When 10s of thousands of people protest in one day, one has to wonder why Trump supporters...

This is more than just an election loss, can you really not see that? Newsflash, Hillary wasn't a very popular candidate. This backlash is a more direct attack on Trump and his temperament. I'd say he is the most polarizing figure we've had in the whitehouse during our lifetime.

Yeah...not even close.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama did more to divide this country, across racial, religion and economic lines than any other president in modern history.

Even you know that to be true.
Biggest bunch of bullshit ever. When Obama was elected your side's racists came out of the closet to preach their hate. And they're now comfortably entrenched in all states under Trump. They love him as do the neonazis fascists and skinheads. Ya know... your people.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
You just take comfort in that because deep down you don't feel good at all about Trump being president. It's a defense mechanism really.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
What kind of adult mocks and insults people on Twitter?
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
You just take comfort in that because deep down you don't feel good at all about Trump being president. It's a defense mechanism really.
I'm all comfy and feeling just fine over here. How'd you fuck up that diagnosis so bad?
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
What kind of adult mocks and insults people on Twitter?
The kind that think anyone with a sig line like "Any idiot can be a libertarian. It takes intelligence and maturity to appreciate the role of government." Is a moron.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
You just take comfort in that because deep down you don't feel good at all about Trump being president. It's a defense mechanism really.
I'm all comfy and feeling just fine over here. How'd you fuck up that diagnosis so bad?
I didn't. You know Trump is a terrible choice for president but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
I was not a supporter of Trump for President, as he was not my first choice. But then Clinton should have been arrested and tried for several federal felonies which as a former Army officer I know all to well and for which men are servings prison terms currently. A felon should not be allowed to run for president which Hillary is period. That said I have my doubts about Trump but he is just as qualified as Barack Obama was when he took office. I told the minister at my church what Obama was and what he would do while president and he proved me right much to the chagrin of my minister. People are calling Trump a liar but if you look back a Obama's last eight years you can find him constantly and deliberately lying to the American people and yet no one seemed to care much less trying to hold him accountable for ALL HIS LIES! I wonder why that is?

Unfortunately for you Clinton is out of the picture. She was cleared over any Criminal Charges, and in fact the DOJ has announced another investigation into Comey's failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol. It may actually be him that gets "locked up." Until you people learn that FOX News is not a Judicial branch of government, with a court room, a judge, jury and legal defense team you're going to continue to be dumbed down Americans.

We are talking about TREASON here. Benghazi and emails pale in comparison. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will be doing over TREASON.

They have the phone records that prove this. Phone records never go away.


DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

And a couple of your favorites on the Judiciary board of FOX News look to be involved in this. They may also get "locked up."
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There is NO ONE in this country today, that believes Trump would be POTUS without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI Director James Comey's assistance. Add to this, that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

WRONG!!! There's still perjury referrals from congress pending at the DOJ, she may well wind up with a felony conviction yet.

Very true. Plus the FBI investigation continues into the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Slush Fund.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
What kind of adult mocks and insults people on Twitter?
The kind that think anyone with a sig line like "Any idiot can be a libertarian. It takes intelligence and maturity to appreciate the role of government." Is a moron.
If it's true, it's true. Also, you know Trump is a whiney little bitch but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people find out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the ones coming.

Obviously, you don't have a clue.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.

This youngster sums it up pretty well.
I was not a supporter of Trump for President, as he was not my first choice. But then Clinton should have been arrested and tried for several federal felonies which as a former Army officer I know all to well and for which men are servings prison terms currently. A felon should not be allowed to run for president which Hillary is period. That said I have my doubts about Trump but he is just as qualified as Barack Obama was when he took office. I told the minister at my church what Obama was and what he would do while president and he proved me right much to the chagrin of my minister. People are calling Trump a liar but if you look back a Obama's last eight years you can find him constantly and deliberately lying to the American people and yet no one seemed to care much less trying to hold him accountable for ALL HIS LIES! I wonder why that is?

Unfortunately for you Clinton is out of the picture. She was cleared over any Criminal Charges, and in fact the DOJ has announced another investigation into Comey's failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol. It may actually be him that gets "locked up." Until you people learn that FOX News is not a Judicial branch of government, with a court room, a judge, jury and legal defense team you're going to continue to be dumbed down Americans.

We are talking about TREASON here. Benghazi and emails pale in comparison. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will be doing over TREASON.

They have the phone records that prove this. Phone records never go away.


DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

And a couple of your favorites on the Judiciary board of FOX News look to be involved in this. They may also get "locked up."
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There is NO ONE in this country today, that believes Trump would be POTUS without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI Director James Comey's assistance. Add to this, that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

WRONG!!! There's still perjury referrals from congress pending at the DOJ, she may well wind up with a felony conviction yet.

Very true. Plus the FBI investigation continues into the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Slush Fund.

No--But the Trump foundation is under investigation. In fact the New York State Attorney Generals office issued a cease and desist order on the Foundation about 3 weeks prior to the election.

They actually have cancelled checks that show he used charitable donations to settle non related legal claims and buy 2 full sized portraits of himself.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation


The Clinton foundation has an A+ rating from foundation watchers.
Charity watchdog gives perfect rating to Clinton Foundation, but ...

Where in the hell do you people get your news from?
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
What kind of adult mocks and insults people on Twitter?

From what I hear just about every damn one of them.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
What kind of adult mocks and insults people on Twitter?
The kind that think anyone with a sig line like "Any idiot can be a libertarian. It takes intelligence and maturity to appreciate the role of government." Is a moron.
If it's true, it's true. Also, you know Trump is a whiney little bitch but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.

So you think the cure for that is being a whiny (correct spelling BTW) little bitch yourself?
This is more than just an election loss, can you really not see that? Newsflash, Hillary wasn't a very popular candidate. This backlash is a more direct attack on Trump and his temperament. I'd say he is the most polarizing figure we've had in the whitehouse during our lifetime.

Yeah...not even close.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama did more to divide this country, across racial, religion and economic lines than any other president in modern history.

Even you know that to be true.
Why do you say that? I very much doubt you can find any quotes from Obama over the past 8 years that come even close to what Trump has been saying over the past 6 months. So what exactly did Obama do to divide this country and who did he divide?
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
You just take comfort in that because deep down you don't feel good at all about Trump being president. It's a defense mechanism really.
I'm all comfy and feeling just fine over here. How'd you fuck up that diagnosis so bad?
I didn't. You know Trump is a terrible choice for president but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
Too much of a pussy? The easiest thing in the world right now is to join the snowflake club and chant stupid slogans followed up with the snowflake talking points. If I was even slightly concerned about Trump it wouldn't take any guts to jump that ship. So far I think Trump was the right choice. He's doing fine, things are looking good so far and I don't ever have to see the pig in a pant suit in the White House.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
Better get used to it. The demonstrations are already larger than the ones against the Vietnam War. This is only the beginning. As trump's lies keep mounting and more is revealed about his connections to Russia and other nefarious thangs... and more people found out about his toxic anti environment policies ... these demonstrations wil look like child's play compared to the recent ones.
They are childs play now, and will continue as such. What kind of adult wears a pussy hat and chants hey hey ho ho?
What kind of adult mocks and insults people on Twitter?
The kind that think anyone with a sig line like "Any idiot can be a libertarian. It takes intelligence and maturity to appreciate the role of government." Is a moron.
If it's true, it's true. Also, you know Trump is a whiney little bitch but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
The guy that celebrates handing off his life decisions to some government flunky he worships is calling me a pussy. Unbelievable.
...still haven't figured out how god awful Trump is. It has to give them pause. Now of course cons want to say liberals are a bunch of pansies, but apparently they are too stupid to realize that this level of protest has never occurred for any previous republican president. Disdain for Trump is at an unprecedented level for a president that's only been in office for a month.

Trump is a stupid, whiney, insecure, and corrupt sack of shit. Quit trying to pretend otherwise, Trumpsters.

‘Not My President’s Day’: Thousands Protest President Trump in Rallies Across U.S.
All I see when these people protest is confirmation that yes indeed those are the fucking people I voted against. And it makes me happy they lost.
You just take comfort in that because deep down you don't feel good at all about Trump being president. It's a defense mechanism really.
I'm all comfy and feeling just fine over here. How'd you fuck up that diagnosis so bad?
I didn't. You know Trump is a terrible choice for president but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
Too much of a pussy? The easiest thing in the world right now is to join the snowflake club and chant stupid slogans followed up with the snowflake talking points. If I was even slightly concerned about Trump it wouldn't take any guts to jump that ship. So far I think Trump was the right choice. He's doing fine, things are looking good so far and I don't ever have to see the pig in a pant suit in the White House.
lol we both know you're full of shit. You can't explain why he is doing fine. You can't defend him for the shit he's been involved with.

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