What will republicans do first?

End the Mandate and scrap other portions of it as well. It's an Un-American disaster.
ummm..... the mandate is from :up: Heritage Foundation. Anything else?
liar... one dumb ass at the HF is not the HF. That's like saying Clinton raped one woman, so all democrats are rapists.
At that time, the Republicans embraced the mandate.
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.
You are full of shit. Completely out of your fucking mind.
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.
You are full of shit. Completely out of your fucking mind.
truth hurts don't it? :boohoo:
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.
You are full of shit. Completely out of your fucking mind.
truth hurts don't it? :boohoo:


You wouldn't know the the truth if it licked your cl*t.
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.
You are full of shit. Completely out of your fucking mind.
truth hurts don't it? :boohoo:
God you libtards are stupid. What we had was a few republicans proposing we mandate "CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE." Not health insurance. CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE TO PAY FOR EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS. OMFG you ass holes are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid.
Congressional republicans can either disregard the TPM and other extremists, compromise with Congressional democrats, and work with the WH to enact sound, meaningful legislation for the benefit of the American people, or pursue their reckless, unwarranted agenda predicated on failed conservative dogma.

Given the past six years of republican partisanism and the GOP's unfounded animosity toward the president, the greater likelihood is republicans will select the latter.
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.
You are full of shit. Completely out of your fucking mind.
truth hurts don't it? :boohoo:
God you libtards are stupid. What we had was a few republicans proposing we mandate "CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE." Not health insurance. CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE TO PAY FOR EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS. OMFG you ass holes are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid.
When the Right are caught lying, they just keep on lying! :eusa_liar:

Bill Summary Status - 103rd Congress 1993 - 1994 - S.1770 - CRS Summary - THOMAS Library of Congress

Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993 - Title I: Basic Reforms to Expand Access to Health Insurance Coverage and to Ensure Universal Coverage - Subtitle A: Universal Access - Provides access to health insurance coverage under a qualified health plan for every citizen and lawful permanent resident of the United States.

Bill Summary Status - 103rd Congress 1993 - 1994 - S.1770 - Cosponsors - THOMAS Library of Congress
ummm..... the mandate is from :up: Heritage Foundation. Anything else?
liar... one dumb ass at the HF is not the HF. That's like saying Clinton raped one woman, so all democrats are rapists.
At that time, the Republicans embraced the mandate.
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.
You are full of shit. Completely out of your fucking mind.
Text of S. 1743 103rd Consumer Choice Health Security Act of 1994 Introduced version - GovTrack.us


To provide Americans with secure, portable health insurance benefits and greater choice of health insurance plans, and for other purposes.

  • The purposes of this Act are to--

    • (1) provide Americans with secure, portable health insurance benefits and greater choice of health insurance plans,

    • (2) make the American health care system responsive to consumer needs and encourage the provision of quality medical care at reasonable prices through enhanced competition,

    • (3) provide more equitable tax treatment of health insurance and medical care expenses, and

    • (4) assist low-income and uninsured Americans in purchasing health insurance and receiving primary medical care.
Personally, i hope they don't do much. I'm all for 'Do-Nothing' Congresses now. The Government is doing way too much at this point. We need less of it in our lives. That being said, i would like to see them address the Obamacare debacle. At the very least, end the Mandate. It's Un-American.
Really? It's a Republican idea after all...

It was always a bad Un-American idea. Doesn't matter to me which Party supported it. But i'm all for a 'Do-Nothing' Congress. There's far too much Government in Citizens' lives already. But the Mandate has to go. And so do other parts of the Obamacare debacle. It needs to be tweaked or even scrapped all-together. I hope they do address it.

yes... no one should have healthcare unless randian idiots say it's ok.

Yikes. You're unhinged. But I guess you're not over your Election Day nightmare. So i'll cut you some slack. I'm a compassionate person. But the Obamacare debacle should be addressed. It's an Un-American disastrous piece of Legislation. Addressing it is one of the very few things i would like to see the new Congress do. At the very least, end the Mandate.

But otherwise, i prefer a 'Do-Nothing Congress.' It's all about damage control now. The less they do, the better off the Country is.

nice rant. there was nothing unhinged. I simply pointed out that randian idiots believe in social Darwinism.

you can stop drooling at the mouth now.

Nah, you've lost it. But like i said, i'll cut you some slack. That historic shellacking had to hurt. Ouch.
Yikes. You're unhinged. But I guess you're not over your Election Day nightmare. So i'll cut you some slack. I'm a compassionate person. But the Obamacare debacle should be addressed. It's an Un-American disastrous piece of Legislation. Addressing it is one of the very few things i would like to see the new Congress do. At the very least, end the Mandate.

But otherwise, i prefer a 'Do-Nothing Congress.' It's all about damage control now. The less they do, the better off the Country is.
yeah, not having people go bankrupt just because they have to go to the hospital is un-American :cuckoo: or eliminating lifetime caps is un- American, or allowing youth to stay on their parents policies until the age of 26 is un- American :rolleyes-41:

End the Mandate and scrap other portions of it as well. It's an Un-American disaster.

yes... another pretend libertarian who whines when he has to take responsibility ... and hates our government... unless of course the gubmint is telling women what to do with their bodies.

The Mandate has to go. It's wrong and Un-American. I don't care how much you Obamabots defend it. And i don't hate our Government. However, i do hate some of the things it does. And on a personal level. i do oppose Abortion. However, i'm Pro-Choice in the end. So, got anything else? Ok, moving on.
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End the Mandate and scrap other portions of it as well. It's an Un-American disaster.
ummm..... the mandate is from :up: Heritage Foundation. Anything else?
liar... one dumb ass at the HF is not the HF. That's like saying Clinton raped one woman, so all democrats are rapists.
At that time, the Republicans embraced the mandate.
The GOP and especially CON$ervatives embraced the individual mandate totally as the Constitutional alternate to Hillarycare's employer mandate.


