?
Where what on January 6?

You mean the insurrection?

Definition of insurrection​

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

January 6th meets that standard.

Where what?
Where what on January 6?

You mean the insurrection?
where was that? oh you mean the Minneapolis police station yeppers insurrection by plenty.

Definition of insurrection​

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

January 6th meets that standard.

Where what?
Where what on January 6?

You mean the insurrection?
where was that? oh you mean the Minneapolis police station yeppers insurrection by plenty.

Sure, and it was at the capitol. No argument from me.

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