What will happen when Texas flips Democrat?

This one

Yes..think of the poor blacks! We must "help" them.


Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the future of this country.

Can you quote it directly? Can you give me the number.You know how this works.
I'm not chasing around looking for things at your direction, son.

I already tracked it down once , and have no desire to do it again.Sorry if you don't remember what you posted.

I don't need your cut and paste of some random comments...Just give me the post# or use the "quote" feature so we know it's legitimate...Don't evade.

Sorry if You insist on the information in a certain form. I already quoted it twice. I'm not going to track it down again just to find a number. If that's not enough for you, I guess you could hold your breath till you turn blue, but that still wouldn't make me mind like you want.

In other words you're lying and that post doesn't exist ....so now that you're cornered you declare victory and run away.

What a clown...I saw right through you from the beginning.

AssRotaHole, you don't get "just once more." The info was given to you. Crawl in a hole and pull in after you if you can't accept that you have been flummoxed.

Quit acting like a 13-year old girl.
Fool..no one said the country is collapsing BECAUSE of obama...the country has been collapsing since the sixties...obama is working hard and doing his part, though. Believe that.

No one said the country is collapsing because of Obama? What cave have you been in? It's part of almost every right winger/teabagger utterance ever heard. You might claim ignorance of some facts and get away with it, but I'm calling BULLSHIT on that one.

Oh..I see ....you blame ME for what you hear other people saying...That's reasonable.

You're funny.. I already caught you in one lie and here you are acting up again.

..and "teabagger"? :rolleyes: ..your latency is leaking through.
Fool..no one said the country is collapsing BECAUSE of obama...the country has been collapsing since the sixties...obama is working hard and doing his part, though. Believe that.

No one said the country is collapsing because of Obama? What cave have you been in? It's part of almost every right winger/teabagger utterance ever heard. You might claim ignorance of some facts and get away with it, but I'm calling BULLSHIT on that one.

Oh..I see ....you blame ME for what you hear other people saying...That's reasonable.

You're funny.. I already caught you in one lie and here you are acting up again.

..and "teabagger"? :rolleyes: ..your latency is leaking through.

OK...If you have to tell yourself that to maintain what ever self respect you might have, go ahead. The facts are obvious to anyone else who read the conversation. Only you, and any like minded right wing drones might agree with you believe any of what you say though.
They need to fix the voting machines so that doesn't happen. Across the country, there are reports of the voting machine switching the votes from Republicans to Democrats.

If Dems ever took over Texas, it would go from a good economy that it is now to a hell hole like Detroit or a waste land like California.

California has the seventh largest economy in the world. Only a moron would call that a wasteland.
And probably has the 7th largest debt in the world. The state is into the pension fund over half a trillion dollars.
That's prosperous?
Not sure where they are getting their numbers from, but there are many other sources that would disagree with those numbers. I'm not saying they are wrong or right. I would really like to see how they are coming up with those numbers or if that is just the opinion of one person based on faulty data.

Interactive Poverty Map State and County Level Poverty Information

Looks like the worst poverty rates are in RED states.
Your point?
And just because some rural dweller does not make a lot of money, does not mean he's impoverished.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?
Not sure where they are getting their numbers from, but there are many other sources that would disagree with those numbers. I'm not saying they are wrong or right. I would really like to see how they are coming up with those numbers or if that is just the opinion of one person based on faulty data.

Interactive Poverty Map State and County Level Poverty Information

Looks like the worst poverty rates are in RED states.
Your point?
And just because some rural dweller does not make a lot of money, does not mean he's impoverished.

You're right. Just because he doesn't make a lot of money doesn't mean he is impoverished. The fact that he makes at or below the national poverty line makes him impoverished. That's what the map showed.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Of course not, but fox and the right wingers want you to think they can.

I am not so sure... :(...Obola is opening the borders because he has a plan in mind....

Obola is an evil entity. I hate him.

Sorry BULLDOG but I hate him and his gang.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
First...genius. the term is "secession" Not "succession"...
Second. NY has lost 15 Electoral Votes since the 1960's.
Texas is not going Blue anytime soon.
Your side is losing the once bog union rust belt states.
PA, WI, MI and OH are no longer solid blue. They are purple. But for high concentrations of minority voters in large urban monolithic lockstep for democrat voting precincts, your side would never win an election.
The rules of the Electoral College are set up to allow urban areas a disproportionate say in presidential elections.
The electoral votes should be split on a county by county basis. Not winner take all. Nebraska does this.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Of course not, but fox and the right wingers want you to think they can.

