What's the "best" way to get domestic scandals off the headlines??

My co-worker was attacking Trump for not acting sooner. HOw does your post, of tweets of Trump arguing in the past against attacking Syria, relate to that?

Because Trump was attacking Obama for the same exact things he ended up doing: Wagging the Dog and attacking Syria without congressional approval.

If you fail to see the parallel - Well, Derp

But Obama did launch airstrikes in Syria a year later, as the US began a military campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The nearly three-year war against ISIS has led to a steady stream of US bombings from manned aircraft, drones and missiles fired from warships.

The Trump administration continued Obama's bombing campaign against ISIS when Trump was inaugurated, as US-backed Syrian rebels prepare an offensive on Raqqa, the terror group's stronghold in Syria.​

It makes sense that a man who ran and won as a non interventionalist, would be slow to strike at Syria, despite heavy pressure to do so.

The claim that this was a Wag the Dog, scenario, is unsupported partisan shit.

Lack of congressional approval? Do you really give a damn about that?
It makes sense that a man who ran and won as a non interventionalist, would be slow to strike at Syria, despite heavy pressure to do so.
The claim that this was a Wag the Dog, scenario, is unsupported partisan shit.
Lack of congressional approval? Do you really give a damn about that?

Slow to strike Syria? He lobbed 59 Tomahawks and stupidly potholed a runway 2 days after the first gassing.

Damn straight I care. It's in the Constitution - Only CONGRESS can approve of an interventionist attack.

The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to

(1) a declaration of war,
(2) specific statutory authorization, or
(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.​
It makes sense that a man who ran and won as a non interventionalist, would be slow to strike at Syria, despite heavy pressure to do so.
The claim that this was a Wag the Dog, scenario, is unsupported partisan shit.
Lack of congressional approval? Do you really give a damn about that?

Slow to strike Syria? He lobbed 59 Tomahawks and stupidly potholed a runway 2 days after the first gassing.

Damn straight I care. It's in the Constitution - Only CONGRESS can approve of an interventionist attack.

The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to

(1) a declaration of war,
(2) specific statutory authorization, or
(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.​

I'm not the one complaining about him being slow. I'm against this war. I want peace.

It's you and yours that are attacking him for not waging war enough, or fast enough.

And congress would have certainly approved and I would still have not supported it.
Yes snowflake. Russia has made it clear that an attack on Syria is an attack on Russia. Your ignorance has no limits.

So. Mr.Fuckhead.....we are then currently at war with Russia........Hide under your bed (and bring some chips....LOL)
Ohhhh nat4900...here you are singing praise to “Dear Leader” Barack Insane Obama with your classmates. Please show us school children, in school, singing songs worshipping President Trump.

Wait...you can’t do it? So you admit that you are accusing the right of what you know that the left was guilty of? Why would you do something that disturbing? :dunno:

So you admit that you are accusing the right of what you know that the left was guilty of?

You're correct........I often compare trump cultists to those 6 years old in your little video...LOL
So. Mr.Fuckhead.....we are then currently at war with Russia.
Oh sweetie...we’ve been at war with Russia. That’s why they tried to rig the election for Hitlery Clinton. That’s why they have engaged in cyber attacks on the U.S. That’s why they have engaged in disinformation campaigns against the U.S.

Mitt Romney warmed you ignorant buffoons. But you were too busy fellating your “Dear Leader” Barack Insane Obama to pay attention to real information.
nat4900 is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome worse than anyone I have ever seen! :laugh:


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