The concept that people should be required to buy health coverage was fleshed out more than two decades ago by a number of conservative economists, embraced by scholars at conservative research groups, including the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, and championed, for a time, by Republicans in the Senate.

The individual mandate, as it is known, was seen then as a conservative alternative to some of the health care approaches favored by liberals — like creating a national health service or requiring employers to provide health coverage.

“In 1993, in fighting ‘Hillarycare,’ virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do,” Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, said at a debate in December, casting his past support of a mandate as an antidote to the health care overhaul proposed by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband’s administration.

Since then the politics of health care have grown more twisted and tangled than the two snakes entwined around the staff in a caduceus, which is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine. It is now Republicans and conservatives who oppose the individual mandate, arguing that it is unconstitutional, while Democrats, who were long resistant to it, are its biggest defenders.

They're wrong and you're wrong. The Mandate has to go. It's immoral. It goes against everything our Nation stands for.
Yikes. You're unhinged. But I guess you're not over your Election Day nightmare. So i'll cut you some slack. I'm a compassionate person. But the Obamacare debacle should be addressed. It's an Un-American disastrous piece of Legislation. Addressing it is one of the very few things i would like to see the new Congress do. At the very least, end the Mandate.

But otherwise, i prefer a 'Do-Nothing Congress.' It's all about damage control now. The less they do, the better off the Country is.
yeah, not having people go bankrupt just because they have to go to the hospital is un-American :cuckoo: or eliminating lifetime caps is un- American, or allowing youth to stay on their parents policies until the age of 26 is un- American :rolleyes-41:

End the Mandate and scrap other portions of it as well. It's an Un-American disaster.

yes... another pretend libertarian who whines when he has to take responsibility ... and hates our government... unless of course the gubmint is telling women what to do with their bodies.

The Mandate has to go. It's wrong and Un-American. I don't care how much you Obamabots defend it. And i don't hate our Government. However, i do hate some of the things it does. And on a personal level. i do oppose Abortion. However, i'm Pro-Choice in the end. So, got anything else? Ok, moving on.
having the health care industrial complex gobble-up 17% + of this nation's GDP (that was in 2008) is un-American. Same goes for the ever increasing portion of the GDP made up of *cough* "financial services". Its another name for gambling and the house (Wall St., too-big-to-fail, banksters in this case) always win.
I think number one on the agenda should be rounding up all the race-baiters and shooting every one of the reptiles.
I'm surprised to see you suggesting violence.
Really? I'm not any more than I'm not surprised that conservatives don't call him on it. If the Ebola hysteria proved anything it proved that cons love them some biggovernment.
I think number one on the agenda should be rounding up all the race-baiters and shooting every one of the reptiles.
I'm surprised to see you suggesting violence.
Really? I'm not any more than I'm not surprised that conservatives don't call him on it. If the Ebola hysteria proved anything it proved that cons love them some biggovernment.
Right. Call Nurse Higgins and tell her you're ready for your beddy-by meds now. Pleasant dreams.
first thing they'll do? Eliminate poor kids school lunch, kick seniors in the balls, etc...

We need 44 as a bulwark against the con hordes now more than ever Ravi .

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first thing they'll do? Eliminate poor kids school lunch, kick seniors in the balls, etc...
We need 44 as a bulwark against the con hordes now more than ever Ravi .


What a moron. Looks like one of Mark Udall's campaign cartoons. Of course that 18-year veteran of the US senate just got his ass kicked out by his republican challenger, didn't he?

Hey retirees, you've been getting shit for social security COLA increases under this president, in spite of the economy being the wonderful Obama miracle the left says it is. You got a 3.5% COLA increase the last year of President Bush's administration. Where are realistic COLA increases since? Huh? Sound off all you bitchers and moaners...who've probably never worked a day in you Section 8 lives. The buying power of your 2014 dollar is about 17% less than the buying power of your 2007 dollar.

The people really getting fucked here, as usual, are our boys doing perhaps their seventh of eighth tour in places no sissy leftist would ever have the balls to serve this nation, while their families subsist on food stamps back at home. How about you Dot Com? Are you tripping over yourself to volunteer a tour in Liberia to help with the "nonexistent" Ebola problem? Have you ever once in your life done anything to serve a community larger than the one inside your own skin? No? I thought not.
first thing they'll do? Eliminate poor kids school lunch, kick seniors in the balls, etc...
We need 44 as a bulwark against the con hordes now more than ever Ravi .


What a moron. Looks like one of Mark Udall's campaign cartoons. Of course that 18-year veteran of the US senate just got his ass kicked out by his republican challenger, didn't he?

Hey retirees, you've been getting shit for social security COLA increases under this president, in spite of the economy being the wonderful Obama miracle the left says it is. You got a 3.5% COLA increase the last year of President Bush's administration. Where are realistic COLA increases since? Huh? Sound off all you bitchers and moaners...who've probably never worked a day in you Section 8 lives. The buying power of your 2014 dollar is about 17% less than the buying power of your 2007 dollar.

The people really getting fucked here, as usual, are our boys doing perhaps their seventh of eighth tour in places no sissy leftist would ever have the balls to serve this nation, while their families subsist on food stamps back at home. How about you Dot Com? Are you tripping over yourself to volunteer a tour in Liberia to help with the "nonexistent" Ebola problem? Have you ever once in your life done anything to serve a community larger than the one inside your own skin? No? I thought not.
I got out in '90 shit stain. You?
lol. I remember you posting that up before :eusa_think: The let women in back then? You vote repub or teaparty or Teapublican?

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