What's The Hold Up With The Arizona Audit??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The face of the Arizona Senate’s “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results is stepping down, saying he’s been shut out of the process and that he won’t put a rubber stamp on a report whose underlying data he hasn’t seen. Ken Bennett, who was picked as the legislature’s “liaison” to the privately-contracted audit, was barred from the audit site a few days ago after sharing some preliminary data with an outside group that’s tried to confirm the audit’s legitimacy.

“I cannot put a rubber stamp on a product that I am being locked out of its development,” Bennett told talk radio host James Harris Wednesday morning. In an interview with Harris on Monday, Bennett raised concerns about a secondary recount of the ballots in the auditors’ possession, saying he wasn’t certain there were procedures in place to ensure independence from the first Cyber Ninjas recount. He also said that audit workers told him they’d been instructed not to speak to him after he observed flaws in the tallying process."

We were told this audit would take just a few weeks -- but here we are 4 months later and we are still waiting for all of the evidence that Biden and China had bamboo ballots sent here via submarines from North Korea to Maine; bamboo ballots that would be the lynch pin to Biden stealing the 2020 election.

However, this process has been held up and obstructed by people like Ken Bennett; who was secretly sent there by George Soros, Simone Biles and BLM to block the truth...The evidence is there and people like him are trying to find all kinds of ways to stop it from being presented to the public....if Cyber Ninjas allows this guy to remain involved, then that will be clear proof that even Cyber Ninjas has been compromised by the CIA and are under the control of the Deep State -- we must have more audits and raise more money for a select few in order to fight back.
My guess is they are going to hold that card to play a narrative when the 2022 campaigning starts. They've already been outed as finding no evidence of fraud. So what's the point of embarrassing yourself and the cause? They're going to wait and try to spin a narrative. They'll infer, suggest, and flat out posit conspiracy theories. That will have the dual effect of keeping the issue hot in the minds of the faithful lemmings while also keeping their wallets open to help stop the squeal..erm...steal. (IE - contribute to the coffers of the people who are intent on using any method necessary to win the next election). :)

"The face of the Arizona Senate’s “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results is stepping down, saying he’s been shut out of the process and that he won’t put a rubber stamp on a report whose underlying data he hasn’t seen. Ken Bennett, who was picked as the legislature’s “liaison” to the privately-contracted audit, was barred from the audit site a few days ago after sharing some preliminary data with an outside group that’s tried to confirm the audit’s legitimacy.

“I cannot put a rubber stamp on a product that I am being locked out of its development,” Bennett told talk radio host James Harris Wednesday morning. In an interview with Harris on Monday, Bennett raised concerns about a secondary recount of the ballots in the auditors’ possession, saying he wasn’t certain there were procedures in place to ensure independence from the first Cyber Ninjas recount. He also said that audit workers told him they’d been instructed not to speak to him after he observed flaws in the tallying process."

We were told this audit would take just a few weeks -- but here we are 4 months later and we are still waiting for all of the evidence that Biden and China had bamboo ballots sent here via submarines from North Korea to Maine; bamboo ballots that would be the lynch pin to Biden stealing the 2020 election.

However, this process has been held up and obstructed by people like Ken Bennett; who was secretly sent there by George Soros, Simone Biles and BLM to block the truth...The evidence is there and people like him are trying to find all kinds of ways to stop it from being presented to the public....if Cyber Ninjas allows this guy to remain involved, then that will be clear proof that even Cyber Ninjas has been compromised by the CIA and are under the control of the Deep State -- we must have more audits and raise more money for a select few in order to fight back.
The reality is that all the info they need has been stone walled from the county. Even with court orders.

They have hindered this as much as possible you dishonest nigroid

Southern Dems should have been picking their own GD cotton
The reality is that all the info they need has been stone walled from the county. Even with court orders.

They have hindered this as much as possible you dishonest nigroid

Southern Dems should have been picking their own GD cotton
You know, you bring up an interesting point...

It was the Southern Democrats of the 1960's and their refusal to pick their own cotton that lead to the Republicans of 2020's making themselves look like complete morons for not being able to refute a single thing I said....

Cry harder

"The face of the Arizona Senate’s “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results is stepping down, saying he’s been shut out of the process and that he won’t put a rubber stamp on a report whose underlying data he hasn’t seen. Ken Bennett, who was picked as the legislature’s “liaison” to the privately-contracted audit, was barred from the audit site a few days ago after sharing some preliminary data with an outside group that’s tried to confirm the audit’s legitimacy.

“I cannot put a rubber stamp on a product that I am being locked out of its development,” Bennett told talk radio host James Harris Wednesday morning. In an interview with Harris on Monday, Bennett raised concerns about a secondary recount of the ballots in the auditors’ possession, saying he wasn’t certain there were procedures in place to ensure independence from the first Cyber Ninjas recount. He also said that audit workers told him they’d been instructed not to speak to him after he observed flaws in the tallying process."

We were told this audit would take just a few weeks -- but here we are 4 months later and we are still waiting for all of the evidence that Biden and China had bamboo ballots sent here via submarines from North Korea to Maine; bamboo ballots that would be the lynch pin to Biden stealing the 2020 election.