I am not so sure... :(...Obola is opening the borders because he has a plan in mind....

Obola is an evil entity. I hate him.

Sorry BULLDOG but I hate him and his gang.

Sure...He is planning to spread ebola and bring our country down to third world standards. He's probably the AntiChrist too, so he needs a lot of undocumented immigrants to help him. Do you suppose he has already passed out flyers telling them what they are supposed to do, or will they have one big meeting when they all get here to split up into teams discuss their plans?
I'm more amazed every day by the normally sane people who are willing to believe such crazy conspiracy theories. What are your thoughts on Bigfoot or Elvis still being alive?
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
BTW, OH, VA and Fl decide presidential elections now. No other votes count because they are already decided. Everyone knows this.
I think it is amusing how these presidential candidates waste their time campaigning in states that are in the bag for them even if they went on an ax murdering spree.
CA is not going to vote GOP. TX is not going to go Dem. Why bother.
That may come across as rather cynical. So be it.
Quite frankly the only reason why candidates go to such places as Iowa and New Hampshire is because of some silly tradition.
And another thing about this process. ALL presidential primaries should be on the same day. And who gives a shit about states that don't have primaries?
Having them on the same day would cut down the number of annoying infuriating remote control battery wasting political ads. Would render useless those incredibly wasteful and bothersome party conventions. Charlotte was a nightmare when it had the DNC Nat'l Convention. In fact it was such a waste of time and so in debt the DNC ended up sending home 20,000 delegates and other supporters because they DNC ran out of money. Who needs this shit?
I think the campaign should be limited to 60 days. And no campaigning 30 days or less before election day.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Of course not, but fox and the right wingers want you to think they can.
They already are. Or at least they are being led to the people who are telling them how to get away with it.

I'll bet they are using secret space alien technology to do it to. Right wingers will believe anything.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Of course not, but fox and the right wingers want you to think they can.
They already are. Or at least they are being led to the people who are telling them how to get away with it.

I'll bet they are using secret space alien technology to do it to. Right wingers will believe anything.

And yet it is Democratic superstars who introduce legislation to prohibit the government from using orbital mindrays on Americans. Not kidding.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
BTW, OH, VA and Fl decide presidential elections now. No other votes count because they are already decided. Everyone knows this.
I think it is amusing how these presidential candidates waste their time campaigning in states that are in the bag for them even if they went on an ax murdering spree.
CA is not going to vote GOP. TX is not going to go Dem. Why bother.
That may come across as rather cynical. So be it.
Quite frankly the only reason why candidates go to such places as Iowa and New Hampshire is because of some silly tradition.
And another thing about this process. ALL presidential primaries should be on the same day. And who gives a shit about states that don't have primaries?
Having them on the same day would cut down the number of annoying infuriating remote control battery wasting political ads. Would render useless those incredibly wasteful and bothersome party conventions. Charlotte was a nightmare when it had the DNC Nat'l Convention. In fact it was such a waste of time and so in debt the DNC ended up sending home 20,000 delegates and other supporters because they DNC ran out of money. Who needs this shit?
I think the campaign should be limited to 60 days. And no campaigning 30 days or less before election day.

I agree with most of what you say, but if it was that cut and dried, we wouldn't have been entertained so well by Rove on the last election night, or seen the "just lost my favorite toy" look of everyone on fox for the two weeks.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Many states are handing them driver's licenses and that means they are automatically being registered to vote through motor voter. I don't get that part because usually we need our birth certificates to prove identity when we first get a license. The DMV should know they aren't citizens, but somehow the motor voter is set up to register everyone. We also had groups, like ACORN, registering people to vote and they didn't care about citizenship and they even made up names to register. While the system in place can spot some cheaters, like those voting twice, most cheating goes undetected simply because no one is looking for it.

