What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

A US state would succeed, followed the US economy tanking.
It would be - Welcome to the United Socialists States! -
That would leave a gaping hole in the fabric of US politics. There would be many who would be more than willing to fill that gap, as money is to be made and power to be garnered, at which point we would get a whole new crew of those who would be considered conservative.
This would happen everywhere:



Well maybe...
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

The ‘left’ doesn’t ‘hate’ anyone, republicans in particular.

In fact, they’d love to have conservatives back to participate in responsible governance again.

Unfortunately, at least at this time, social conservatives, rightwing fiscal extremists, and Christian fundamentalists have a stranglehold on the GOP.
What is a conservative anyway? Conservatism as a political force in America didn't even start till the thirties or even later. Abraham Lincoln was not a conservative for he wanted and fought for change. Can one imagine an American conservative today fighting for justice and fairness as Lincoln did?


Many Americans today fail to realize we did not arrive at this place in time without a lot of turmoil and change, revolution, civil war, Laissez-faire capitalism, great depression, unions, new deal, civil rights, great society, riots, and on and on. This fictional dichotomy (liberal v conservative) has existed in the minds of many since the New Deal, corporate America has since tattooed it into our minds. Makes everything easy to categorize. For those interested in its story check out the book below.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?

Historians and social critics often explain the successes of conservative politics by pointing to the backlash against the victories of the social movements of the 1960s, the cultural reaction against the radicals who fought for civil rights, feminism, and gay and lesbian rights and who protested against the Vietnam War. The 1970s defection of white working class people alienated and frightened by the liberal program shifted the politics of the country far to the right. The argument is that in the days before the onset of the culture wars, a "liberal consensus" dominated American politics, especially around economics." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

A US state would succeed, followed the US economy tanking.

Well no.
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

What makes you think the left hates Republicans? Certainly there are people on the left who do, just as there are people on the right who hate Democrats. But that is not the case with the majority of people. I think you are painting with a very large brush here.

I would also ask what you mean by conservative. I am a conservative. I think government should be as small as possible while still being able to serve its purpose. It should not be in the business of telling me how to live - but a lot of people who say they are conservative think that is the primary job of government. Which "cons" are you talking about?
Conservatives are not against change. They tend to want change for the support of individual rights and freedoms but not change away from our republican form of government. Liberals on the otherhand want to change away from the republic toward democracy that always leads to either oligachy or anarchy which then leads to oligarchy.
The only way to protect individual rights and allow a majority rule of a nation is through a republic.
If we shed the constitution then we shread the USA.
What is a conservative anyway? Conservatism as a political force in America didn't even start till the thirties or even later. Abraham Lincoln was not a conservative for he wanted and fought for change. Can one imagine an American conservative today fighting for justice and fairness as Lincoln did?


Many Americans today fail to realize we did not arrive at this place in time without a lot of turmoil and change, revolution, civil war, Laissez-faire capitalism, great depression, unions, new deal, civil rights, great society, riots, and on and on. This fictional dichotomy (liberal v conservative) has existed in the minds of many since the New Deal, corporate America has since tattooed it into our minds. Makes everything easy to categorize. For those interested in its story check out the book below.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?

Historians and social critics often explain the successes of conservative politics by pointing to the backlash against the victories of the social movements of the 1960s, the cultural reaction against the radicals who fought for civil rights, feminism, and gay and lesbian rights and who protested against the Vietnam War. The 1970s defection of white working class people alienated and frightened by the liberal program shifted the politics of the country far to the right. The argument is that in the days before the onset of the culture wars, a "liberal consensus" dominated American politics, especially around economics." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

Intersting post, A book I should read. But what would you classify laura ingalls wilder [spl? I think] books "little house on the prairie. Were they Liberals or conservative? or even my child hood favorite "the rifle man" t.v. show was chuck conners charcter ( fyi he used to be a ptcher for the Chicago cubbies) was he a a liberal or a con? just bringing this up because you said conservatives didnt exist till the 1940's..

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