When America Became Brigadoon


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "...Brigadoon, a mysterious Scottish village which appears for only one day every hundred years."
America, too, was the peak of the human experience in self-governing. And it contained the seed of its own destruction, a destruction we are witnessing because we allowed totalitarians, the current Democrats, to have all the freedom needed to destroy America.
And like Brigadoon, our heritage, our values, our nation, will fade into the mists, hopefully to re-appear many, many years into the future.

2. The American ethos, the characteristic spirit of a culture, centered on freedom, described in our first amendment. Then the Leftists took control of the schools and the media.....with this result:
"...a rising illiberalism that threatens to change the character of the country for the worse.
“Belief in foundations of liberalism such as free speech declines with each generation.”

3. This is a demonstrable trend. Pew found that 40 percent of Millennials “say the government should be able to prevent people publicly making statements that are offensive to minority groups.” Compare that with 27 percent for Generation Xers and 24 percent for Baby Boomers. Making the data even more alarming is that it was gathered in 2015; one can only presume that the percentage today, especially among Generation Z, is even higher.

4. None of this is to argue that people should be comfortable disparaging minority groups or anybody else; they obviously should not. But that’s a separate question from whether the government should police speech, which would necessarily entail its determining what counts as offensive and what counts as a marginalized group in need of protection — a classification that, as this NR editorial explains, can be remarkably broad.

5. Take a look around the world to appreciate how unique America’s view of freedom of expression is, even now. The same Pew study found that 62 percent in Italy and 70 percent in Germany supported such government controls on speech. (That figure was 28 percent for the U.S. as a whole.)

And take a look around the world to see what happens, on the oft-invoked slippery slope, when government has the power to restrict speech."

Have you noticed that those who vote for the party of censorship call the other side Nazis???
Free speech seems alive and well in America.

People burn the American flag and the Supreme Court has declared it protected speech. You can't do that in a lot of countries.

Slander and libel laws are weak in America, they're really strong in the rest of the world and rich people sue poor people for slander and libel all the time.
Both parties are totalitarians and authoritarians look at the drug war which is supported by both parties.
Free speech seems alive and well in America.

People burn the American flag and the Supreme Court has declared it protected speech. You can't do that in a lot of countries.

Slander and libel laws are weak in America, they're really strong in the rest of the world and rich people sue poor people for slander and libel all the time.

It appears you read no further than the first few lines.
No doubt that same problem landed you in summer school.

Every day, it seems, you make some statement and I ram it back down your throat.

Today will be no different.

"Free speech seems alive and well in America."

From the OP:

. In September, the Economist featured “the threat from the illiberal left” on its cover as well. One article included this haunting line: “Belief in foundations of liberalism such as free speech declines with each generation.”

This is a demonstrable trend. Pew found that 40 percent of Millennials “say the government should be able to prevent people publicly making statements that are offensive to minority groups.” Compare that with 27 percent for Generation Xers and 24 percent for Baby Boomers. Making the data even more alarming is that it was gathered in 2015; one can only presume that the percentage today, especially among Generation Z, is even higher."
Free speech seems alive and well in America.

People burn the American flag and the Supreme Court has declared it protected speech. You can't do that in a lot of countries.

Slander and libel laws are weak in America, they're really strong in the rest of the world and rich people sue poor people for slander and libel all the time.
Brigaden is her donut shop. They appear in the morning and disappear around her gullet.
America, too, was the peak of the human experience in self-governing.
When exactly was that? During slavery or Jim Crow voter suppression? Before women got the vote? When was this mythical place called 'America'? What greatness is MAGA supposed to bring back?

Have you noticed that those who vote for the party of censorship call the other side Nazis???
Yes I have. I believe you posted this recently:

As an ivy-educated person would you say this is irony or hypocrisy or both?
When exactly was that? During slavery or Jim Crow voter suppression? Before women got the vote? When was this mythical place called 'America'? What greatness is MAGA supposed to bring back?

Yes I have. I believe you posted this recently:

As an ivy-educated person would you say this is irony or hypocrisy or both?

"During slavery or Jim Crow voter suppression? Before women got the vote?"

All three due to the Democrat Party.

