What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left?

Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party
So how come hardly any blacks vote for them?
They did until the 1940s. Until then you couldn't find a black Democrat. Then FDR figured out that handing out free government cheese was the secret to votes. Blacks have reliably voted Democrat, gotten their free cheese, and seen their economic status go to hell.
Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party
So how come hardly any blacks vote for them?
They did until the 1940s. Until then you couldn't find a black Democrat. Then FDR figured out that handing out free government cheese was the secret to votes. Blacks have reliably voted Democrat, gotten their free cheese, and seen their economic status go to hell.
FDR's social welfare programs benefited people of all races. So your explanation does little to explain why blacks are ~90% Democratic today.
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

This isn't flaming, I'm just curious....where would they go?
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

This isn't flaming, I'm just curious....where would they go?

Idk, thats what I am trying to ask you? do you think they would just bow down and acccept it? And say what the heck we are with you?
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Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party
So how come hardly any blacks vote for them?
They did until the 1940s. Until then you couldn't find a black Democrat. Then FDR figured out that handing out free government cheese was the secret to votes. Blacks have reliably voted Democrat, gotten their free cheese, and seen their economic status go to hell.

I think my quote here was out of context.... just a thought.
Where would they go?

They'd go far beyond the Northern Sea.

Reuben, Reuben,
I've been thinking,
What a grand thing it would be,
If the boys were all transported
Far beyond the Northern Sea!
The US would then be Obama's version of Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe
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Liberals at least owe it to themselves to try a nation of all liberals. Split the country up and give them that chance.

We already have.

Red States Are Welfare Queens

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States — the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill.

Take a look at the difference between federal spending on any given state and the federal taxes received from that state. We measure the difference as a dollar amount: Federal Spending per Dollar of Federal Taxes. A figure of $1.00 means that particular state received as much as it paid in to the federal government. Anything over a dollar means the state received more than it paid; anything less than $1.00 means the state paid more in taxes than it received in services. The higher the figure, the more a given state is a welfare queen.

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21

Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.

Read more: Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider
So how come hardly any blacks vote for them?
They did until the 1940s. Until then you couldn't find a black Democrat. Then FDR figured out that handing out free government cheese was the secret to votes. Blacks have reliably voted Democrat, gotten their free cheese, and seen their economic status go to hell.
FDR's social welfare programs benefited people of all races. So your explanation does little to explain why blacks are ~90% Democratic today.

Well, no actually is was deleterious to all Americans. ANd FDR refused to push anti lynching legislation because he didnt want to offend Southern Dems.

But I answered your queston already: Dems figured out dishing out gov't cheese to blacks was the way to buy their vote.
If conservatives left there would be no food.
Conservatives are the majority of farmers and Ranchers of this nation.
If conservatives left there would be no food.
Conservatives are the majority of farmers and Ranchers of this nation.

Details, details.

You dems could get the blacks to do the farming. They're just hanging out in the ghettos anyway, right? Why couldn't they do the farming?

Yeah, that'd really work.
IMO, the real difference between conservatives and liberals is how they view the world and it's people.

Conservatives view the world from the perspective of scarcity. Everything is in short supply so one must defend his/her stash or risk losing it.

Liberals view the world from the perspective of plenty. We can create more than enough to go around so the future is as bright as we want to make it.

I think that this worldview is pervasive. Applies to everything. Business, religion, politics, family and culture, relationships, entertainment, past, present and future.

Of course in any given situation one or the other is probably closer to reality. Civilization needs both perspectives but at different times and places and situations.

If either one disappeared completely we'd be short of a valuable set of possibilities and perspectives and alternatives.

That having been said though I'd much rather live in a world based on a worldview of plenty rather than scarcity, if I had to choose one over the other. In fact I believe that we used to be there.
They did until the 1940s. Until then you couldn't find a black Democrat. Then FDR figured out that handing out free government cheese was the secret to votes. Blacks have reliably voted Democrat, gotten their free cheese, and seen their economic status go to hell.
FDR's social welfare programs benefited people of all races. So your explanation does little to explain why blacks are ~90% Democratic today.

Well, no actually is was deleterious to all Americans. ANd FDR refused to push anti lynching legislation because he didnt want to offend Southern Dems.

But I answered your queston already: Dems figured out dishing out gov't cheese to blacks was the way to buy their vote.

How about Repubs dishing out wealth redistribution to the wealthy? Isn't that buying votes and financial support?

Let's see. "A" offers me cheese when I am starving. "B" offers me wealth without work.

Tough choice????
IMO, the real difference between conservatives and liberals is how they view the world and it's people.

Conservatives view the world from the perspective of scarcity. Everything is in short supply so one must defend his/her stash or risk losing it.

Liberals view the world from the perspective of plenty. We can create more than enough to go around so the future is as bright as we want to make it.

I think that this worldview is pervasive. Applies to everything. Business, religion, politics, family and culture, relationships, entertainment, past, present and future.

