What's Wrong With Talking To North Korea?...

Why do you think they aren't allowed to have nuclear weapons, because you don't want them to?
That's that world-police attitude coming to the surface. Americans have designated themselves as the parents keeping children away from dangerous toys.
A shame that the inmates are trying to run the asylum. The world seems to waking up now and deciding that that is a very bad idea.
Kinda sad so many Americans are in such a rush for more war. Why do Americans love war so much? It's a very interesting question. While pondering that, check out this article.

By Jonathan Marshall

Anyone who says talk is cheap hasn’t tried getting President Trump to talk with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un. Not even the specter of a war that could kill millions of people on the Korean peninsula, Japan and now even the continental United States seems sufficient to push the two leaders into negotiations. Both sides insist on unacceptable preconditions before they will even consider holding formal talks to reach a peaceful settlement.

Successful negotiations might end Washington’s economic sanctions and military preparations against North Korea, but Pyongyang demands that outcome before it even starts talks. Two weeks ago, North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations, Han Tae Song, said, “As long as there is continuous hostile policy against my country by the U.S. and as long as there are continued war games at our doorstep, then there will not be negotiations.”

On the other hand, the fact that South Korea sent seven warships in mid-November to join three U.S. aircraft carriers for war games off the coast of the Korean Peninsula almost seemed calculated to keep Pyongyang away from the bargaining table. U.S. and South Korean plans to start a massive five-day air force exercise on Dec. 4 will doubtless do the same. And the Trump administration’s recent designation of North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism...

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What’s Wrong With Talking to North Korea? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
It would appear the ruling class and their owners, want war.
Kinda sad so many Americans are in such a rush for more war. Why do Americans love war so much? It's a very interesting question. While pondering that, check out this article.

By Jonathan Marshall

Anyone who says talk is cheap hasn’t tried getting President Trump to talk with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un. Not even the specter of a war that could kill millions of people on the Korean peninsula, Japan and now even the continental United States seems sufficient to push the two leaders into negotiations. Both sides insist on unacceptable preconditions before they will even consider holding formal talks to reach a peaceful settlement.

Successful negotiations might end Washington’s economic sanctions and military preparations against North Korea, but Pyongyang demands that outcome before it even starts talks. Two weeks ago, North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations, Han Tae Song, said, “As long as there is continuous hostile policy against my country by the U.S. and as long as there are continued war games at our doorstep, then there will not be negotiations.”

On the other hand, the fact that South Korea sent seven warships in mid-November to join three U.S. aircraft carriers for war games off the coast of the Korean Peninsula almost seemed calculated to keep Pyongyang away from the bargaining table. U.S. and South Korean plans to start a massive five-day air force exercise on Dec. 4 will doubtless do the same. And the Trump administration’s recent designation of North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism...

Read More:
What’s Wrong With Talking to North Korea? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

We have talked to them on and off for decades. Agreements reached have been abrogated by NK every time.

What's the definition of insanity?

Can't hurt to talk.

There has been talk for 25 years, NK has been paid for 25 years, NK is still pursuing a nuclear program and making threats...enough talk.
Why do you think they aren't allowed to have nuclear weapons, because you don't want them to?

That is precisely correct. They have openly threatened us. If they will not cease and desist, it would be better to destroy them before they have the technology to strike.
Kinda sad so many Americans are in such a rush for more war. Why do Americans love war so much? It's a very interesting question. While pondering that, check out this article.

By Jonathan Marshall

Anyone who says talk is cheap hasn’t tried getting President Trump to talk with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un. Not even the specter of a war that could kill millions of people on the Korean peninsula, Japan and now even the continental United States seems sufficient to push the two leaders into negotiations. Both sides insist on unacceptable preconditions before they will even consider holding formal talks to reach a peaceful settlement.

Successful negotiations might end Washington’s economic sanctions and military preparations against North Korea, but Pyongyang demands that outcome before it even starts talks. Two weeks ago, North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations, Han Tae Song, said, “As long as there is continuous hostile policy against my country by the U.S. and as long as there are continued war games at our doorstep, then there will not be negotiations.”