In every precinct, a large number of people who are automatically registered to vote never bother to actually vote. That leaves millions of legal, unused ballots across the country. Dishonest election workers can easily cast those ballots and no one is the wiser. I suspect that is happening and is a much bigger problem than other forms of cheating. While illegals have voted in fairly substantial numbers and have been discovered, the election results still stood so uncovering cheating after the fact apparently means they got away with it and if anyone won because of cheating, they still are considered the winners.

We need to end motor voter just to eliminate all those legal ballots that are likely too tempting for cheaters. Franken won because miraculously an entire trunk load of ballots just for him were discovered in a trunk well after the election. I bet those were leftover ballots and that some cheaters filled them out and they would have looked legit because all they had to do was check off legally registered voter names off the voter rolls. Only way to know if they did that would be to call every voter on that list and ask whether they actually voted or not. No one did that and it's likely no one ever will. That is how the cheaters do it.

It is a serious problem because less than half of the people in this country bother to vote. That is a LOT of ballots at the disposals of dishonest people and they are using them. Bet on it.

Instead of voter ID, we just need to eliminate motor voter. That way, the only people who would bother to register are those who actually vote. Since roughly a third of the eligible voters even bother, millions of legal ballots would disappear and it would be harder to cheat, though not impossible.

As it is, there are more than enough legal ballots that can be misused to alter the outcome of elections. The Dems are so damn desperate right now that they would need to cheat in order to win. And illegals will vote in every state. Texas is doing great right now. If Dems took over, it would all turn to shit.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Of course not, but fox and the right wingers want you to think they can.
They already are. Or at least they are being led to the people who are telling them how to get away with it.

I'll bet they are using secret space alien technology to do it to. Right wingers will believe anything.

And yet it is Democratic superstars who introduce legislation to prohibit the government from using orbital mindrays on Americans. Not kidding.

Do you really want to get in a competition on crazy politicians? I could go through a couple of days of posts with Gohmert alone. After that we have Bachman, Cruz, that little girl who said she wasn't a witch, Alan West, herman cane, and we haven't even mentioned palin.
Electorally the triad of CA, TX, and NY will be impossible to beat. How the GOP responds would be likely a mix of the daily outrage and calls for succession.
BTW, OH, VA and Fl decide presidential elections now. No other votes count because they are already decided. Everyone knows this.
I think it is amusing how these presidential candidates waste their time campaigning in states that are in the bag for them even if they went on an ax murdering spree.
CA is not going to vote GOP. TX is not going to go Dem. Why bother.
That may come across as rather cynical. So be it.
Quite frankly the only reason why candidates go to such places as Iowa and New Hampshire is because of some silly tradition.
And another thing about this process. ALL presidential primaries should be on the same day. And who gives a shit about states that don't have primaries?
Having them on the same day would cut down the number of annoying infuriating remote control battery wasting political ads. Would render useless those incredibly wasteful and bothersome party conventions. Charlotte was a nightmare when it had the DNC Nat'l Convention. In fact it was such a waste of time and so in debt the DNC ended up sending home 20,000 delegates and other supporters because they DNC ran out of money. Who needs this shit?
I think the campaign should be limited to 60 days. And no campaigning 30 days or less before election day.

In 12 years...Texas will be purple. Arizona in 8.
are the illegals going to vote there? all the Mexicans who jump the border?

can they vote just like that?

Of course not, but fox and the right wingers want you to think they can.
They already are. Or at least they are being led to the people who are telling them how to get away with it.

I'll bet they are using secret space alien technology to do it to. Right wingers will believe anything.

And yet it is Democratic superstars who introduce legislation to prohibit the government from using orbital mindrays on Americans. Not kidding.

Do you really want to get in a competition on crazy politicians? I could go through a couple of days of posts with Gohmert alone. After that we have Bachman, Cruz, that little girl who said she wasn't a witch, Alan West, herman cane, and we haven't even mentioned palin.
Sure, bring it. Remember, the topic YOU INTRODUCED is super secret alien technology, so if you have examples of Bachmann talking about such, then let's see your cards. You confuse politicians uttering non-liberal statements with being crazy. It's us normal people who see liberals bringing the crazy, to wit:

H.R.2977 -- Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Introduced in House - IH)

(II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--

  • (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

  • (ii) chemtrails;

  • (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

  • (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

  • (v) laser weapons systems;

  • (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

  • (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

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