What Will Happen to the Post Office

the tax payers dont pay the PMG....

I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....

That's the same "choice" a mugger gives you: hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the chest.
but i thought you said Fed-X is better and cheaper?....you can stick a First Class letter in one of their Envelopes and pay the 25 bucks or whatever it is and send it with them.....no one is stopping you....

It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver. We both know the government doesn't allow it to deliver 1st class mail. So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.
It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver.

like i stated earlier thats been proven too be a myth.....they aint no better.....i have seen this many a time in my time there....

So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.

hey you are the one saying the PO sucks at delivering....not me.....i know better......
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....

Yes I would.
thats why i said what i said.....but i can back up what i say....you wont be able to back up what you think the reason is......
Sure I will.
go ahead give it a shot.....tell me your theory about the govt wanting to be the only one doing first class .....and why?....
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
the carriers think it is not necessary and i agree.....that book from Amazon is not that important.....if you dont get it on Sat. you get it on Monday....no biggie....but the biggest problem with this is,they are using Temps and the real new people to deliver these.....and they are leaving them door side if not home, and quite often i hear.... the person no longer lives there.....new people are not going to know this....its a waste of time and money.....
If it's an Amazon order chances are that the people who ordered it still live there.
you would be surprised Ravi.....i had more than one time someone on my route would get a package and the person moved a year ago...yes a year ago....one thing you find out in the Mail delivery business......lots of people are not to bright......i had a guy who moved around Oct. and did not put a change of Address in....come Christmas this person had at least 10 parcels come for them....i had to send them back MLNA...(moved left no address)....and then you would be surprised how many parcels come in with bad addresses,they are real addresses on that street,just the wrong house.....now the regulars know were the person actually lives (they should anyway)....a Sunday person will just deliver as addressed.....they dont know.....if a sub is on a guys route while he is on vacation during the week....if he has a question about a bad address he can ask the Carriers Relief carrier,the person who does the route once a week on their day off, were it should be delivered,the Sunday people dont have that option....they are just told....deliver these by a Clerk Supervisor,who is usually just as clueless about the delivery side of things as a new person.......Sunday delivery will die out when this shit catches up to upper Management....this new woman PMG is a former carrier...if she gets wind of this she may recommend changes or just stopping it.....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

LOL. If the USPS goes under it'll be due to its own incompetence. If it wants to survive it has to stop thinking like the Dems (you know ... that money-grows-on-trees mentality) and start acting like a capitalist business. Reduce overhead; fire deadbeat employees (there's lots of them); run their routes more efficiently; and make a profit. Simple math, really.

Government agencies have to turn a profit? Since when?

I should ask Harry this, but do you know who would pay the pensions of the hundreds of thousands postal workers if the USPS does not fund the pension program? My guess is the US taxpayer would pick up the tab.
i dont know about the people hired after 1987.....but the ones like me under Civil Service are from what we were told are already covered,our retirement is already in the bank....the ones after 87 are under SS....but they,because of this bill about putting 5 Billion into the fund,may be covered by now too...but im not sure about them....
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
the carriers think it is not necessary and i agree.....that book from Amazon is not that important.....if you dont get it on Sat. you get it on Monday....no biggie....but the biggest problem with this is,they are using Temps and the real new people to deliver these.....and they are leaving them door side if not home, and quite often i hear.... the person no longer lives there.....new people are not going to know this....its a waste of time and money.....
If it's an Amazon order chances are that the people who ordered it still live there.
you would be surprised Ravi.....i had more than one time someone on my route would get a package and the person moved a year ago...yes a year ago....one thing you find out in the Mail delivery business......lots of people are not to bright......i had a guy who moved around Oct. and did not put a change of Address in....come Christmas this person had at least 10 parcels come for them....i had to send them back MLNA...(moved left no address)....and then you would be surprised how many parcels come in with bad addresses,they are real addresses on that street,just the wrong house.....now the regulars know were the person actually lives (they should anyway)....a Sunday person will just deliver as addressed.....they dont know.....if a sub is on a guys route while he is on vacation during the week....if he has a question about a bad address he can ask the Carriers Relief carrier,the person who does the route once a week on their day off, were it should be delivered,the Sunday people dont have that option....they are just told....deliver these by a Clerk Supervisor,who is usually just as clueless about the delivery side of things as a new person.......Sunday delivery will die out when this shit catches up to upper Management....this new woman PMG is a former carrier...if she gets wind of this she may recommend changes or just stopping it.....

So is this your promotion for the post office to fill out the change of address form?
I'm trying to figure out what world some people live in.

I ship items that fit into one of the priority mail boxes that the post office provides free of charge. The smallest one costs me $5.80 and can hold several hundred dollars worth of my product. It arrives in 2-4 days. The same delivery using UPS would cost me twice that. I pack 50lbs worth of tools into one of the medium boxes. It costs me $17 to ship anywhere in the US. The same box using UPS would be three times that.

