What's the real divorce rate?

Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Are these same white divorced sinners the ones worrying about gays ruining the sanctity of marriage?

I'm a Christian and think divorce is wrong.

Jesus said about divorce:

Matthew 19:8-9: Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.
Yea but Christians think they get a get out of hell free card because they believe in Jesus.

Just like a murderer can ask for forgiveness, so can an adulerer.

Christians always say we are all sinners so all that matters is Jesus.

Why would Jesus want two people who hate each other to stay married?

Thou shall not lie or steal. Have you ever lied or stole? And you're still going to heaven, right?

People who want a divorce justify and people who have never gotten a divorce or ever needed one or wanted one lack empathy

It's not like that. There are people that think they are Christians and are not.
Real Christians will not WILLINGLY sin.
What about when they get abortions or lie?

I don't think a "true" Christian would get an abortion.
You can be weak and lie, but, if you do it regularly without regard for God, I don't think you are a Christian either.
Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355
Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355

Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....

In my opinion, she had getting divorced in her mind, THAT is why she acted toward me and treated me like she did.

It was a short discussion, but a discussion in the bedroom. Her language, her answer and her posture said it all.

She had her belongings out in a few days, maybe two. At the divorce hearing, the "Divorce Master" as I will describe, would not even look up at us....or make anykind of contact. He just kept talking for the electronic recorder.

It was a great divorce in a sense, the only thing she demanded was her maiden name back.

After I started work at my current location, her brother-in-law worked section / plant north - in a very hot metal area.....and I would take him to our plant medical department. I ended up transporting him frequently and often.....and all he woudl talk about was how happy my ex-wife was, and that she had a baby. THE ONLY two topics of discussion was her happiness and her having a baby ; which is what I wanted.

I believe he went to the medical department, for the only reason I would be tranporting him.....and he could rub my ex-wife in my face. WHAT he did not know, is that I cared less at the time, but he kept trying to frustrate me with her having a child thing. Gee-whiz ; immature people. The divorce was not my fault.

Two or three years ago, I walked into the pharmacy in teh town north of where I live, and her mother ; or a look-a-like was behind me. She was not there long, just long enough to let me see her gving me an angry face as she marched out the doors. No words were spoken, just a real dirty and angry face, as I will descibe.....was shown to me. The thing is, I honestly believe that they know the divorce was not my fault ; and more than likely give my ex-wife - their daugher....pointers on how to frustrate me and make me angry, and put all the responsibilities on me. I honestly beleive that they wanted their daughter back in their home.....especially her dad. And it happened.

It was picture perfect, or almost perfect when we were dating, then after we go married - about three months after we got married, the mond games started, the arguments started.....and it went down hill. I had to many plans and visions to not want to stay married. I guess she seen different, and when I started talking plans.....and kids ; her attitude and demeanor got worse.

Shadow 355
You can look at 50% of marriages ending in divorce as a negative

But it means that 50% result in a relationship that lasts the rest of your life, that is pretty impressive
Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355

Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355

Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Again with the customer service!? :)
Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355

Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Again with the customer service!? :)
would you prefer, client relations? i can be easy like that.
Again with the customer service!? :)

Customer Service. :up:

Yes, Mrs.Bonzi.

I will take a steak - T Bone - well done. Baked Potato with sour cream, and a large salad with ranch dressing.

Beer - Imported - German ( not real dark beer please )..... for my drink please. And in a bottle.

Outside seating will be fine, the table with the umbrella.

For desert, Strawberry Pie with Whipped creme on top.

Move along now - Chop Chop ( me clapping my hands ). I am hungry ANNNNND Thirsty.


( LMAO )

Shadow 355
Last edited:
Hear 50%, 60%, etc. yet I'm always amazed when I meet someone whose parents are still married to their first spouses so it seems like the rate must be way higher. As I think of it, I can't think of anyone who's on their first marriage still. Looking it up I was right,

"Non-Black non-Hispanic [respondant number] 3,715 [divorce rate] 79.24%"
Marriage and divorce patterns by gender race and educational attainment Monthly Labor Review U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355

Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Again with the customer service!? :)
would you prefer, client relations? i can be easy like that.
False advertising?
Again with the customer service!? :)

Customer Service. :up:

Yes, Mrs.Bonzi.

I will take a steak - T Bone - well done. Baked Potato with sour cream, and a large salad with ranch dressing.

Beer - Imported - German ( not real dark beer please )..... for my drink please. And in a bottle.

Outside seating will be fine, the table with the umbrella.

For desert, Strawberry Pie with Whipped creme on top.

Move along now - Chop Chop ( me clapping my hands ). I am hungry ANNNNND Thirsty.


( LMAO )

Shadow 355

I have no problem servicing a guy like that.
It's much easier....
I was married about a year.

She made it hard on me. I was working, going to a school for a medical career, she done things intentionally as I will describe to get me frustrated, I paid all the bills - her car payment, my truck payment, rent, insurance on car and truck, put money in her pocket, and other extras......while she kept her check.

I done most of the chores, if not all.....and she did not help.

I caught her lying to me on a few occasion about why she was not home, and whom she was with. NO SHE was not cheating or anything like that.....as I recall, she lied for some reason.

My divorce was her fault, and she looked like a rose in front of her family....epecially her dad.

Shadow 355

Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Again with the customer service!? :)
would you prefer, client relations? i can be easy like that.
False advertising?
client relations is more market friendly.
Women don't set out to be like that. It's the way they operated and have their whole lives because no one ever call them on it or put their foot down or stood up to them.

No ever said "NO" or "I'm gone".

If that happens a few times, they may change .....
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Again with the customer service!? :)
would you prefer, client relations? i can be easy like that.
False advertising?
client relations is more market friendly.

That's fine if you are a prostitute!!!
I only criticize women who claim to have morals for lying to me and letting me miss my turn and giving me bad "customer service" for free when don't have enough money.

Is it Any wonder why the Christ, had to be a guy.
Again with the customer service!? :)
would you prefer, client relations? i can be easy like that.
False advertising?
client relations is more market friendly.

That's fine if you are a prostitute!!!
Would you prefer customer relationship management?
Again with the customer service!? :)
would you prefer, client relations? i can be easy like that.
False advertising?
client relations is more market friendly.

That's fine if you are a prostitute!!!
Would you prefer customer relationship management?

I prefer calling spade a spade... (is that racist?)
It may depend on your "sophistication".

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interaction with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1]--Source: Customer relationship management - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Besides, many women claim to not want to barter.
But what about love?
It may depend on your "sophistication".

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interaction with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1]--Source: Customer relationship management - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Besides, many women claim to not want to barter.
But what about love?
capital love or social love?

i can usually buy capital love but i haven't been able to find a free chic that loves me enough for free, to not want to lie to me or let me miss my turn even when i don't have enough money.
It may depend on your "sophistication".

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interaction with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1]--Source: Customer relationship management - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Besides, many women claim to not want to barter.
But what about love?
capital love or social love?

i can usually buy capital love but i haven't been able to find a free chic that loves me enough for free, to not want to lie to me or let me miss my turn even when i don't have enough money.
Must be a reason women lie to you and won't let u have a turn. What do you think the reason is?

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