What We Now Know About The Men Who Led The Impeachment Of Clinton


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) led the push for Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Following a disappointing election in November 1998, he announced he was stepping down as Speaker and resigning from Congress.

Gingrich later admitted that, while he was pushing for Clinton’s impeachment, he wasengaged in an affair with a Congressional aide. “There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them,” Gingrich said in 2007. He later said the situation was “complex and, obviously, I wasn’t doing things to be proud of.”


After Gingrich announced his resignation, Republicans unanimously selected Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) to succeed him. Livingston represented the party as Speaker-elect in the led up to the impeachment vote.

On the day of the impeachment vote, Livingston announced he was resigning following revelations that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. According to Hustler Magazine Publisher Larry Flint, who offered a reward for information about the sex lives of members of Congress, he “found four women who said they had been involved with Mr. Livingston over the last 10 years.”


Following Livingston’s resignation, which occurred on the same day the House voted on impeachment, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) quickly gained support of the Republican leadership to succeed him as Speaker-designate. He began formally serving as speaker in January 1999, and held that role while the Senate conducted their trial on the articles of impeachment.

On Thursday, Hastert was indicted on charges that he illegally structured $1.7 million in payments to an individual in an attempt to cover up prior misconduct. According to reports, the payments were allegedly intended to “conceal sexual abuse against a former male student he knew during his days as a teacher in Yorkville, Ill.” The LA Times also reported that “investigators also spoke with a second man who raised similar allegations that corroborated what the former student said.”

What do they say about glass houses?
Well unlike your boy Bill,they admitted to their faults din't get on national TV wagging a finger while telling a big fat lie,didn't get their law licenses yanked,didn't get a 200k plus fine,and didn't commit a crime that has put other people in jail for,other than that whats your point?
Still pretending it was all about sex instead of sexual harassment and abuse of power.
bill is a leftist hero

cons put all those assholes to pasture

bill never confessed to a fucking thing, even though he was a serial adulterer

2 of 3 confessed, and admitted how they knew they were doing wrong

see the difference?


no shocker
So, is that your defense? I guess that when the Bosh meme is still around 6 years later I should not be surprised.
Why do you think a valid rebuttal of charges levied is well that guy over there…
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress.
Newt did not have a special prosecutor assigned to dog him about his sex life, either. Nor did Livingston. Nor did Hastert.

How do you think those three would have fared under oath? Would Denny have fessed up about molesting a boy?
Wow, this is timely...

Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) led the push for Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Following a disappointing election in November 1998, he announced he was stepping down as Speaker and resigning from Congress.

Gingrich later admitted that, while he was pushing for Clinton’s impeachment, he wasengaged in an affair with a Congressional aide. “There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them,” Gingrich said in 2007. He later said the situation was “complex and, obviously, I wasn’t doing things to be proud of.”


After Gingrich announced his resignation, Republicans unanimously selected Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) to succeed him. Livingston represented the party as Speaker-elect in the led up to the impeachment vote.

On the day of the impeachment vote, Livingston announced he was resigning following revelations that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. According to Hustler Magazine Publisher Larry Flint, who offered a reward for information about the sex lives of members of Congress, he “found four women who said they had been involved with Mr. Livingston over the last 10 years.”


Following Livingston’s resignation, which occurred on the same day the House voted on impeachment, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) quickly gained support of the Republican leadership to succeed him as Speaker-designate. He began formally serving as speaker in January 1999, and held that role while the Senate conducted their trial on the articles of impeachment.

On Thursday, Hastert was indicted on charges that he illegally structured $1.7 million in payments to an individual in an attempt to cover up prior misconduct. According to reports, the payments were allegedly intended to “conceal sexual abuse against a former male student he knew during his days as a teacher in Yorkville, Ill.” The LA Times also reported that “investigators also spoke with a second man who raised similar allegations that corroborated what the former student said.”

What do they say about glass houses?

What on Earth does this have to does with Clinton committing perjury?
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress. THAT was a felony and Clinton should have gone to prison for it.

