What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

You'd think Correll would give up about right now. Hey Correll, your hollering and whining about anti white racism doesn't make it exist. You have shown no evidence of it. Because you can't. And lying about how such things are in the past when you see it in your face or you participate in it is the worst type of immorality.

Do not cite the constitution then tell us blacks that our references to past white racist law and policy have nothing to do with today. You are punk ass racist pussy hiding behind a computer boy. You're ready with every excuse on earth to justify your retardation.

So you better listen and heed these words white... I have been in forums talking and debating younger blacks. They are done negotiating with maggots like you. And I don't blame them. I will support the movements by the next generation to rid this nation of filth like you.

You bought it on yourself.
Young racist blacks are too stupid to oppress white people without help from white uncle toms like Jeff Daniels.

You are too scared to debate the smartest white young people because you know that they know that all they have to do is eliminate white Uncle Tom and anti-white racism becomes powerless.
You'd think Correll would give up about right now...
I would think so too. You people are too so far up your own asses that you think you know everything about someone just by the color of their skin. There's no point in talking to people like you, because you people have absolutely 0 shame in your blatant racism against white people.

But, congratulations black racists: You've persuaded me to be on the side of BLM. Next time they riot and attempt to burn down their city? I'll be rooting for them. :thup:
As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
None of you racist pieces of shit want to stop racism.

You just want to justify racism against white people in this country and throughout the west, EXACTLY like you do currently in South Africa.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting parasite.

ROFLMAO. Look what just oozed out from underneath the message board sewer.

I was for stopping racism long before you were even thought of being spit out, you worthless piece of
victimized, minimum wage trailer trash.

I've been to South Africa several times. Once before you were even born.

You should try to save a few nickles to rub together, so that maybe one day you can leave bumfuck Kentucky and go see the world, as opposed to sitting in your caretakers basement and reading fake news on the internet, then vomiting nonsense on public message boards.
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You'd think Correll would give up about right now. Hey Correll, your hollering and whining about anti white racism doesn't make it exist. You have shown no evidence of it. Because you can't. And lying about how such things are in the past when you see it in your face or you participate in it is the worst type of immorality.

Do not cite the constitution then tell us blacks that our references to past white racist law and policy have nothing to do with today. You are punk ass racist pussy hiding behind a computer boy. You're ready with every excuse on earth to justify your retardation.

So you better listen and heed these words white... I have been in forums talking and debating younger blacks. They are done negotiating with maggots like you. And I don't blame them. I will support the movements by the next generation to rid this nation of filth like you.

You bought it on yourself.
Young racist blacks are too stupid to oppress white people without help from white uncle toms like Jeff Daniels.

You are too scared to debate the smartest white young people because you know that they know that all they have to do is eliminate white Uncle Tom and anti-white racism becomes powerless.

There is no such thing as a "white Uncle Tom", you retarded dumbass.

If you had a clue who the character was in the novel, you would know that "Uncle Tom" was actually an advocate for the slaves who were being oppressed by racist garbage like you.
What do you mean, "at the expense of the white population"?

I dont' think I have ever used that term, or anything like it.

And you are race baiting asshole, as we will see when you refuse to even discuss your false accusations, because you know they are false.

AND we will see how your false accusations destroy any chance of cooperation, or even communication between us.

Thanks in advance for utterly making my point for me. Fucktard.

As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.

Got it. YOu are so sure that people you don't like are "racist" that you don't need to support your accusations, nor do you want to talk to them, but you do want to call them racist all the time, and expect them to just sort of accept it...

AND, you don't see at all how just accepting all accusations of racism, without any support, is implicitly accepting the use of false accusations of racism, and if that is pointed out to you, you get angry and make more vile accusations, without any support or evidence.

AND, you in no way see this as divisive, or you being the asshole, NOR, can you see how your behavior completely proves my point, with EVERY POST YOU MAKE.