On the other hand, the fact that South Korea sent seven warships in mid-November to join three U.S. aircraft carriers for war games off the coast of the Korean Peninsula almost seemed calculated to keep Pyongyang away from the bargaining table. U.S. and South Korean plans to start a massive five-day air force exercise on Dec. 4 will doubtless do the same. And the Trump administration’s recent designation of North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism...

Read More:
What’s Wrong With Talking to North Korea? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

We have talked to them on and off for decades. Agreements reached have been abrogated by NK every time.

What's the definition of insanity?

Can't hurt to talk.

There has been talk for 25 years, NK has been paid for 25 years, NK is still pursuing a nuclear program and making threats...enough talk.
Why do you think they aren't allowed to have nuclear weapons, because you don't want them to?

That is precisely correct. They have openly threatened us. If they will not cease and desist, it would be better to destroy them before they have the technology to strike.
They already have it. And didn't mommy teach you that words can't hurt you?
If there is a chance to talk to a foreign leader, then you talk to the foreign leader. Period.

There's no rule that they have to be your favorite person. But if they control the country, that's that.

Unfortunately, that sentiment isn't being expressed by most Americans. They seem to love war. They're chomping at the bit for an attack on North Korea. I don't know how or why it happened, but it does seem most Americans gotta have their war.
I believe most Americans are anti-war, but are completely unaware that their government is extremely the other way. Empire building is extraordinarily beneficial to the Oligarchy, but they might end up getting us all killed.

Here is a comment former US Secretary of Defense William J. Perry of a few days ago.

“When the Cold War ended, I believed that we no longer had to take that risk [nuclear annihilation] so I put all my energy into efforts to dismantle the deadly nuclear legacy of the Cold War. During my period as the Secretary of Defense in the 90s, I oversaw the dismantlement of 8,000 nuclear weapons evenly divided between the United States and the former Soviet Union. And I thought then that we were well on our way to putting behind us this deadly existential threat, But that was not to be. Today, inexplicably to me, we’re recreating the geopolitical hostility of the Cold War, and we’re rebuilding the nuclear dangers. … We are doing this without any serious public discussion or any real understanding of the consequences of these actions. We are sleepwalking into a new Cold War, and there’s very real danger that we will blunder into a nuclear war. If we are to prevent this catastrophe, the public must understand what is happening.”
That is precisely correct. They have openly threatened us. If they will not cease and desist, it would be better to destroy them before they have the technology to strike.
That problem has been caused by feeding the stray dog, which is another round of building the empire bullshit.

U.S.: Take our money and do what we say or we will destroy you.

Them: Okay. Give us the money.

U.S.: Don't spend it on this or that.

Them: Well, then we don't want your money.


Them: Leave us alone or we will attack you.

U.S.: Did you see that? They threatened us!!!


NK is way past the above conversation, which happened decades ago. They are the stray dog now.
We have talked to them on and off for decades. Agreements reached have been abrogated by NK every time.

What's the definition of insanity?

Can't hurt to talk.

There has been talk for 25 years, NK has been paid for 25 years, NK is still pursuing a nuclear program and making threats...enough talk.
Why do you think they aren't allowed to have nuclear weapons, because you don't want them to?

That is precisely correct. They have openly threatened us. If they will not cease and desist, it would be better to destroy them before they have the technology to strike.
They already have it. And didn't mommy teach you that words can't hurt you?

Indeed. But if someone's reaching for a pistol while telling me he's going to shoot me as soon as possible, I'm going to present mine and tell him to lose his or die.
Indeed. But if someone's reaching for a pistol while telling me he's going to shoot me as soon as possible, I'm going to present mine and tell him to lose his or die.
Okay. No problem with that. What about this:

I give a guy money to go buy a gun. I let him buy it, and continue to give him more money to do what I say. He does for a while, then decides he is tired of being my puppet. I demand that he obey. I threaten him and stop giving him money....and will not allow him to get it from any other source....THEN...I threaten to kill him....THEN he goes for his gun.

