What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.

those pesky 4 trillion $$$$$$ budgets -
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
What would happen with Trump as president and a republican house and senate?? Well, I think they would fail at passing a healthcare bill or funding a border wall, then spend their asses off to increase the deficit and then lose power in the next midterm election... Just a guess ;-)
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What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
We had that. And they set to work immediately doubling the federal deficit, after bitching for eight years about Obama's spending.

They also failed to provide an actual repeal of Obamacare (only a fake "skinny repeal" which did not actually repeal Obamacare), after passing 60 repeals while Obama was President, thus revealing they have been hoaxing the rube herd all along.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a hundred times, I'm a profoundly retarded idiot."
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.
America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.
An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
You can move to Canada.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
We are already seeing what that would entail.....the majority house democrats are powerless over the senate and Trump, so what would be the difference? Everybody is clamering for the white house...the US senate SHOULD BE EVERYONE'S MAIN TARGET AND THE HELL WITH THE WHITE HOUSE!!
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.
America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.
An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
You can move to Canada.
It is not over in 2024. I want to be around when Trump and his supporters get what they deserve after 2024. And they will get what they deserve.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
Free speech would be in your face every day laughing at you, since you don’t consider your self American. You can go back you your native land
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
What would happen with Trump as president and a republican house and senate?? Well, I think they would fail at passing a healthcare bill or funding a border wall, then spend their asses off to increase the deficit and then lose power in the next midterm election... Just a guess ;-)
Perhaps we find out about healthcare. The costs to the individual compared to what they receive. One way or the other this will be dealt with within the forseeable future.
All would be right in the world....we are not all socialists no matter how bad you progs want us to be.....
So bigger farmer bailouts? More corporate welfare like Foxconn? More government trying to control trade with tariffs? Who are the socialists again?
All would be right in the world....we are not all socialists no matter how bad you progs want us to be.....
So bigger farmer bailouts? More corporate welfare like Foxconn? More government trying to control trade with tariffs? Who are the socialists again?
We are bailing out farmers so we can pull away from depending on China for everything...today with the virus news that looks like a very wise thing don't ya think?....
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
I'd wager that you and your liberoidal brethren would.....

What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term. America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff. An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
The FEMA camps would be overflowing?
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
2 years of it previously and 2018 took care of part of that debacle. FDT

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