Please, make another post just like the last one. I cannot imagine how I can be winning this any more than you are doing for me.
As usual, you never had a point. But your false outrage clearly made mine for me.

I've seen enough of what you've posted to know what you are and what you DON'T stand for, and the fact that I pointed it out to you, is what has your diaper soggy.

I have wasted far too much time on you, so talk to yourself.

You racist ASS.

I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.

Got it. YOu are so sure that people you don't like are "racist" that you don't need to support your accusations, nor do you want to talk to them, but you do want to call them racist all the time, and expect them to just sort of accept it...

AND, you don't see at all how just accepting all accusations of racism, without any support, is implicitly accepting the use of false accusations of racism, and if that is pointed out to you, you get angry and make more vile accusations, without any support or evidence.

AND, you in no way see this as divisive, or you being the asshole, NOR, can you see how your behavior completely proves my point, with EVERY POST YOU MAKE.

Please, make another post just like the last one. I cannot imagine how I can be winning this any more than you are doing for me.

Now you're really reaching. "Winning"? On an anonymous message board?


You must lead a very unfulfilling life if you believe that there are winners or losers here or that any time is wasted actually "disliking" some faceless screwball in this forum.
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I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.

Got it. YOu are so sure that people you don't like are "racist" that you don't need to support your accusations, nor do you want to talk to them, but you do want to call them racist all the time, and expect them to just sort of accept it...

AND, you don't see at all how just accepting all accusations of racism, without any support, is implicitly accepting the use of false accusations of racism, and if that is pointed out to you, you get angry and make more vile accusations, without any support or evidence.

AND, you in no way see this as divisive, or you being the asshole, NOR, can you see how your behavior completely proves my point, with EVERY POST YOU MAKE.

Please, make another post just like the last one. I cannot imagine how I can be winning this any more than you are doing for me.

Now you're really reaching. "Winning"? On an anonymous message board?


You must lead a very unfulfilling life if you believe that there are winners or losers here or that any time is wasted actually "disliking" some faceless screwball in this forum.

You did notice that you were utterly unable to actually refute any of my points, again, though you were able to avoid DEMONSTRATING THEM, FOR once. That is ONCE, in a row. Congratulations.

Congratulations. You were able to post (once in a row and counting) without demonstrating my points.

You were of course, completely unable to challenge them, but not challenging is still far better than proving me right, again.

That all you were able to do, was attempt to distract from your previous and complete proof of my definition of race baiting and what we need to do to fight against racism, ie call out the race baiters,

with the logical fallacy of personal attacks,

was very obvious, even to you.

Your inability to admit any of this, is just intellectual cowardice on your part.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Do you want the truth? Black people need to change their behavior. In recent years 750,000 blacks had enough and they left Detroit. You know the saying you can take the person out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of them? There is some truth to it but blacks who move to the suburbs keep to themselves and eventually will assimilate.

But don’t piss one of them off because the ghetto will come out.

Which leads me to my story. In Detroit the ghetto comes out all the time. You hear ghetto people walking around complaining that the Arab party store owner raised cigarette prices. People get killed every day over disrespect. It’s wild. Almost lawlessness.

I think black people need to change this ghetto mentality. I’m not trying to be insulting. If we drove through one of these high poverty communities you’d see a lot of people acting ghetto. Can we ever stop this mentality and behavior?

The reason I’m saying this is a buddy of mine said he moved his business out of Detroit because of the black people. He said he wasn’t racist when he moved there but he is now. Why? Because of the way blacks behave.

And you guys know what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about all blacks but far too many are still way too angry.

He also told me about how many times blacks with money would not tip his girlfriend on a $500 bill. How many white waitresses stereotype blacks as bad tippers? Do blacks do this on purpose?
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Do you want the truth? Black people need to change their behavior. In recent years 750,000 blacks had enough and they left Detroit. You know the saying you can take the person out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of them? There is some truth to it but blacks who move to the suburbs keep to themselves and eventually will assimilate.