That's a completely different (and accurate) scenario, is it not?
Indeed. But if someone's reaching for a pistol while telling me he's going to shoot me as soon as possible, I'm going to present mine and tell him to lose his or die.
Okay. No problem with that. What about this:

I give a guy money to go buy a gun. I let him buy it, and continue to give him more money to do what I say. He does for a while, then decides he is tired of being my puppet. I demand that he obey. I threaten him and stop giving him money....and will not allow him to get it from any other source....THEN...I threaten to kill him....THEN he goes for his gun.

That's a completely different (and accurate) scenario, is it not?

Yes, and incorrect. We did not give NK money to buy a gun.
Can't hurt to talk.

There has been talk for 25 years, NK has been paid for 25 years, NK is still pursuing a nuclear program and making threats...enough talk.
Why do you think they aren't allowed to have nuclear weapons, because you don't want them to?

That is precisely correct. They have openly threatened us. If they will not cease and desist, it would be better to destroy them before they have the technology to strike.
They already have it. And didn't mommy teach you that words can't hurt you?

Indeed. But if someone's reaching for a pistol while telling me he's going to shoot me as soon as possible, I'm going to present mine and tell him to lose his or die.

Yeah, that would be too much talk.
If there is a chance to talk to a foreign leader, then you talk to the foreign leader. Period.

There's no rule that they have to be your favorite person. But if they control the country, that's that.

it would be nice if we still had a state department that could do that.

One that appeases foreign governments over our own interests? That day has passed.
The U.S., a nation of bedwetters and the only ones to ever use nuclear weapons on civilians but they still want to make policy for the rest of the world. Pathetic, absolutely fucking pathetic. When you look up "hypocrisy" in the dictionary it has a picture of Washington D.C. next to it.

If there is a chance to talk to a foreign leader, then you talk to the foreign leader. Period.

There's no rule that they have to be your favorite person. But if they control the country, that's that.

it would be nice if we still had a state department that could do that.

One that appeases foreign governments over our own interests? That day has passed.

who is talking about appeasement?

this is the problem with the wacko right. as usual, you're in an awful rush to get other people's kids killed.
who is talking about appeasement?

this is the problem with the wacko right.
Umm. To be fair, this is not a left-right problem. BOTH parties have royally fuck up with all this empire building. Don't kid yourself.

ok... let's say that's been true for 60 years....

is the answer being morons and antagonizing someone with nukes by calling him "rocket man"?
The U.S., a nation of bedwetters and the only ones to ever use nuclear weapons on civilians but they still want to make policy for the rest of the world. Pathetic, absolutely fucking pathetic. When you look up "hypocrisy" in the dictionary it has a picture of Washington D.C. next to it.
Isn't that just a perfect description of America's political leaders.

The U.S. should be the LAST nation on EARTH to have ANY say in the proliferation or use of nuclear weapons, being the ONLY nation to have EVER used them in war.

Why does the rest of the world tolerate us? Are we just too powerful to resist?

I vote we put the ONLY nation to have suffered a nuclear attack in charge of anti-proliferation--Japan. In fact, I think the Japanese are perfectly capable of having their own military and defense. Japan could be the ultimate power in Asia if we would get the fuck out. Bushido is still alive and well in Japan.
ok... let's say that's been true for 60 years....

is the answer being morons and antagonizing someone with nukes by calling him "rocket man"?
To be fair, it got to this point because decades of prior administrations doing jack shit about the problem or feeding the problem has emboldened NK to the point where sabre-rattling is their only play.

I actually like the antagonizing, because it breaks up the normal routine. NK may be ass-backwards but they know that an actual attack is suicide. They are just trying to scare our masses and keep their masses being good little goose-stepping commies. Trump's antagonizing probably makes the NK people a little more bold. See the recent NK defector.

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