What was the worst you have ever been hurt in a fight?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I was once very drunk and started to provoce a guy he wanted to leave and was angry but then I said your girl is a whore he jumped quickly back and punched me twice on the head the kebab guy stopped him from beating me more and he said he will kill me and left
I don't feel pain in fights while they're happening...but generally if it was a good one there's some "hangover" type remnants the day afterward. I was sparring two weeks ago and the next day my nose was tight feeling and my boogies were bloody.
I always win my fights. It was God's gift, and it would be boring to even consider why that is.

Bless you, Mr. Mortimer for adding to the diversity of thought that you inspire on a daily basis.♡♡♡♡♡
I always win my fights. It was God's gift, and it would be boring to even consider why that is.

Bless you, Mr. Mortimer for adding to the diversity of thought that you inspire on a daily basis.♡♡♡♡♡
Why you fightin', homey?
Cracked jaw, broken collar bone,broken wrist.Lead lined flapjacks hurt.Dude was good.
Then I crushed his windpipe and carotid.They trached him so, unfortunately he survived . Rent a cop at a pool hall.He later got a job as a real cop and another guy on a bike killed him during a pull over a few years later. Nam vet....probably a forklift driver or radio repairman.
Got gang-stomped damn near to death when I was about 15 or 16. Taken some beatings in the gym when I was fighting back about 25 years ago, but that's really just part of the game in boxing, muay thai, and MMA. Been shot once and knifed twice.
Got gang-stomped damn near to death when I was about 15 or 16. Taken some beatings in the gym when I was fighting back about 25 years ago, but that's really just part of the game in boxing, muay thai, and MMA. Been shot once and knifed twice.
Lol. You and Mr. Likkme need a copy of Dale Carnegie's "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE." <giggle>
Got gang-stomped damn near to death when I was about 15 or 16. Taken some beatings in the gym when I was fighting back about 25 years ago, but that's really just part of the game in boxing, muay thai, and MMA. Been shot once and knifed twice.
Lol. You and Mr. Likkme need a copy of Dale Carnegie's "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE." <giggle>
The gang-stomping was for being white in the wrong place, mainly, and also for pissing off a chick. It was her older boyfriend and a few of his buddies that jumped me. I was a professional fighter for a while, boxing, muay thai, and some of the early MMA events. I got knifed when I was a bouncer, and shot in Afghanistan.
I was once very drunk and started to provoce a guy he wanted to leave and was angry but then I said your girl is a whore he jumped quickly back and punched me twice on the head the kebab guy stopped him from beating me more and he said he will kill me and left
and you deserved it.
I was jumped by 3 guys when I was 18 so I wouldn't call it a fight.

They came up on me from behind. One guy had a bike chain wrapped around a fist the other 2 took to kicking me in the ribs and abdomen.

I ended up with a fractured eye orbital and some permanent vision impairment in my left eye, a grade 4 concussion, 3 cracked ribs and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed and it took 18 stitches to close up a gash under my left eye.

All for about 30 dollars and they took my winter coat too.
I had part of my finger bitten off in this big bar brawl a long long time ago. Well, it started in the bar....
I have been in many fights. I don't count school fights. When I lived in Oakland I went out night after night looking for fights to get into. My poor Mom. Anyways. The worst I ever got it was when I was about 16 in a biker bar fight. I got slammed with a chair and it knocked a tooth out.

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