But don’t piss one of them off because the ghetto will come out.

Which leads me to my story. In Detroit the ghetto comes out all the time. You hear ghetto people walking around complaining that the Arab party store owner raised cigarette prices. People get killed every day over disrespect. It’s wild. Almost lawlessness.

I think black people need to change this ghetto mentality. I’m not trying to be insulting. If we drove through one of these high poverty communities you’d see a lot of people acting ghetto. Can we ever stop this mentality and behavior?

The reason I’m saying this is a buddy of mine said he moved his business out of Detroit because of the black people. He said he wasn’t racist when he moved there but he is now. Why? Because of the way blacks behave.

And you guys know what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about all blacks but far too many are still way too angry.

He also told me about how many times blacks with money would not tip his girlfriend on a $500 bill. How many white waitresses stereotype blacks as bad tippers? Do blacks do this on purpose?

Not bad, but the cause of that anger is not ancient wrongs, it is the modern race baiters.

Join me in calling out people who support false accusations of racism.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Do you want the truth? Black people need to change their behavior. In recent years 750,000 blacks had enough and they left Detroit. You know the saying you can take the person out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of them? There is some truth to it but blacks who move to the suburbs keep to themselves and eventually will assimilate.

But don’t piss one of them off because the ghetto will come out.

Which leads me to my story. In Detroit the ghetto comes out all the time. You hear ghetto people walking around complaining that the Arab party store owner raised cigarette prices. People get killed every day over disrespect. It’s wild. Almost lawlessness.

I think black people need to change this ghetto mentality. I’m not trying to be insulting. If we drove through one of these high poverty communities you’d see a lot of people acting ghetto. Can we ever stop this mentality and behavior?

The reason I’m saying this is a buddy of mine said he moved his business out of Detroit because of the black people. He said he wasn’t racist when he moved there but he is now. Why? Because of the way blacks behave.

And you guys know what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about all blacks but far too many are still way too angry.

He also told me about how many times blacks with money would not tip his girlfriend on a $500 bill. How many white waitresses stereotype blacks as bad tippers? Do blacks do this on purpose?

Not bad, but the cause of that anger is not ancient wrongs, it is the modern race baiters.

Join me in calling out people who support false accusations of racism.

I’m starting to realize most people suck for two reasons.

1. There doing it to themselves.

2. It’s Their parents fault.

And no one can fix your shit but you.

I will try to keep race out of it. I’ll just say the first step in being a good citizen is to vote. Then the politicians will pay attention to your neighborhoods
One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.

Got it. YOu are so sure that people you don't like are "racist" that you don't need to support your accusations, nor do you want to talk to them, but you do want to call them racist all the time, and expect them to just sort of accept it...

AND, you don't see at all how just accepting all accusations of racism, without any support, is implicitly accepting the use of false accusations of racism, and if that is pointed out to you, you get angry and make more vile accusations, without any support or evidence.

AND, you in no way see this as divisive, or you being the asshole, NOR, can you see how your behavior completely proves my point, with EVERY POST YOU MAKE.

Please, make another post just like the last one. I cannot imagine how I can be winning this any more than you are doing for me.

Now you're really reaching. "Winning"? On an anonymous message board?


You must lead a very unfulfilling life if you believe that there are winners or losers here or that any time is wasted actually "disliking" some faceless screwball in this forum.

You did notice that you were utterly unable to actually refute any of my points, again, though you were able to avoid DEMONSTRATING THEM, FOR once. That is ONCE, in a row. Congratulations.

Congratulations. You were able to post (once in a row and counting) without demonstrating my points.

You were of course, completely unable to challenge them, but not challenging is still far better than proving me right, again.

That all you were able to do, was attempt to distract from your previous and complete proof of my definition of race baiting and what we need to do to fight against racism, ie call out the race baiters,

with the logical fallacy of personal attacks,

was very obvious, even to you.

Your inability to admit any of this, is just intellectual cowardice on your part.

