What You Should Have Learned From 'Jack and the Beanstalk'


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This: Don't give your cow to big government for a handful of promises.

1. Just, in the rare event, that any were still on the fence about the dangers of Liberalism to the individual, to the nation, to western civilization itself....have no fear!
This thread is designed to dismiss any such doubts!

Liberalism, Inc. owns and operates what is laughingly referred to as 'the education system,' and has a strangle-hold on pop culture and the dissemination of information waaayyyyy out of proportion to reality itself.

2. So what?
Can't folks simply take what is offered, and make their own conclusion, their own carefully informed decisions?
Look at what has been elected recently.

Clearly, the weight of the constant repetition, the drumbeat of the media, mandatory public schooling....has led us to a contemporary rendition of 'the dark ages.'

To paraphrase the Bard....

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But indoctrination o'ersways their power,
How with this rage shall wisdom hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O! how shall savvy judgment hold out,
Against the wrackful siege of blithering idiots
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong but the NYTimes decays?

(Forgive me, Shakespeare!)

3. I plucked this post from thousands which show the result: one of the multitudes who imagine that their very existence is balanced precariously on the head of a pin....and no matter their efforts, their life choices, their decisons....without beneficient 'Big Government'.....all would be for naught.

This dunce believes....believes!....that before ObamaCare Americans were dying in the streets:

"My awareness is that because the Great God Reagan signed the EMTALA, Americans are no longer required to die in the street."
Do I Really Have to Spend My Life Savings on Insurance?

Now....this fool is no fan of Reagan....he was arguing that Reagan's bill making emergency room treatment available, was a piddling attempt to remedy our 'failed' American healthcare problem.

a. There was no such problem

b. Indoctrination...either spoken or implied ....was based on growing government, not fixing healthcare...


c. Americans never.....NEVER....were "required to die in the street."
This is the suggested, implied fable designed to make coercion more palatable.

That was such a good tale about taking the chance, gambling it all in order to win it big.
It definitely WASN'T about playing it safe.
Hopefully Trump reforms our educational system by vouchers, charter schools, and ending federal loan subsidies.
That was such a good tale about taking the chance, gambling it all in order to win it big.
It definitely WASN'T about playing it safe.

This in an interesting post....I hope you'll take the time to fill our exactly what you are trying to say.
Interacting on this board has been eye-opening.....even now I can't believe that there are dunces who know so little that they buy the propaganda about how awful America is/was....
....Imagine.....actually buying the fantasy that Americans were 'required to die in the streets.'

No wonder incompetents like Obama win elections.

4. Even during the time when the master manipulator, Franklin Roosevelt, waved the Depression like some majestic frond, using it to beat the Constitution into submission, there was never...NEVER...any period with Americans were "
required to die in the street."

In fact of the matter....during the Depression, American longevity increases.

Again? Longevity INCREASED!!!
"According to my quick reading of the Life and death during the Great Depression by José A. Tapia Granadosa and Ana V. Diez Roux, the only noticeable increase of mortality was suicide, with a noticeable decline of mortality in every other category.

According also to Michael Mosley, life expectancy actually rose through the Great Depression. In his Horizon programme Eat, Fast and Live Longer he claims:

From 1929 to 1933, in the darkest years of the great depression when people were eating far less, life expectancy increased by 6 years.

...seeing as the US diet was far higher than starvation standards before the GD, even a serious reduction would have been unlikely to induce starvation level conditions in the majority of the population. And with enough food available overall, and the US always having had a very active local charity network, it's quite likely there would have been help for at least the majority of those who could not afford to feed themselves. In fact for quite a few people a somewhat leaner diet may well have contributed to the increased life expectancy. –

They include a table that shows trends in death rates per 100,000 population. Starvation does not appear on the list, nor does it rate a mention in the article.

Sources: David Stuckler, Christopher Meissner, Price Fishback, Sanjay Basu, Martin McKee. 2011. "Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-1937." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (link)

Price Fishback, Michael Haines, and Shawn Kantor. 2005. "Births, Deaths, and New Deal Relief During the Great Depression."
How many people in the US starved to death during the Great Depression?
Not only was there never a time when Americans were 'required to die in the streets'......
....there was never......NEVER....a need for the Bolshevik iteration of socialized medicine, ObamaCare.

The scam sure worked on the ignorant.....

5. Under Liberal occupation of the culture, truth became the first casualty.
Who imagined that healthcare insurance was a problem?
Not the nearly 90% of Americans with said insurance.