It's a great deal.

Once, sometimes twice a year we mail out over 200,000 ballots to absentee voters...that same delivery using FEDEX or UPS would cost a fortune...and the taxpayers would foot the bill.
and ask those guys if they would deliver those things to each residence....but Political Mailings do not fall under regular mail regulations....the PO is subsidized for that stuff....its pretty costly and time consuming...especially the shit during election times....
I'm trying to figure out what world some people live in.

I ship items that fit into one of the priority mail boxes that the post office provides free of charge. The smallest one costs me $5.80 and can hold several hundred dollars worth of my product. It arrives in 2-4 days. The same delivery using UPS would cost me twice that. I pack 50lbs worth of tools into one of the medium boxes. It costs me $17 to ship anywhere in the US. The same box using UPS would be three times that.

It's a great deal.

Once, sometimes twice a year we mail out over 200,000 ballots to absentee voters...that same delivery using FEDEX or UPS would cost a fortune...and the taxpayers would foot the bill.

Based on far left propaganda talking points?

USPS already uses Fed Ex or did that not make it into the far left programming?

A union based government controlled entity is using a non-union private company..
the PO is making money on the deal too....
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money

Either you made that lie up yourself or someone in the right wing media fed it to you.

The president can't touch the funds for pensions at the PO.

I have a feeling that your father either doesn't talk to you much or that was just another lie from you.

The democrats passed the bill in 2012 in the Senate. It went to the house and was promptly killed by daryl issa. The person who wrote the bill in the house was a democratic congressman by the name of Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts.

So if you want to complain about the problem, get it right. The republicans created the problem and then when the democrats tried to fix the problem, republican daryl issa killed the bill.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals
by the way my Union thought his bill was pretty shitty too.....and were actually glad it died.......

At least the democrats tried to do something about it.

daryl issa killed the bill in the house.

It's not fair to say that the democrats have not tried to do anything to fix the problem. They have.
yes it is fair because its all talk....just because Senator so and so is saying how we have to save the post office and then sits down and goes back to eating his lunch.....does not mean he is trying to fix the problem....i sat in on many a Union meeting since 06.....this special Committee is all bullshit....this is one of the reasons i have grown to hate the Democrats as much as the Republicans because they are 2 faced basterds.....at least Darrel the asshole will stand up and say fuck the PO.....Henry the weasel Waxmen talked at a workshop and said ...."you guys are great im for a viable healthy PO"....and then Co-Sponsors that fucking bill....by the way Dana ....the jerk who sponsored the bill was Tom Davis R- Virginia.....the Co-Sponsors were John McHugh R-NY.....Danny Davis D-ILL....and Henry Waxmen D-Ca.....Waxmen and McHugh were considered "friends" of the Union.....some friends......

I guess the fact that the senate actually passed the bill doesn't mean anything to you.

I agree Waxman and the others were wrong on this bill.

I will give the democrats credit for actually trying to do something about it. It did get passed in the senate.

While I understand your frustration and anger, I won't label every democrat with the asshole label.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
the carriers think it is not necessary and i agree.....that book from Amazon is not that important.....if you dont get it on Sat. you get it on Monday....no biggie....but the biggest problem with this is,they are using Temps and the real new people to deliver these.....and they are leaving them door side if not home, and quite often i hear.... the person no longer lives there.....new people are not going to know this....its a waste of time and money.....
If it's an Amazon order chances are that the people who ordered it still live there.
you would be surprised Ravi.....i had more than one time someone on my route would get a package and the person moved a year ago...yes a year ago....one thing you find out in the Mail delivery business......lots of people are not to bright......i had a guy who moved around Oct. and did not put a change of Address in....come Christmas this person had at least 10 parcels come for them....i had to send them back MLNA...(moved left no address)....and then you would be surprised how many parcels come in with bad addresses,they are real addresses on that street,just the wrong house.....now the regulars know were the person actually lives (they should anyway)....a Sunday person will just deliver as addressed.....they dont know.....if a sub is on a guys route while he is on vacation during the week....if he has a question about a bad address he can ask the Carriers Relief carrier,the person who does the route once a week on their day off, were it should be delivered,the Sunday people dont have that option....they are just told....deliver these by a Clerk Supervisor,who is usually just as clueless about the delivery side of things as a new person.......Sunday delivery will die out when this shit catches up to upper Management....this new woman PMG is a former carrier...if she gets wind of this she may recommend changes or just stopping it.....