You did not make a single point to refute, or that was even worthy of acknowledging.

All that you did was to express hysterical outrage over my stating that "long ago, white people perfected the practice of racism", which is a historical fact that the laws of the land endorsed..

Understanding what happened in history is not race baiting as you falsely claim. The fact that you are far too dishonest to admit this fact is your personal problem, not mine.

No matter how many times you start your whining over being insulted by actual history, it does not change anything. You still don't have a point worth acknowledging
You'd think Correll would give up about right now. Hey Correll, your hollering and whining about anti white racism doesn't make it exist. You have shown no evidence of it. Because you can't. And lying about how such things are in the past when you see it in your face or you participate in it is the worst type of immorality.

Do not cite the constitution then tell us blacks that our references to past white racist law and policy have nothing to do with today. You are punk ass racist pussy hiding behind a computer boy. You're ready with every excuse on earth to justify your retardation.

So you better listen and heed these words white... I have been in forums talking and debating younger blacks. They are done negotiating with maggots like you. And I don't blame them. I will support the movements by the next generation to rid this nation of filth like you.

You bought it on yourself.
Young racist blacks are too stupid to oppress white people without help from white uncle toms like Jeff Daniels.

You are too scared to debate the smartest white young people because you know that they know that all they have to do is eliminate white Uncle Tom and anti-white racism becomes powerless.

There is no such thing as a "white Uncle Tom", you retarded dumbass.

If you had a clue who the character was in the novel, you would know that "Uncle Tom" was actually an advocate for the slaves who were being oppressed by racist garbage like you.
It is symbolism, idiot.

They are sellouts.
I asked what you meant by the term, "at the expense of the white population" a term I have never used,

AND I then told you that you would not answer that simple question, because that is not what race baiters do.

They don't defend their false accusations, they just keep making more of them.

And that is exactly what you did.

And thus proved my point, race bating asshole.

ALSO, you also demonstrated how your tactics are tearing this nation apart, also as I said you would.

Thanks, you race basing asshole.

One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
None of you racist pieces of shit want to stop racism.

You just want to justify racism against white people in this country and throughout the west, EXACTLY like you do currently in South Africa.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting parasite.

ROFLMAO. Look what just oozed out from underneath the message board sewer.

I was for stopping racism long before you were even thought of being spit out, you worthless piece of
victimized, minimum wage trailer trash.

I've been to South Africa several times. Once before you were even born.

You should try to save a few nickles to rub together, so that maybe one day you can leave bumfuck Kentucky and go see the world, as opposed to sitting in your caretakers basement and reading fake news on the internet, then vomiting nonsense on public message boards.
I have no doubt you left your shithole in 3rd world California to travel for quite a while.

You wish that you lived in this state, a state with actual history and culture that goes back to the founding of this country. Your dump of a state will never have any connection with the country thanks to the Democrats destroying single city there.
What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

You'd think Correll would give up about right now. Hey Correll, your hollering and whining about anti white racism doesn't make it exist. You have shown no evidence of it. Because you can't. And lying about how such things are in the past when you see it in your face or you participate in it is the worst type of immorality.

Do not cite the constitution then tell us blacks that our references to past white racist law and policy have nothing to do with today. You are punk ass racist pussy hiding behind a computer boy. You're ready with every excuse on earth to justify your retardation.

So you better listen and heed these words white... I have been in forums talking and debating younger blacks. They are done negotiating with maggots like you. And I don't blame them. I will support the movements by the next generation to rid this nation of filth like you.

You bought it on yourself.
Young racist blacks are too stupid to oppress white people without help from white uncle toms like Jeff Daniels.

You are too scared to debate the smartest white young people because you know that they know that all they have to do is eliminate white Uncle Tom and anti-white racism becomes powerless.

There is no such thing as a "white Uncle Tom", you retarded dumbass.

If you had a clue who the character was in the novel, you would know that "Uncle Tom" was actually an advocate for the slaves who were being oppressed by racist garbage like you.
It is symbolism, idiot.