"When we started this health care debate a year ago, 85 percent of the American people had health insurance, and 95 percent of the 85 percent were happy with it."
George Will on Sunday, February 21st, 2010 in a roundtable segment on ABC's This Week"
Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it PolitiFact

Here's what we found, poll by poll, in reverse chronological order:

Quinnipiac University, Sept. 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 54 percent very satisfied, 34 percent somewhat.Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

Quinnipiac University, June 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 49 percent very satisfied, 36 somewhat satisfied.Total: 85 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2009. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 21 percent extremely satisfied, 37 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." 31 percent extremely satisfied, 41 percent very satisfied, 23 somewhat satisfied. Total: 95 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Overall satisfaction with my health (insurance) care plan." 23 percent extremely satisfied, 38 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 91 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2008. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 17 percent extremely satisfied, 36 percent very satisfied, 33 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 86 percent satisfaction.

If you average these eight scores, the total rate of satisfaction is 87 percent. In all but one poll, the satisfaction level was below Will's stated level of 95 percent.

One poll, taken five months before Obama was inaugurated, did come up with 95 percent satisfaction. But alone among these eight polls, that survey asked participants about the "quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." While we decided that the wording was close enough to merit inclusion on our list, the modest difference in satisfaction levels may stem from the way the question was phrased. Many people feel more warmly toward their doctors than they do toward their insurers.

So, while one poll with unique wording pegged satisfaction at 95 percent, the average of all relevant polls over a two-year period was eight points lower than what Will cited. However, Will is correct that the levels of satisfaction with one's own health insurance are consistently high. Indeed, they're extraordinarily high, when one considers how rarely surveys find such high levels of agreement among Americans. Since Will portrayed the larger point accurately, even while modestly overstating the number, we rate his comment Mostly True.

Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it

See what the OP meant about 'the dangers of Liberalism to the individual, to the nation, to western civilization itself...."?

The Liberal elites lied about the need, passed it anyway, and now it can be seen as the abiding failure we on the Right predicted.
Now for the argument that convinced the hand-wringing, soft-hearted.....soft-headed dunces who believe Big Government....

6. Soooo....what about the poor, suffering millions who didn't have healthcare insurance? You know.....the ones 'required to die in the streets'???
Don't be silly.....I mean 'don't be indoctrinated.'

• More than 84 percent (247.3 million) of the 293 million U.S. residents were privately insured or enrolled in a government health program, such as Medicare, Medicaid or State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP).
• An additional 10 million to 14 million adults and children qualified for government programs but have not enrolled, experts estimate.
• Another 17 million live in households with annual incomes above $50,000 and could likely afford health insurance http://www.urbanconservative.com/2008/07/31/the-myth-of-the-uninsured-american/

7. The solution was always there, and never required federal intervention.

"Nearly 40% of New Yorkers counted as "uninsured" actually have health security. They are eligible for existing government programs such as Medicaid and have failed to sign up. When they go to a hospital or clinic for care, they will be enrolled. New York runs ads, hands out brochures, and works with community organizations to inform families about these programs.

The New York State legislature could make insurance more "affordable" for New Yorkers who want it. The state legislature is to blame for pushing health insurance costs out of reach. Bowing to lobbyists and other pressure groups, legislators require that almost all health plans include a broad array of services from chiropractors, acupuncturists, marriage counselors, and others.

That's like passing a law that the only car you are permitted to buy is a fully loaded sedan. Some people can't afford it. Insurers should be permitted to sell less costly plans in the state, and New York consumers should be allowed to go to one of several health insurance Web sites and buy plans offered out of state, where prices are lower because laws are more reasonable."
BETSY McCAUGHEY Former Lieutenant Governor of New York State July 9, 2008
'More Uninsured Are Among Ranks of the Employed' - The New York Sun

We on the Right told you these solutions right from the start.....just as we warned you what a flop Barack Obama would be.
See 'the dangers of Liberalism to the individual, to the nation, to western civilization itself...."?
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.
I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I wrote:
1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

You wrote:
#1. not true

You will find that I am never wrong.
Here, you will find an education:

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may not transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment except with the informed consent or stabilization of the patient or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.[1]

Because there are very few hospitals that do not accept Medicare, the law applies to nearly all hospitals."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

This covers every single man, woman, and child within the borders of the United States of America.

Would you like to admit your error?
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I posted this:
2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

You tried to sidestep with this:
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.

If you didn't object to the fraud called ObamaCare....flushing $billions down the drain, nor the fact that Obama has run up $10 trillion in debt....
...they you have no cachet in trying to claim some imaginary debt has some significance.

One would conclude that you were an Obama voter, and now need some cover for the error.

I posted this:
3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.

You dodged the query with this:
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

....wherein you have effectively admitted that your statement was false.

