What’s wrong with America

Something's wrong? It's winter here 30 miles north of Philly and my Walmart temperature clock currently says:

temp clock.jpg

76°F at <10% humidity in the shade. What? I've still got my snow shovels ready!
A complicated society running on stupid.

Had a conversation with a man who told me he "Loved Cars!" He was carrying an Automobile Magazine around. I asked him what a cam shaft was. He didn't know a cam shaft from a crank shaft.

I asked a PhD economist to explain how an automobile engine worked. He couldn't even start. But he drove a white SUV.

30 years beforethe Moon landing Lockheed engineers got the P-38 Lightning flying. It was the first US military plane to 400 mph.

Economists don't talk about planned obsolescence or the Depreciation of durable consumer goods. They don't mention that Adam Smith wrote "read, write and account" multiple times in Wealth of Nations.

"If you are going to tell a lie, tell a Big Lie." - First Rule of NAZInomics.
Happy Spring! I want my global warming back. March going out like a lion. Freezing this morning. Beautiful wild strawberry blossoms all gone. I feel like shooting Punxsutawney Phil. Okay, back to those with real problems..

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