They are sellouts.

I know what symbolism is, you dimwitted moron.....and that was a very poor choice to use.

You would have known that if you actually knew the history of the book and the character.
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I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Fuck you.

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.

Got it. YOu are so sure that people you don't like are "racist" that you don't need to support your accusations, nor do you want to talk to them, but you do want to call them racist all the time, and expect them to just sort of accept it...

AND, you don't see at all how just accepting all accusations of racism, without any support, is implicitly accepting the use of false accusations of racism, and if that is pointed out to you, you get angry and make more vile accusations, without any support or evidence.

AND, you in no way see this as divisive, or you being the asshole, NOR, can you see how your behavior completely proves my point, with EVERY POST YOU MAKE.

Please, make another post just like the last one. I cannot imagine how I can be winning this any more than you are doing for me.

Now you're really reaching. "Winning"? On an anonymous message board?


You must lead a very unfulfilling life if you believe that there are winners or losers here or that any time is wasted actually "disliking" some faceless screwball in this forum.

You did notice that you were utterly unable to actually refute any of my points, again, though you were able to avoid DEMONSTRATING THEM, FOR once. That is ONCE, in a row. Congratulations.

Congratulations. You were able to post (once in a row and counting) without demonstrating my points.

You were of course, completely unable to challenge them, but not challenging is still far better than proving me right, again.

That all you were able to do, was attempt to distract from your previous and complete proof of my definition of race baiting and what we need to do to fight against racism, ie call out the race baiters,

with the logical fallacy of personal attacks,

was very obvious, even to you.

Your inability to admit any of this, is just intellectual cowardice on your part.

You did not make a single point to refute, or that was even worthy of acknowledging.

All that you did was to express hysterical outrage over my stating that "long ago, white people perfected the practice of racism", which is a historical fact that the laws of the land endorsed..

Understanding what happened in history is not race baiting as you falsely claim. The fact that you are far too dishonest to admit this fact is your personal problem, not mine.

No matter how many times you start your whining over being insulted by actual history, it does not change anything. You still don't have a point worth acknowledging

Racism has never been limited to "white people". That you pretend that it was, is ironically, racist of you.

That you use your racist lies, to support your racist policies of today, is a both morally wrong and a harm to me and mine. Anger is the proper response to vileness like yours.

That you are an insulting asshole about it, on top of that, is even more cause for anger.

That you lie about shit too, even more so.
One does not have to "use an exact term" in order to imply what they are stating, and you've done that enough to make it clear what you are saying and most assuredly what you are.

I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Which is a racist who is in denial.

Fuck you.

Telling a racist that you see what they really are is not "tearing the country apart" nor is it "race basing"(new term?)

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

.....you are personally not important enough to make that much of a difference in your own town, let alone the entire country.

Watching you throw a tantrum is most entertaining.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
None of you racist pieces of shit want to stop racism.

You just want to justify racism against white people in this country and throughout the west, EXACTLY like you do currently in South Africa.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting parasite.

ROFLMAO. Look what just oozed out from underneath the message board sewer.

I was for stopping racism long before you were even thought of being spit out, you worthless piece of
victimized, minimum wage trailer trash.

I've been to South Africa several times. Once before you were even born.

You should try to save a few nickles to rub together, so that maybe one day you can leave bumfuck Kentucky and go see the world, as opposed to sitting in your caretakers basement and reading fake news on the internet, then vomiting nonsense on public message boards.
I have no doubt you left your shithole in 3rd world California to travel for quite a while.

You wish that you lived in this state, a state with actual history and culture that goes back to the founding of this country. Your dump of a state will never have any connection with the country thanks to the Democrats destroying single city there.

No stupid, i would not live in Kentucky or most other southern states if they were the very last option available.

I would leave America first.

