There is serious concern about Russia and its KGB president using nukes in the very near future. Their madman is threatening us if we continue to help Ukraine. Biden has stated over and over that he is afraid of war. How much more humiliation will Biden accept as he cowers from Russia because he is afraid of war. The War has already started and Putin is demanding that our nation do what he tells us to do or else.
Now Russia is using heavy long distance bombers and missiles to carpet bomb helpless cities, as they kidnap hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to a dubious future in Siberia. The fairys in the American left excoriates our own nation because we did not act fast enough to save the millions exterminated by the brutal anti Semites in Germany, even as they attack the Semites in Israel for protecting themselves today. Ukraine has been begging for help as they fight and die against a superior force with inadequate weapons. But the numbers of Ukrainians able to fight is a small pittance compared to the Russians who can afford to lose 10 men to every Ukrainian killed. Russia lost 27 million people to beat back Germany on their border. Less than 10 years before that war, Stalin killed millions and millions of peoplein his own lands, millions of them in Ukraine, so he could have his Communist government in place and unopposed. Ukraine cannot kill enough Russian soldiers and tanks with what we are sending, to stop Russia.
The only way to stop Putin's advance is to provide Ukraine with the fighter jets to shoot down their bombers and the ground to air systems to shoot down their missiles. Biden must grow a fucking spine and do what is necessary to stand against this madness. Rest assured Xi is watching Biden closely and Xi's hero is Mao. and Mao murdered more of his own citizens than stalin and Hitler murdered of their enemies even if you added their two totals together. If Biden doesn't stand up now, then the fight will be thousand times more deadly later. And making a few dozen pleasure boats park until the war is over doesn't do a flippin thing.
In our own nation we have leaders in both parties that sing or have sung Russia's praises recently. We also have huge numbers of people who want to emulate the communism of those nations under the guise of socialism. These perverts and deviants must also be stood down, and the people who brainwash them must be removed from their positions in our schools and universities.
Freedom is not free and its not easy, it never existed for the masses until about 250 years ago. And no one gave it to us, our forefathers died so we could have it and our service men and women have been fighting to preserve it ever since. "Let us not talk falsely now, because the hour is getting late." Mr. Hendricks words can have many meanings, but if our feckless fuck in the White House doesn't stand up to Putin and those like him now, it will be too late next year or the year after.
Xi was threatening us all last year while Biden did nothing, which likely encouraged Putin. Putin has just drawn his line in the sand too. If anyone still thinks the actions of our nation doesn't matter, they do not understand history.