What's The Point Of Daylight Savings Time?

Do You Think We Need Daylight Savings Time?

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Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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Just curious since it's this weekend. I know that the dark and light changes from the fall to the spring, but does it really matter what the time on the clock says?
It was supposed to help the farmers, back when.

But the farmers get up when they need too, regarless of it being dark or light. It's never mattered.

There's been a Bill submitted to put an end to DST, but it hasn't moved in over a year. So.........who knows.

It's nothing more than a huge pain the ass for everybody.
Its been cooties over kids going to and from the school bus in the dark.

Sound like future democrats, in the dark..... :auiqs.jpg:
It was supposed to help the farmers, back when.

But the farmers get up when they need too, regarless of it being dark or light. It's never mattered.

There's been a Bill submitted to put an end to DST, but it hasn't moved in over a year. So.........who knows.

It's nothing more than a huge pain the ass for everybody.

Was their roosters broken or something?

Its been cooties over kids going to and from the school bus in the dark.

Sound like future democrats, in the dark..... :auiqs.jpg:

How far do these kids have to walk to get to their bus stop?
The majority of red-blooded Americans want PERMANENT daylight savings, not its elimination.

DST provides us with additional daylight after work, after dinner, in order to play games, go for a walk, sit in the grass.

I don't think it ever had anything to do with farmers...that's the classic American school year, not DST.
Was their roosters broken or something?

How far do these kids have to walk to get to their bus stop?
Where I am, about a quarter mile, uphill.

Don't know, but they may have met my dad on the way.
It should be daylight from 7am to 7pm.........always and forever.

It should be daylight from 7am to 7pm.........always and forever.


Well I don't know about that lol as we can't actually control the daylight just the clocks. (Who haven't always existed btw. Again, what about the rooster crowing back in the old days?)
It was supposed to help the farmers, back when.

But the farmers get up when they need too, regarless of it being dark or light. It's never mattered.

There's been a Bill submitted to put an end to DST, but it hasn't moved in over a year. So.........who knows.

It's nothing more than a huge pain the ass for everybody.
It has nothing to do with farmers. As you correctly point out, farmers follow sunrise and sunset. They don't even need a clock.

Daylight Savings Time was to allow shopkeepers to adjust their hours and save money on candles and oil lamps.

Daylight Saving Time.

Not Savings...
NOTE: If you live in a state that is situated at the far-western end of a time zone, the DST may not be necessary or appropriate.
Just curious since it's this weekend. I know that the dark and light changes from the fall to the spring, but does it really matter what the time on the clock says?

There isn't much point these days.
It was originally started to assist those who worked to going outside and enjoying the newly created public parks. So it would be light enough to see to play 9 holes of golf at least.

Then during Carter's administration it was all about the oil and energy crisis he created by creating OPEC.

So...now winter is over we go back to normal time.
It was originally started to assist those who worked to going outside and enjoying the newly created public parks. So it would be light enough to see to play 9 holes of golf at least.

Then during Carter's administration it was all about the oil and energy crisis he created by creating OPEC.

So...now winter is over we go back to normal time.

Okay, but don't you mean now that summer is over?
Just curious since it's this weekend. I know that the dark and light changes from the fall to the spring, but does it really matter what the time on the clock says?
You want school kids to walk to school in the dark?
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