But I have been there....twice. To a Kentucky Derby, stayed at the Brown hotel, had a Hot Brown sandwich, went to Muhsmmad Ali's memorial in 2016.

And as far as the "culture" that's where I draw the line. Even though Ali put Lousisville on the map by eventually becoming the most famous athlete ever born there, when he returned from the Rome Olympics in 1960, he still was unapologetically refused service in a shithole greasy spoon.

He was treated better in Rome than he was in his own so called "hometown"

At one point, nearly 25% of white males owned slaves in Kentucky.

Kentucky is a good place "to be from".

And as for you, you could not even afford a studio apartment in the worst neighborhood in California.
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ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.

Got it. YOu are so sure that people you don't like are "racist" that you don't need to support your accusations, nor do you want to talk to them, but you do want to call them racist all the time, and expect them to just sort of accept it...

AND, you don't see at all how just accepting all accusations of racism, without any support, is implicitly accepting the use of false accusations of racism, and if that is pointed out to you, you get angry and make more vile accusations, without any support or evidence.

AND, you in no way see this as divisive, or you being the asshole, NOR, can you see how your behavior completely proves my point, with EVERY POST YOU MAKE.

Please, make another post just like the last one. I cannot imagine how I can be winning this any more than you are doing for me.

Now you're really reaching. "Winning"? On an anonymous message board?


You must lead a very unfulfilling life if you believe that there are winners or losers here or that any time is wasted actually "disliking" some faceless screwball in this forum.

You did notice that you were utterly unable to actually refute any of my points, again, though you were able to avoid DEMONSTRATING THEM, FOR once. That is ONCE, in a row. Congratulations.

Congratulations. You were able to post (once in a row and counting) without demonstrating my points.

You were of course, completely unable to challenge them, but not challenging is still far better than proving me right, again.

That all you were able to do, was attempt to distract from your previous and complete proof of my definition of race baiting and what we need to do to fight against racism, ie call out the race baiters,

with the logical fallacy of personal attacks,

was very obvious, even to you.

Your inability to admit any of this, is just intellectual cowardice on your part.

You did not make a single point to refute, or that was even worthy of acknowledging.

All that you did was to express hysterical outrage over my stating that "long ago, white people perfected the practice of racism", which is a historical fact that the laws of the land endorsed..

Understanding what happened in history is not race baiting as you falsely claim. The fact that you are far too dishonest to admit this fact is your personal problem, not mine.

No matter how many times you start your whining over being insulted by actual history, it does not change anything. You still don't have a point worth acknowledging

Racism has never been limited to "white people". That you pretend that it was, is ironically, racist of you.

That you use your racist lies, to support your racist policies of today, is a both morally wrong and a harm to me and mine. Anger is the proper response to vileness like yours.

That you are an insulting asshole about it, on top of that, is even more cause for anger.

That you lie about shit too, even more so.

Still whining? It's amusing that a pompous ass like you is angered by an anonymous person on the internet.

Apparantley, I own you, and I only insult those who attempt to insult me first. Which you did.

I never stated that "racism was limited to white people", so WTF are you talking about?

What "racist policies" are "mine"? I don't believe in an individual being superior based on their race, like you do, nor do I hold a public office, you ignorant, racist tool.

What "racist policies" are MINE? I don't believe in an individual being superior based on their race, like you do, nor do I hold a public office, you ignorant, racist tool.

For the last time, I stated that white people perfected the practice of racism "long ago", and they did so with the laws of the land endorsing and enforcing the practice of it.

What laws in past history were passed by any black legislators that directly oppressed white people?

When were they ever ordered to sit in the back of a bus or forced to relinquish a seat to even the lowliest white citizen?

Where were there any signs posted in black owned businesses that denied entry or service to white patrons?

When were any white people sprayed with fire department hoses and attacked by rabid cops and their dogs for peacefully protesting for the right to vote?

I've seen those things happen, and you've only read about them.

You are welcone to keep repeating the same nonsense if you wish, but I'm finished responding to it.
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