What's wrong with this guy? Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation

Those who reject God have absolutely nothing to be thankful for, empty lives, lost souls.

Our Founding Fathers established our nation in such manner that the government was prohibited from establishing a state recognized religion. This was the result of the persecution of faiths by King George and the Church of England; and was the reason many immigrated to this country, prior to the Revolution.

Some have tried to claim that our Constitution is a "secular" document. It is not. The U.S. Constitution was written to give the American people the greatest amount of freedom to pursue and exercise their God-given rights; at the same time the American people had to choose to govern themselves, control themselves, sustain themselves according to the Ten Commandments of God. The Founding Fathers cautioned that should the time come, when Americans did not choose to govern themselves, control themselves, sustain themselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God, that America would no longer be a free nation. We are living the reality of the warning of our Founding Fathers.

The OP has been utterly and completely debunked. The history of Thanksgiving in North America started with James Frobisher and his crew participating in the traditional native harvest festival.

Not only is Thanksgiving not a Christian holiday, it’s origins are heathen.

The Trump Cult based all of their beliefs on things that are not true. When you know nothing, you’ll fall for anything
We are created in God's image so God must be violent also since he did tell the Hebrews to commit genocide when cleaning out the Promised Land.

For example, in Deuteronomy 20:16-18 God orders the Israelites to "not leave alive anything that breathes… completely destroy them …", thus leading many scholars to characterize these as commands to commit genocide.

The Bible and violence - Wikipedia

That's Him alright. :omg:
Maybe they were as depraved and corrupt as those God did away with with the flood.

Thanksgiving in Canada
Just because you have a holiday you call by the same name doesn't make it the same as our Thanksgiving.

is the 2nd Monday in October.
Leave it to Canadians to have a major holiday on a Monday. Who the hell wants Monday off or a holiday that day? :lmao:

And who do you give thanks to, the Great Sasquatch of the North or Justin Trudeau for not cleaning or locking you out of your bank accounts?
Trump is not immune to God's moral laws.

I never suggested that he was, but his so-called Christian cult followers keep claiming that he should not be arrested or tried for his crimes. Trump should be immune from any form of justice or punishment for his crimes because “God chose him”.

Republicans and cultures claim that God chose Trump to be president. How come God only chooses Republicans? If God chooses all things then God also chose Obama and Biden.
Not in this particular thread. Not when the topic is the inability of our fuckwad to articulate why we give thanks or who to.
Bah, you know he's a braindead potato, and he was a lying sack of crap Washington snake for decades before

that happened.
But you say that the government should not have passed laws to ban blood sacrifice.

No, I didn't.

Christians don't need blood sacrifice to practice their religion.

Looks like they will have to think up a new law, though.

The secular world is still practicing it, in school even.
They sell their soul to this obscene con man, and then preach about their "religion".

Twisted stuff there.
The obscene con man lives rent free in your head.

This thread is about Thanksgiving, but you just had to bring up your favorite cranial tenant. :D
I never suggested that he was, but his so-called Christian cult followers keep claiming that he should not be arrested or tried for his crimes. Trump should be immune from any form of justice or punishment for his crimes because “God chose him”.

Republicans and cultures claim that God chose Trump to be president. How come God only chooses Republicans? If God chooses all things then God also chose Obama and Biden.
God has a hand in all that happens.

Daniel 2:21
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
Those who reject God have absolutely nothing to be thankful for, empty lives, lost souls.

Our Founding Fathers established our nation in such manner that the government was prohibited from establishing a state recognized religion. This was the result of the persecution of faiths by King George and the Church of England; and was the reason many immigrated to this country, prior to the Revolution.

Some have tried to claim that our Constitution is a "secular" document. It is not. The U.S. Constitution was written to give the American people the greatest amount of freedom to pursue and exercise their God-given rights; at the same time the American people had to choose to govern themselves, control themselves, sustain themselves according to the Ten Commandments of God. The Founding Fathers cautioned that should the time come, when Americans did not choose to govern themselves, control themselves, sustain themselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God, that America would no longer be a free nation. We are living the reality of the warning of our Founding Fathers.

Just refer them to post #81. It'll be easier...

Excellent post but it didn''t slow them down. Yesterday they spewing hate at me for pointing out that Canadians also celebrate Thanksgiving, and I was called everything name under the sun. The Pilgrims orginated Thanksgiving in the USA to bring the natives to God. You're not an American and Thanksgiving is Thursday not Monday. Graphic sexual insults not included.

I started research the history of Thanksgiving, and discovered that not the Pilgrims didn't originate Thanksgiving at all. It was a long-standing tradition of the native peoples all through Eastern North America long before the arrival of the Europeans. The Pilgrims simply joined with their neighbours' celebration of the harvest. And the first Thanksgiving to include white Europeans happened in Canada 43 years before the Pilgrims. Everything the Cult is posting here is factually false.

When I'm invited to a Bar Mitvah, I don't tell the Rabbi to open with the Lord's Prayer. I sit quietly and enjoy learning how another culture celebrates. This is why Thanksgiving is traditionally a secular celebration, with everyone giving thanks as a people, to whoever they are most thankful to.
Gov't has been attacking and prohibiting 1st amendment rights forever.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The fact that the president does not mention God in the Thanksgiving address is not prohibiting the free exercise of your religion.
Thanksgiving is not and has never been a "faith based" holiday. It is and always has been a completely secular holiday - celebrated all by all faiths, all races, and all religions. A day to give Thanks for the harvest, your family, your nation and your life. Who you thank and what you're grateful for are up to you.
Lie. Better read a book of American history.

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