Of course in any given situation one or the other is probably closer to reality. Civilization needs both perspectives but at different times and places and situations.

If either one disappeared completely we'd be short of a valuable set of possibilities and perspectives and alternatives.

That having been said though I'd much rather live in a world based on a worldview of plenty rather than scarcity, if I had to choose one over the other. In fact I believe that we used to be there.

Wonderful analysis.

My own idea of the difference is that conservatives don't want change, they want stability; and liberals do want change, they welcome and promote change.

However, I really like your thinking and want to process that some more. A perspective of scarcity can affect life on a personal level, too.
It's funny to read the comments by some conservatives who seem to think that Liberals are all on welfare and hippy-like. They are obviously still living in the past, or just want to feel superior. I don't need for conservatives to leave, but it would be nice if they weren't so uptight. Many of my friends are Republican and very conservative, but we still have some things in common.

A casual observer of national politics would expect to find that the wealthiest Americans are Conservative Republicans. After all, it's the Republicans who promise to lower taxes, shrink government and reduce regulations. Yet the opposite appears to be the case with many of the wealthiest people in the country being outspoken liberals.

Of the 20 wealthiest Americans, 12 identify as Democrats and 8 as republicans. If you control for families (combine the Koch brothers and the Waltons), the ratio is 4 Republicans to 12 Democrats. The Democrats in the top 20 have a combined net worth of $263 billion, while the Republicans have a net worth of $144 billion - that's almost two to one.

Why are the Wealthy Liberals?

That was then. A sizeable slice of the upper class has since swung into the liberal camp, changing the balance of power in American politics. The Forbes 400 is now heavily populated by a new breed of billionaire: high-tech entrepreneurs, financial whizzes, and communications moguls. Today's super rich are also far more educated, a trait that correlates with liberal values like tolerance. In 1982, roughly 50 members of the Forbes 400 had college degrees. By 2006, 244 of those on the list had finished college, and at least 132 -- or nearly a third of U.S. billionaires -- had graduate degrees.
The Real Liberal Elite

I'm very conservative, but i don't believe i'm "up tight"....I love beer, and the occasional "smoke" :)
A lot of history being rewritten here. In the Civil war the Republican party emerged in the north most from Abolisionists who lived there. The Democrat Party was well established in the south. In fact the south was often referred to as the Dixiecrats.

When Kennedy and LBJ launched the campaign for equal civil rights for every one, the Dixiecrats were appalled and became Republicans. The blacks tasted freedom and became dedicated Democrat supporters. The Dixiecrats dragged the Republican Party into religion and conservatism.

That's where we are today.
They did until the 1940s. Until then you couldn't find a black Democrat. Then FDR figured out that handing out free government cheese was the secret to votes. Blacks have reliably voted Democrat, gotten their free cheese, and seen their economic status go to hell.
FDR's social welfare programs benefited people of all races. So your explanation does little to explain why blacks are ~90% Democratic today.

Well, no actually is was deleterious to all Americans. ANd FDR refused to push anti lynching legislation because he didnt want to offend Southern Dems.

But I answered your queston already: Dems figured out dishing out gov't cheese to blacks was the way to buy their vote.

(My bold)

Ugly in so many ways!

But let's cut to the chase: When can all those prospective Black GOP party members expect to see a Black GOP presidential candidate with an actual possibility of winning the GOP presidential nomination?

Does the Food Stamp program actually go back to FDR? Good for him, if so. Of course, the main point of that effort was to prop up farm prices, to save farmers & their crops - it was originally called the Food Commodities Program, as I recall. Fed gov was a middleman, buying crops @ a base price, processing, canning & then distributing goods on a sliding income scale? (That may have come later - @ first, I believe it was to help families keep body & soul together. I don't recall what the first distribution criteria were.)
IMO, the real difference between conservatives and liberals is how they view the world and it's people.

Conservatives view the world from the perspective of scarcity. Everything is in short supply so one must defend his/her stash or risk losing it.

Liberals view the world from the perspective of plenty. We can create more than enough to go around so the future is as bright as we want to make it.

I think that this worldview is pervasive. Applies to everything. Business, religion, politics, family and culture, relationships, entertainment, past, present and future.

Of course in any given situation one or the other is probably closer to reality. Civilization needs both perspectives but at different times and places and situations.

If either one disappeared completely we'd be short of a valuable set of possibilities and perspectives and alternatives.

That having been said though I'd much rather live in a world based on a worldview of plenty rather than scarcity, if I had to choose one over the other. In fact I believe that we used to be there.

Wonderful analysis.

My own idea of the difference is that conservatives don't want change, they want stability; and liberals do want change, they welcome and promote change.

However, I really like your thinking and want to process that some more. A perspective of scarcity can affect life on a personal level, too.

Certainly, in a world of scarcity, change is seen as a risk of losing what one has. In a world of plenty change as seen as a chance for everyone to have more.

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