Clinton misrepresented the facts, an occurrence in nearly 100% of every trial - civil and criminal - in America. In retrospect he should have followed the lead of former President Ronald Reagan, "I just don't recall", "I don't remember". Of course the issue with Clinton was sexual activities, Reagans faulty memory had to do with nation building by violence.
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress.
Newt did not have a special prosecutor assigned to dog him about his sex life, either. Nor did Livingston. Nor did Hastert.

How do you think those three would have fared under oath? Would Denny have fessed up about molesting a boy?

Apparently not, that's why he's under indictment.
This is one of those threads where cons list every difference they can muster and ignore any similarities outright lol
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress. THAT was a felony and Clinton should have gone to prison for it.

Clinton misrepresented the facts, an occurrence in nearly 100% of every trial - civil and criminal - in America. In retrospect he should have followed the lead of former President Ronald Reagan, "I just don't recall", "I don't remember". Of course the issue with Clinton was sexual activities, Reagans faulty memory had to do with nation building by violence.

Bill Clinton sexually harassed several women.
Wow, this is timely...

Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) led the push for Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Following a disappointing election in November 1998, he announced he was stepping down as Speaker and resigning from Congress.

Gingrich later admitted that, while he was pushing for Clinton’s impeachment, he wasengaged in an affair with a Congressional aide. “There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them,” Gingrich said in 2007. He later said the situation was “complex and, obviously, I wasn’t doing things to be proud of.”


After Gingrich announced his resignation, Republicans unanimously selected Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) to succeed him. Livingston represented the party as Speaker-elect in the led up to the impeachment vote.

On the day of the impeachment vote, Livingston announced he was resigning following revelations that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. According to Hustler Magazine Publisher Larry Flint, who offered a reward for information about the sex lives of members of Congress, he “found four women who said they had been involved with Mr. Livingston over the last 10 years.”


Following Livingston’s resignation, which occurred on the same day the House voted on impeachment, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) quickly gained support of the Republican leadership to succeed him as Speaker-designate. He began formally serving as speaker in January 1999, and held that role while the Senate conducted their trial on the articles of impeachment.

On Thursday, Hastert was indicted on charges that he illegally structured $1.7 million in payments to an individual in an attempt to cover up prior misconduct. According to reports, the payments were allegedly intended to “conceal sexual abuse against a former male student he knew during his days as a teacher in Yorkville, Ill.” The LA Times also reported that “investigators also spoke with a second man who raised similar allegations that corroborated what the former student said.”

What do they say about glass houses?

What on Earth does this have to does with Clinton committing perjury?
Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Newt wasn't? Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Livingston wasn't? Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Hastert wasn't?

Do you think Gingrich or Livingston of Hastert would have told the truth under oath?
Wow, this is timely...

Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) led the push for Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Following a disappointing election in November 1998, he announced he was stepping down as Speaker and resigning from Congress.

Gingrich later admitted that, while he was pushing for Clinton’s impeachment, he wasengaged in an affair with a Congressional aide. “There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them,” Gingrich said in 2007. He later said the situation was “complex and, obviously, I wasn’t doing things to be proud of.”


After Gingrich announced his resignation, Republicans unanimously selected Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) to succeed him. Livingston represented the party as Speaker-elect in the led up to the impeachment vote.

On the day of the impeachment vote, Livingston announced he was resigning following revelations that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. According to Hustler Magazine Publisher Larry Flint, who offered a reward for information about the sex lives of members of Congress, he “found four women who said they had been involved with Mr. Livingston over the last 10 years.”


Following Livingston’s resignation, which occurred on the same day the House voted on impeachment, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) quickly gained support of the Republican leadership to succeed him as Speaker-designate. He began formally serving as speaker in January 1999, and held that role while the Senate conducted their trial on the articles of impeachment.

