whats up with this molten lava guy?


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2003
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ive seen anything that has to do with violence or guns or something of that sort hes commenting on in a negative way. i think he needs a labotomy
Johnney said:
ive seen anything that has to do with violence or guns or something of that sort hes commenting on in a negative way. i think he needs a labotomy

saw him say "GMTA" this afternoon---wonder where he lives.
Great minds and all that! LOL Thinking the same thing.
keep him around for a bit!!! ive already stated that he wasnt big enough to take my guns away! lets fuck with him and make him quit!
dilloduck said:
saw him say "GMTA" this afternoon---wonder where he lives.
by they way, whats gmta? not that im too dumb, just a little foggy in the head latley
he was taht fucking geek that took names when the teacher was out...lol
Johnney said:
keep him around for a bit!!! ive already stated that he wasnt big enough to take my guns away! lets fuck with him and make him quit!

:banana2: axe him! :teeth:
Johnney said:
he was taht fucking geek that took names when the teacher was out...lol

Yes, and my gun is pointing right at him. One false move and it's all over. :2guns:
Johnney said:
ive seen anything that has to do with violence or guns or something of that sort hes commenting on in a negative way. i think he needs a labotomy

No, he needs to be the object of a "he's so stupid thread".

I'll start: Moltenbranoatcearal is so stupid, he's still trying to pour orange juice because it said consentrate. :finger3:
Said1 said:
No, he needs to be the object of a "he's so stupid thread".

I'll start: Moltenbranoatcearal is so stupid, he's still trying to pour orange juice because it said consentrate. :finger3:
probably bully trying to perpatrate...lol
ML is so stupid that...damn hes just stupid
Said1 said:
He's so stupid, we need to move this thread to a forum where he can participate. :halo:

"Kinder and gentler Said1" :dev3:
Said1 said:
He's so stupid, we need to move this thread to a forum where he can participate. :halo:
hey now that could be fun!!! lets have a contest to see if we can get him to quit!

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