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Gold Member
Jan 2, 2013
Then cut's power to the driveway mics out front about 1 minute in to the tards complaints. Anyone know what's going on now, Fox signal was cut in the middle of it???

Trump literally threw them out of the whitehouse, Nasty Baloni, Shoemer and others, they were livid..
Those Democrats are traitors to this country (along with some RINOs) and Trump has had enough of their bullshit.

That is what he was elected to do.
They walked out because Trump told them to go pound sand when they demanded Republican's children die in a religious war.

I hope someone got video of Nancy stomping her feet and throwing a fit.
I totally agree. In my 73 years I have NEVER seen anything like it. Time to stand up and be counted with our leader.
These are the same Democrat filth who were squealing about how Trump couldn't start a war with Iran without their permission a few months back.

Trump needs to tell Nancy to vote on a declaration of war, if they want war so fucking bad let them own it. And declare war on whom? Syria? Turkey, a NATO ally? ???
Bottom line. As long as Trump is President he will not deal with Pelosi because she is such a piece of shit. She better get used to getting treated that way by him. She deserves it.
That's like the third time now the Democrat assholes have been virtually kicked out of the white house.

You'd think they would learn....POTUS is not Mr. Nice guy when it comes to dealing with Democrat scum.
Then cut's power to the driveway mics out front about 1 minute in to the tards complaints. Anyone know what's going on now, Fox signal was cut in the middle of it???

Trump literally threw them out of the whitehouse, Nasty Baloni, Shoemer and others, they were livid..

Closed. Do not create titles in all CAPS. Opening post is also lacking a source
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