So is this your promotion for the post office to fill out the change of address form?
right now you sound like Franco Kosh....what are you trying to say?....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

LOL. If the USPS goes under it'll be due to its own incompetence. If it wants to survive it has to stop thinking like the Dems (you know ... that money-grows-on-trees mentality) and start acting like a capitalist business. Reduce overhead; fire deadbeat employees (there's lots of them); run their routes more efficiently; and make a profit. Simple math, really.

Government agencies have to turn a profit? Since when?

I should ask Harry this, but do you know who would pay the pensions of the hundreds of thousands postal workers if the USPS does not fund the pension program? My guess is the US taxpayer would pick up the tab.
i dont know about the people hired after 1987.....but the ones like me under Civil Service are from what we were told are already covered,our retirement is already in the bank....the ones after 87 are under SS....but they,because of this bill about putting 5 Billion into the fund,may be covered by now too...but im not sure about them....

That was my best guess, and the fre-funding was supposed to be completed in 2016. However USPS has recently defaulted several times on paying the $5.5 billion.
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

And yet as possibly the most fiscally conservative member on the board I'm a USPS fan. They are one of the most under appreciated services in government imo, simple math does not tell the whole story when it comes to the USPS. They are an enabler and I don't think we calculate the value add they bring to the economy and society.
I'm trying to figure out what world some people live in.

I ship items that fit into one of the priority mail boxes that the post office provides free of charge. The smallest one costs me $5.80 and can hold several hundred dollars worth of my product. It arrives in 2-4 days. The same delivery using UPS would cost me twice that. I pack 50lbs worth of tools into one of the medium boxes. It costs me $17 to ship anywhere in the US. The same box using UPS would be three times that.

It's a great deal.

Once, sometimes twice a year we mail out over 200,000 ballots to absentee voters...that same delivery using FEDEX or UPS would cost a fortune...and the taxpayers would foot the bill.

Based on far left propaganda talking points?

USPS already uses Fed Ex or did that not make it into the far left programming?

A union based government controlled entity is using a non-union private company..

They don't use them to deliver ballots. Do you have any idea how much the cost of holding an election will rise if you deliver ballots via Fedex or UPS?

I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.
Who is speaking of this? Name names. Provide direct links to elected officials websites or newspaper articles in which they say that they are going to target the post office for cuts.

I'll wait...but not long....so, chop chop.
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
the carriers think it is not necessary and i agree.....that book from Amazon is not that important.....if you dont get it on Sat. you get it on Monday....no biggie....but the biggest problem with this is,they are using Temps and the real new people to deliver these.....and they are leaving them door side if not home, and quite often i hear.... the person no longer lives there.....new people are not going to know this....its a waste of time and money.....
If it's an Amazon order chances are that the people who ordered it still live there.
you would be surprised Ravi.....i had more than one time someone on my route would get a package and the person moved a year ago...yes a year ago....one thing you find out in the Mail delivery business......lots of people are not to bright......i had a guy who moved around Oct. and did not put a change of Address in....come Christmas this person had at least 10 parcels come for them....i had to send them back MLNA...(moved left no address)....and then you would be surprised how many parcels come in with bad addresses,they are real addresses on that street,just the wrong house.....now the regulars know were the person actually lives (they should anyway)....a Sunday person will just deliver as addressed.....they dont know.....if a sub is on a guys route while he is on vacation during the week....if he has a question about a bad address he can ask the Carriers Relief carrier,the person who does the route once a week on their day off, were it should be delivered,the Sunday people dont have that option....they are just told....deliver these by a Clerk Supervisor,who is usually just as clueless about the delivery side of things as a new person.......Sunday delivery will die out when this shit catches up to upper Management....this new woman PMG is a former carrier...if she gets wind of this she may recommend changes or just stopping it.....

So is this your promotion for the post office to fill out the change of address form?
right now you sound like Franco Kosh....what are you trying to say?....

Wrong again? Want to prove that I sound like Franco?

Nope just pointing out that maybe these people moved and did not fill out a change of address form like all people should..

You take it however you want to though, go ahead..
I'm trying to figure out what world some people live in.

I ship items that fit into one of the priority mail boxes that the post office provides free of charge. The smallest one costs me $5.80 and can hold several hundred dollars worth of my product. It arrives in 2-4 days. The same delivery using UPS would cost me twice that. I pack 50lbs worth of tools into one of the medium boxes. It costs me $17 to ship anywhere in the US. The same box using UPS would be three times that.

It's a great deal.

Once, sometimes twice a year we mail out over 200,000 ballots to absentee voters...that same delivery using FEDEX or UPS would cost a fortune...and the taxpayers would foot the bill.

Based on far left propaganda talking points?

USPS already uses Fed Ex or did that not make it into the far left programming?

A union based government controlled entity is using a non-union private company..

They don't use them to deliver ballots. Do you have any idea how much the cost of holding an election will rise if you deliver ballots via Fedex or UPS?