Which party did you say you support????
When exactly was that? During slavery or Jim Crow voter suppression? Before women got the vote? When was this mythical place called 'America'? What greatness is MAGA supposed to bring back?

Yes I have. I believe you posted this recently:

As an ivy-educated person would you say this is irony or hypocrisy or both?

"Yes I have. I believe you posted this recently:


And you didn't even try to deny any of that chart.

How about this, which I also provided, and is also factually correct:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on an agenda of the above…
…with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.
And you didn't even try to deny any of that chart.
Hardly the first time you offered that chart. Go back to your previous offerings and you'll find plenty of corrections to its' load of lies and distortions. And not just by me.

You: "Have you noticed that those who vote for the party of censorship call the other side Nazis???"
I see you didn't even try to deny that, as you said, you vote for the party of censorship. Finally a small bit of honestly even if it is very unAmerican of you.
6. "A society’s freedoms are a reflection of a society’s values. So it should alarm us when our society begins to view with ambivalence, or worse, a right that had long been held in high regard — especially when that right already is deemed disposable in countries spanning East and West.

Reminding Americans, at this moment, why freedom of speech remains so important amounts to one of the urgent missions of our day.

We can see the casual disregard for freedom of speech seeping into American life, not just in polls but in the recent DOJ letter warning of an FBI crackdown on protesting parents. Andrew McCarthy asked on these pages last weekend whether we have freedom of speech to the degree we thought. “Whether freedom of speech truly exists is a cultural question, not a legal one. It hinges on the society’s commitment to liberty as something that is lived, not merely spoken of,” he wrote, making that same observation above about freedoms reflecting values."

There is only one party responsible for this attack on freedom: the party that controls the schools, the media and the law enforcement agencies.

The Democrat Party.
Hardly the first time you offered that chart. Go back to your previous offerings and you'll find plenty of corrections to its' load of lies and distortions. And not just by me.

You: "Have you noticed that those who vote for the party of censorship call the other side Nazis???"
I see you didn't even try to deny that, as you said, you vote for the party of censorship. Finally a small bit of honestly even if it is very unAmerican of you.

"Hardly the first time you offered that chart. Go back to your previous offerings and you'll find plenty of corrections to its' load of lies and distortions. And not just by me."

Watch how easily I destroy that lie: name any part of the chart you can dispute.
You just couldn't avoid asking a question while refusing to answer any of them asked of you.
You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

"Hardly the first time you offered that chart. Go back to your previous offerings and you'll find plenty of corrections to its' load of lies and distortions. And not just by me."

Watch how easily I destroy that lie: name any part of the chart you can dispute.
You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

"Hardly the first time you offered that chart. Go back to your previous offerings and you'll find plenty of corrections to its' load of lies and distortions. And not just by me."

Watch how easily I destroy that lie: name any part of the chart you can dispute.
As I said, go back to your previous posting of that chart and you'll see the parts I can dispute. You're too lazy to post original material so don't expect me to do your digging for you.

You: "Have you noticed that those who vote for the party of censorship call the other side Nazis???"
I see you didn't even try to deny that, as you said, you vote for the party of censorship. Is that not true?
As I said, go back to your previous posting of that chart and you'll see the parts I can dispute. You're too lazy to post original material so don't expect me to do your digging for you.

You: "Have you noticed that those who vote for the party of censorship call the other side Nazis???"
I see you didn't even try to deny that, as you said, you vote for the party of censorship. Is that not true?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

"Hardly the first time you offered that chart. Go back to your previous offerings and you'll find plenty of corrections to its' load of lies and distortions. And not just by me."

Watch how easily I destroy that lie: name any part of the chart you can dispute.
7. ."What does our culture value? One recent survey found that a majority of college students support shouting down speakers with whom they disagree; 23 percent supported the use of violence toward this end. At some colleges, the percentage supporting such violence crept into the 40s.

[You can bet that all of those vote Democrat.]

That is not a culture that values free speech. It is a culture that values freedom from emotional, political, and intellectual disturbance of any kind. These shifts in attitude, which have escaped campus and are spreading quickly, have had a stifling effect, including on news coverage of the pandemic and other major stories. Jim Geraghty wrote this week about “anti-journalism” that hid uncomfortable narratives, regardless of whether they might be true."

Which of these groups endorse ending free speech:


Right....all of them.

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