I do appreciate your attempt to respond to my request for an articulation of your position.
I hope you now see how weak it is.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I wrote:
1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

You wrote:
#1. not true

You will find that I am never wrong.
Here, you will find an education:

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may not transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment except with the informed consent or stabilization of the patient or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.[1]

Because there are very few hospitals that do not accept Medicare, the law applies to nearly all hospitals."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

This covers every single man, woman, and child within the borders of the United States of America.

Would you like to admit your error?
Absolutely not, because I am not wrong. Emergency treatment is different from seeing a doctor because you have this funny rash or are feeling run down or have too many stomach aches lately....and the testing and subsequent prescription drugs you may be led to from this visit....none of them are covered by the term "emergency" and any one of those visits could very well give preventive treatment so someone is NOT admitted to an ER with a bleeding ulcer or late stage cancer.
I've lived without health insurance at points and I know how prohibitively expensive it is. Very little falls under the term "emergency."
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I posted this:
2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

You tried to sidestep with this:
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.

If you didn't object to the fraud called ObamaCare....flushing $billions down the drain, nor the fact that Obama has run up $10 trillion in debt....
...they you have no cachet in trying to claim some imaginary debt has some significance.

One would conclude that you were an Obama voter, and now need some cover for the error.

I posted this:
3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.

You dodged the query with this:
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

....wherein you have effectively admitted that your statement was false.

I do appreciate your attempt to respond to my request for an articulation of your position.
I hope you now see how weak it is.
If you weren't a civil woman, I'd be calling you some serious shit right now. But it's a good reminder why I don't visit your threads much. Like talking to the Mad Hatter.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I wrote:
1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

You wrote:
#1. not true

You will find that I am never wrong.
Here, you will find an education:

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may not transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment except with the informed consent or stabilization of the patient or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.[1]

Because there are very few hospitals that do not accept Medicare, the law applies to nearly all hospitals."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

This covers every single man, woman, and child within the borders of the United States of America.

Would you like to admit your error?
Absolutely not, because I am not wrong. Emergency treatment is different from seeing a doctor because you have this funny rash or are feeling run down or have too many stomach aches lately....and the testing and subsequent prescription drugs you may be led to from this visit....none of them are covered by the term "emergency" and any one of those visits could very well give preventive treatment so someone is NOT admitted to an ER with a bleeding ulcer or late stage cancer.
I've lived without health insurance at points and I know how prohibitively expensive it is. Very little falls under the term "emergency."


  1. the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, especially through the provision of medical services. Google.

Every person within the borders of the US has had healthcare since 1986.

It is as I said.

You were wrong, continue to be wrong, and evince the characteristics of a reliable Democrat voter.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I posted this:
2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

You tried to sidestep with this:
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.

If you didn't object to the fraud called ObamaCare....flushing $billions down the drain, nor the fact that Obama has run up $10 trillion in debt....
...they you have no cachet in trying to claim some imaginary debt has some significance.

One would conclude that you were an Obama voter, and now need some cover for the error.

I posted this:
3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.

You dodged the query with this:
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

....wherein you have effectively admitted that your statement was false.

I do appreciate your attempt to respond to my request for an articulation of your position.
I hope you now see how weak it is.
If you weren't a civil woman, I'd be calling you some serious shit right now. But it's a good reminder why I don't visit your threads much. Like talking to the Mad Hatter.

You don't 'visit' them because, as you have just found....they are incontestable.

You should be more honest with yourself.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.

I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

2." I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice."
Did you wonder who would pay for this boondoggle?
"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

BTW....I've homeschooled my children....so it didn't cost the taxpayer a cent.
And you?

3. "Conservatives want to take a step back...."
Please give examples of this.
#1. not true
#2. You gonna answer MY question, not point at Obama? Or pat yourself on the back? This has nothing to do with how you schooled your kids.
#3. Look around you. What advancements in education, healthcare, race relations or improvement in social and criminal justice issues are being pushed by the Republicans? Education, healthcare, race relations all need to go back to the way things were before. Criminal justice problems don't actually exist--just ignore them. At least, it certainly seems that way from reading posters here.

I wrote:
1."I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth."
That has been the case since 1986.
It is exactly as you wished.....for the last 30 years.
And not just every citizen....every illegal as well.

You wrote:
#1. not true

You will find that I am never wrong.
Here, you will find an education:

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may not transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment except with the informed consent or stabilization of the patient or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.[1]

Because there are very few hospitals that do not accept Medicare, the law applies to nearly all hospitals."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

This covers every single man, woman, and child within the borders of the United States of America.