I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....

And USPS made these deals to save money right?
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money

Either you made that lie up yourself or someone in the right wing media fed it to you.

The president can't touch the funds for pensions at the PO.

I have a feeling that your father either doesn't talk to you much or that was just another lie from you.

The democrats passed the bill in 2012 in the Senate. It went to the house and was promptly killed by daryl issa. The person who wrote the bill in the house was a democratic congressman by the name of Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts.

So if you want to complain about the problem, get it right. The republicans created the problem and then when the democrats tried to fix the problem, republican daryl issa killed the bill.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals
by the way my Union thought his bill was pretty shitty too.....and were actually glad it died.......

At least the democrats tried to do something about it.

daryl issa killed the bill in the house.

It's not fair to say that the democrats have not tried to do anything to fix the problem. They have.
yes it is fair because its all talk....just because Senator so and so is saying how we have to save the post office and then sits down and goes back to eating his lunch.....does not mean he is trying to fix the problem....i sat in on many a Union meeting since 06.....this special Committee is all bullshit....this is one of the reasons i have grown to hate the Democrats as much as the Republicans because they are 2 faced basterds.....at least Darrel the asshole will stand up and say fuck the PO.....Henry the weasel Waxmen talked at a workshop and said ...."you guys are great im for a viable healthy PO"....and then Co-Sponsors that fucking bill....by the way Dana ....the jerk who sponsored the bill was Tom Davis R- Virginia.....the Co-Sponsors were John McHugh R-NY.....Danny Davis D-ILL....and Henry Waxmen D-Ca.....Waxmen and McHugh were considered "friends" of the Union.....some friends......

I guess the fact that the senate actually passed the bill doesn't mean anything to you.

I agree Waxman and the others were wrong on this bill.

I will give the democrats credit for actually trying to do something about it. It did get passed in the senate.

While I understand your frustration and anger, I won't label every democrat with the asshole label.
i wont label everyone like that too.....and there a more Republicans then you may realize that are also considered "friends" to the PO....but like i said Dana.....the Union was glad the bill was defeated....there is a reason......
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

LOL. If the USPS goes under it'll be due to its own incompetence. If it wants to survive it has to stop thinking like the Dems (you know ... that money-grows-on-trees mentality) and start acting like a capitalist business. Reduce overhead; fire deadbeat employees (there's lots of them); run their routes more efficiently; and make a profit. Simple math, really.

Government agencies have to turn a profit? Since when?

I should ask Harry this, but do you know who would pay the pensions of the hundreds of thousands postal workers if the USPS does not fund the pension program? My guess is the US taxpayer would pick up the tab.
i dont know about the people hired after 1987.....but the ones like me under Civil Service are from what we were told are already covered,our retirement is already in the bank....the ones after 87 are under SS....but they,because of this bill about putting 5 Billion into the fund,may be covered by now too...but im not sure about them....

That was my best guess, and the fre-funding was supposed to be completed in 2016. However USPS has recently defaulted several times on paying the $5.5 billion.
thats because they were getting tired of this "Committee" not doing anything worthwhile so they tried to force someone to stop eating lunch and do something...
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

And yet as possibly the most fiscally conservative member on the board I'm a USPS fan. They are one of the most under appreciated services in government imo, simple math does not tell the whole story when it comes to the USPS. They are an enabler and I don't think we calculate the value add they bring to the economy and society.
they also hire a lot of people no one seems to want to put to work.....like the handicapped and Vets.....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

And yet as possibly the most fiscally conservative member on the board I'm a USPS fan. They are one of the most under appreciated services in government imo, simple math does not tell the whole story when it comes to the USPS. They are an enabler and I don't think we calculate the value add they bring to the economy and society.
they also hire a lot of people no one seems to want to put to work.....like the handicapped and Vets.....

That's another good point. They also enable small business growth, this may look like a loss to taxpayers calculating the simple math but a more in depth analysis tells a different story.
Once, sometimes twice a year we mail out over 200,000 ballots to absentee voters...that same delivery using FEDEX or UPS would cost a fortune...and the taxpayers would foot the bill.

Based on far left propaganda talking points?

USPS already uses Fed Ex or did that not make it into the far left programming?

A union based government controlled entity is using a non-union private company..

They don't use them to deliver ballots. Do you have any idea how much the cost of holding an election will rise if you deliver ballots via Fedex or UPS?

I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....

And USPS made these deals to save money right?
they made the deal with Fed-X because they can fly when commercial airlines cant....do you realize how many days mail would sit on a dock somewhere waiting to be flown but cant because the Commercial airlines were grounded?.....Fed-X doesnt have those restrictions....so they fly the First Class and got their Boxes put at PO's around the country.....and the PO delivers MANY of their parcels for them in certain areas.....a win for both....

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