However, this process has been held up and obstructed by people like Ken Bennett; who was secretly sent there by George Soros, Simone Biles and BLM to block the truth...The evidence is there and people like him are trying to find all kinds of ways to stop it from being presented to the public....if Cyber Ninjas allows this guy to remain involved, then that will be clear proof that even Cyber Ninjas has been compromised by the CIA and are under the control of the Deep State -- we must have more audits and raise more money for a select few in order to fight back.
They're being paid to find something and they will keep digging and asking for more info/access/witnesses/whatever until the money runs out. The only thing they will never do is admit there was nothing to be found.
Here is

"The face of the Arizona Senate’s “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results is stepping down, saying he’s been shut out of the process and that he won’t put a rubber stamp on a report whose underlying data he hasn’t seen. Ken Bennett, who was picked as the legislature’s “liaison” to the privately-contracted audit, was barred from the audit site a few days ago after sharing some preliminary data with an outside group that’s tried to confirm the audit’s legitimacy.

“I cannot put a rubber stamp on a product that I am being locked out of its development,” Bennett told talk radio host James Harris Wednesday morning. In an interview with Harris on Monday, Bennett raised concerns about a secondary recount of the ballots in the auditors’ possession, saying he wasn’t certain there were procedures in place to ensure independence from the first Cyber Ninjas recount. He also said that audit workers told him they’d been instructed not to speak to him after he observed flaws in the tallying process."

We were told this audit would take just a few weeks -- but here we are 4 months later and we are still waiting for all of the evidence that Biden and China had bamboo ballots sent here via submarines from North Korea to Maine; bamboo ballots that would be the lynch pin to Biden stealing the 2020 election.

However, this process has been held up and obstructed by people like Ken Bennett; who was secretly sent there by George Soros, Simone Biles and BLM to block the truth...The evidence is there and people like him are trying to find all kinds of ways to stop it from being presented to the public....if Cyber Ninjas allows this guy to remain involved, then that will be clear proof that even Cyber Ninjas has been compromised by the CIA and are under the control of the Deep State -- we must have more audits and raise more money for a select few in order to fight back.
a big reason.


"The face of the Arizona Senate’s “audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results is stepping down, saying he’s been shut out of the process and that he won’t put a rubber stamp on a report whose underlying data he hasn’t seen. Ken Bennett, who was picked as the legislature’s “liaison” to the privately-contracted audit, was barred from the audit site a few days ago after sharing some preliminary data with an outside group that’s tried to confirm the audit’s legitimacy.

“I cannot put a rubber stamp on a product that I am being locked out of its development,” Bennett told talk radio host James Harris Wednesday morning. In an interview with Harris on Monday, Bennett raised concerns about a secondary recount of the ballots in the auditors’ possession, saying he wasn’t certain there were procedures in place to ensure independence from the first Cyber Ninjas recount. He also said that audit workers told him they’d been instructed not to speak to him after he observed flaws in the tallying process."

We were told this audit would take just a few weeks -- but here we are 4 months later and we are still waiting for all of the evidence that Biden and China had bamboo ballots sent here via submarines from North Korea to Maine; bamboo ballots that would be the lynch pin to Biden stealing the 2020 election.

However, this process has been held up and obstructed by people like Ken Bennett; who was secretly sent there by George Soros, Simone Biles and BLM to block the truth...The evidence is there and people like him are trying to find all kinds of ways to stop it from being presented to the public....if Cyber Ninjas allows this guy to remain involved, then that will be clear proof that even Cyber Ninjas has been compromised by the CIA and are under the control of the Deep State -- we must have more audits and raise more money for a select few in order to fight back.
Bennett was locked out because he got caught leaking.
Keep your pants on Biff... we waited three years for you guys to finish stepping on your dicks with collusion.
Does it hurt to be this stupid??

It's almost like you folks know you are full of shit -- but you don't mind as long as you feel there are enough people to be full of shit with you

At the end of the day....if it doesn't work out, you can always blame it on the Democrats for being more powerful than you are..

But if Democrats are just a bunch of weak, soyboy cucks; and they are still more powerful than you are....how much of a weaker cuck does that make you?
Does it hurt to be this stupid??

It's almost like you folks know you are full of shit -- but you don't mind as long as you feel there are enough people to be full of shit with you

At the end of the day....if it doesn't work out, you can always blame it on the Democrats for being more powerful than you are..

But if Democrats are just a bunch of weak, soyboy cucks; and they are still more powerful than you are....how much of a weaker cuck does that make you?
Aww... my post was so irrefutable you had to resort to name calling and insults. That's so adorable that you thought you actually had something you could defend.
Aww... my post was so irrefutable you had to resort to this. That's so cute.
There was nothing to refute.....

I have no need to refute a moron pontificating about his delusions the election was stolen..

The refutation comes with no further assembly required...

Now....refute the fact that you morons are willfully being conned and you don't mind because your feels are so fragile that you will pay to have them coddled...cope harder.

There was nothing to refute.....

I have no need to refute a moron pontificating about his delusions the election was stolen..

The refutation comes with no further assembly required...

Now....refute the fact that you morons are willfully being conned and you don't mind because your feels are so fragile that you will pay to have them coddled...cope harder.

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My post stated correctly the fact that the Collision Delusion went on for years... and continues to this day.

The smartest of you knew it was bullshit but supported it because it did political harm.

Even if you are correct and this is a fools errand or only continued as a ruse to cause political damage...it is no bigger than the debunked Russian Collision debacle the left engaged in.

Let it run is course. Let them investigate for as long as Mueller investigated.

And if they come up as empty as the left did... You can point and laugh just like we laughed at you.

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