Whats Teh Best Dog Breed

The one that best fits your lifestyle.

Im a mut person too but I like my muts in the herding breeds
The one that best suits an owner's personality and needs.
Im a mutt then. I asked my girl and she said cats are where it is. I see there value, but they are like that guy or gal who only comes around for a booty call. Cats have an attitude like " sure, feed me, pet me, scratch me betwixt the ears, i will never leave". But then take off when they get there fill. Dogs on the other hand are more like the committed guy or gal. They are in it for the long haul. As for mutts, I think there is an article somewhere that says they have less health issues then pure breed dogs. Anyone hear that before ?
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American Bulldog ( with an A)


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they have less health issues then pure breed dogs.

Yes, that is very often the case, as unscrupulous breeders, breed without health concerns. They inbreed and many potential defects are not only passed on, they are almost guaranteed. It's all about the buck to that percentage of breeders who do not love animals and wish to see them healthy.
American Bulldog ( with an A)

Great call there, they are smart, loyal, and the ones I have met have had great manners and did not jump all over you. The guys kid can hold on to the dogs neck and the dog will drag her across the floor. Awesome dogs.
Every dog that I ever owned, regardless of breed, was the best damned dog in the universe.

That's just the way I roll when it comes to my pets.

I also have the best cat in the universe.

No doubt many of YOU also are sharing your lives with the best dogs and best cats in the universe, too.
Every dog that I ever owned, regardless of breed, was the best damned dog in the universe.

That's just the way I roll when it comes to my pets.

I also have the best cat in the universe.

No doubt many of YOU also are sharing your lives with the best dogs and best cats in the universe, too.
Ahhhh you're just biased too... :lol:
The German Shepherd Dog.

If you get a good one you've got the best dog on the planet IMO

Of course I love em all. I currently share my life with Murph, Schnauzer/Poodle, Zip, a Border Terrier mix, Jake my Border Collie and Abbey, GSD mix. Abbey looks pretty much purebred but I'm sure theres something else in ther. Pound puppies or rescues one and all.

Great dogs evey one of em.

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