On Thursday, Hastert was indicted on charges that he illegally structured $1.7 million in payments to an individual in an attempt to cover up prior misconduct. According to reports, the payments were allegedly intended to “conceal sexual abuse against a former male student he knew during his days as a teacher in Yorkville, Ill.” The LA Times also reported that “investigators also spoke with a second man who raised similar allegations that corroborated what the former student said.”

What do they say about glass houses?

What on Earth does this have to does with Clinton committing perjury?
Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Newt wasn't? Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Livingston wasn't? Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Hastert wasn't?

Do you think Gingrich or Livingston of Hastert would have told the truth under oath?

Because they did not sexually harass their subordinates.
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress.
Newt did not have a special prosecutor assigned to dog him about his sex life, either.
shakes head,it was about the lies under oath and hindering the investigation,sex was irrelevant,just what Bill choose to lie about.
Now be honest,give it a try,If a Repub had wagged his finger at the collective public telling a big fat lie like Bill did,you would be having 5 full grown cows at once.
It takes a special kind of asshole who is cheating on his wife to call for a special prosecutor to pursue another guy he heard was cheating on his wife just because the other guy is a member of the opposite party.

It takes a special kind of asshole to call for the impeachment of the guy cheating on his wife for lying about cheating on his wife when that special asshole is living a lie about his own marriage every single day.
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress. THAT was a felony and Clinton should have gone to prison for it.

Don't you know. We democrats can do anything we want. We don't have to obey the laws because we are "sovereign citizens". By the way, we are investigating sovereign citizens right now because they are so dangerous. The only ones we don't investigate are the ones in power because because...hay that doesn't seem fair.
Newt did not LIE about it (while under oath) to Congress.
Newt did not have a special prosecutor assigned to dog him about his sex life, either. Nor did Livingston. Nor did Hastert.

How do you think those three would have fared under oath? Would Denny have fessed up about molesting a boy?

What if my Aunt had testicles? I guess that would make her my uncle?

Your points are irrelevant... Clinton committed perjury. He doesn't get to pick and choose what he tells the truth about while under oath. And here's a thought, perhaps he should try to control himself a bit and maybe none of this would have been an issue. It was on more than one occasion and more than a few women who accused him of sexual assault, including rape.
Wow, this is timely...

Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) led the push for Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Following a disappointing election in November 1998, he announced he was stepping down as Speaker and resigning from Congress.

Gingrich later admitted that, while he was pushing for Clinton’s impeachment, he wasengaged in an affair with a Congressional aide. “There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them,” Gingrich said in 2007. He later said the situation was “complex and, obviously, I wasn’t doing things to be proud of.”


After Gingrich announced his resignation, Republicans unanimously selected Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) to succeed him. Livingston represented the party as Speaker-elect in the led up to the impeachment vote.

On the day of the impeachment vote, Livingston announced he was resigning following revelations that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. According to Hustler Magazine Publisher Larry Flint, who offered a reward for information about the sex lives of members of Congress, he “found four women who said they had been involved with Mr. Livingston over the last 10 years.”


Following Livingston’s resignation, which occurred on the same day the House voted on impeachment, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) quickly gained support of the Republican leadership to succeed him as Speaker-designate. He began formally serving as speaker in January 1999, and held that role while the Senate conducted their trial on the articles of impeachment.

On Thursday, Hastert was indicted on charges that he illegally structured $1.7 million in payments to an individual in an attempt to cover up prior misconduct. According to reports, the payments were allegedly intended to “conceal sexual abuse against a former male student he knew during his days as a teacher in Yorkville, Ill.” The LA Times also reported that “investigators also spoke with a second man who raised similar allegations that corroborated what the former student said.”

What do they say about glass houses?

What on Earth does this have to does with Clinton committing perjury?
Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Newt wasn't? Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Livingston wasn't? Why was Clinton dogged under oath about his sex life and Hastert wasn't?

Do you think Gingrich or Livingston of Hastert would have told the truth under oath?
Doesn't matter how much you wish they would have lied,it didn't happen,so no relevance try again.

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