Would you like to admit your error?
Absolutely not, because I am not wrong. Emergency treatment is different from seeing a doctor because you have this funny rash or are feeling run down or have too many stomach aches lately....and the testing and subsequent prescription drugs you may be led to from this visit....none of them are covered by the term "emergency" and any one of those visits could very well give preventive treatment so someone is NOT admitted to an ER with a bleeding ulcer or late stage cancer.
I've lived without health insurance at points and I know how prohibitively expensive it is. Very little falls under the term "emergency."

"...funny rash or are feeling run down or have too many stomach aches lately...."

I have been to emergency rooms and seen many with 'emergencies' from runny noses on up.

You are wrong again.
I believe we should have gone with universal healthcare from the get go. We wouldn't be in this mess now if every American was covered from birth. With only one payee, all the folks getting rich on sick people would have to scale back since the private insurers' deep pockets would be gone. Medicare has survived paying a fraction of what BC/BS will pay. You can't force "universal" anything on the public and private forces involved in the current system. Of course it's going belly up.
I wonder who is going to pay for students to attend the private schools that Trump wants to make part of school choice. We have a few private schools here, too, and they require tuition. Will we be paying that through taxes? Taxes where, since he wants it all back on the state and local levels? Dunno. School choice sounds great til we get a huge hike in our property taxes to pay for it.
Conservatives want to take a step back and shimmy off the beanstalk. Get back their cow and go home. Reverse this and end that. Wall up the country and hide from the giant.

Insurance deep pockets would be gone.....hahahahahahaha
7. Remember when the propagandists had you weeping and rending your garments for the 50 million suffering, yearning for ObamaCare?

A reminder of what we told you when you bought the hype like the fools you were....and, if you still support the Left, are.....

Here's that trip down memory lane:

Date Posted:09/19/2008 12:59 PM)

So I've been hearing this 47 million who don't have healthcare and woe is us that they don't have it.

There are millions of people who should be excluded from that tally,
including: those who aren’t American citizens, people who can afford
their own insurance, and people who already qualify for government
coverage but haven’t signed up.

So let's put the hoax to rest:

10 million are not Americans.

So now we're at 37 million.

according to the same Census report, there are 8.3 million uninsured
people who make between $50,000 and $74,999 per year and 8.74 million
who make more than $75,000 a year. That’s roughly 17 million people who
ought to be able to “afford” health insurance because they make
substantially more than the median household income of $46,326.

So 37 million minus 17 million is 20 million.
Now we're at 20 million.

what is the true extent of the uninsured “crisis?” The Kaiser Family
Foundation, a liberal non-profit frequently quoted by the media, puts
the number of uninsured Americans who do not qualify for current
government programs and make less than $50,000 a year between 13.9
million and 8.2 million. That is a much smaller figure than the media

Kaiser’s 8.2 million figure for the chronically uninsured only includes those uninsured for two years or more. It is also worth noting, that, 45 percent of uninsured people will be uninsured for less than four months according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Let's split Kaiser's range down the middle to be fair 10 million.

20 million - 10 million = 10 million TRULY uninsured people.

So tell me Obama - why do you want the government involved in healthcare? Just what are the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars you're going get from taxing the living daylights out us going to pay for?

Or do we just need to shut up and be patriotic like your idiot comrade Biden suggests.

Date Posted:09/19/2008 12:59 PM)

BTW.....Obama wasted just what the article said he would!

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

Did you learn anything about big government from this 8 year saga??????
Still voting Democrat?

Dumber than asphalt.
So.....did you learn enough in this thread to recognize that you've been played for a fool by the Democrats?

8. “…when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.”
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

That's less than 3% of the population.
And every one of them has healthcare.....it's been the law since 1986.

9. Any alternative to the giant takeover of healthcare insurance by Big Government?


"Food debit cards help 27 million people buy food, similar to the number who need help buying health coverage. In all fifty states, debit card technology has transformed the federal food stamp program, which used to be notorious for fraud and abuse. (Only 2 percent of card users are found to be ineligible, according to the General Accounting Office.)

Cards are loaded with a specific dollar amount monthly, depending on family size and income, and allow cardholders to shop anywhere. The same strategy could be adapted to provide purchasing power to families who need help buying high-deductible health coverage. It's what all Americans used to buy (see chart 5), and it's all that's needed for families with moderate incomes, who can afford a routine doctor visit."


Downgrading Medical Care

As the axiom goes..."Fool me once, shame on you.....fool me twice, shame on me."

Jonathan Gruber wrote ObamaCare...and said fools were tricked into supporting it.

It means that November 8th is a one-question IQ test.

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