What was the purpose of the "gain of function" research?

What was the purpose of the "gain of function" research?​

To ensure that the wealthy and powerful can control populations since interstellar colonialism is not going to work.
My guess would be that a lot of politicians and bureaucrats were getting a lot of money kicked back to them for their part in procuring funding for this evil bullshit. I also believe Communist China intended to use it as a weapon to damage the US and others.
My guess would be that a lot of politicians and bureaucrats were getting a lot of money kicked back to them for their part in procuring funding for this evil bullshit. I also believe Communist China intended to use it as a weapon to damage the US and others.
How about the kickbacks from the upcoming war? The media did try pretty hard to drum up something against Iran... Instead of war, Trump just killed one of their top generals. But a war is coming... Without a leader that doesn't want war... It's coming.

Need someone that doesn't bow down to the DNC/GOP... Of course... That means supporting candidates that aren't supported/owned by those two PRIVATE organizations.
It was done under Trump. Fact.
Fact. Doesn't suggest that Trump had anything to do with it. Does a general go to prison because a jarhead rapes someone? No. He had nothing to do with that. It just reflects badly on him. That's fair... But to suggest that he warranted it... Makes you an idiot.

Fact. I don't know.. Someone did something wonderful while Trump was president. He was a government offical at the time. Trumps fault? No.

Edit: On this topic... I don't think you are an idiot in general... Just stupid on this point.
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After WWl the Geneva Convention banned Biological weapons.
So, why did Dr Fauci fund the Covid "gain of function" in China?
Why did he choose China out of the 195 countries?
What was the real purpose of the research?
Was it "worth the risk"?
Should their be a international trial for Dr Fauci and China?

The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use.[5] The treaty's full name is the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.[5]

thats easy. China wants a bio weapon it can use to kill ots enemies and the morons at the cdc helped them
and, of course, today's Democrats seek political power in order to reap economic profits, too.

The Clintons perfected the system of enriching themselves through the political system via the enormous sums they were given for speaking engagements by those their political policies enriched. Today, it is million dollar Hunter Biden art work, but the process is the same.

and their fake charity
Fauxi IS NIH.....That was nobody's decision but his.
Thanks for the link-so if I'm reading your linked article this right with respect to an independent committee review, utilized by NIH in part, to weigh whether or not the risk is lower than benefit factor for numerous areas of research, but vaccine development and epidemiological surveillance were deemed "off limits" for this new team of independent advisory board for NIH? No f way. Sorry. That was extreme for me but good for emphasis in this deserving case.

"The new policy outlines a framework that the HHS will use to assess proposed research that would create pathogens with pandemic potential. Such work might involve modifying a virus to infect more species, or recreating a pathogen that has been eradicated in the wild, such as smallpox. There are some exceptions, however: vaccine development and epidemiological surveillance do not automatically trigger the HHS review."

"The goal is to standardize “a rigorous process that we really want to be sure we’re doing right”, NIH director Francis Collins told reporters. Does the rigorous process include vaccine development and epidemiological surveillance or not? From Collin's public statement alone, why exclude vaccine development? Why exclude epidemiological surveillance or does the journalist have it wrong?

Reminds me of how US medical journal review board started a new pre-screening method for all SARS-CoV2 journal entries PRIOR to peer review, taking out all work that didn't fit the narrative. What a crock that one. Result? Top 3 US medical journal orgs ranked below independent journal orgs. Go figure. You can only cipher off so much at the top without notice. I'm waiting for more scientists to come out publicly about their work not being accepted prior to peer review after 18 months or so of hard work.

My apologies to the readers for using the lowly f word above lol I've been out for dinner and had a grande margarita-I'm blaming that completely!
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After WWl the Geneva Convention banned Biological weapons.
So, why did Dr Fauci fund the Covid "gain of function" in China?
Why did he choose China out of the 195 countries?
What was the real purpose of the research?
Was it "worth the risk"?
Should their be a international trial for Dr Fauci and China?

The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use.[5] The treaty's full name is the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.[5]
Can you define "gain of function" and tell us how that was accomplished?
Can you define "gain of function" and tell us how that was accomplished?

Edit: Full disclosure... I didn't read the whole thing. I just read the start to make sure it was correct.

Edit2: This should ABSOLUTELY be noted though...

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, has played a major role in promoting and funding gain-of-function research, both in the US and China. Newsweek reported: “He argued that the research was worth the risk it entailed because it enables scientists to make preparations [ ] that could be useful if and when a pandemic occurred.
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Edit: Full disclosure... I didn't read the whole thing. I just read the start to make sure it was correct.
Researching gain of function for greater understanding is not the same as designing gain of function for a virus. Basic research is not the same as applied research. How else can scientists discover a "cure for the common cold" without basic and fundamental research?

In virology, gain-of-function research is employed with the intention of better understanding current and future pandemics.[4] In vaccine development, gain-of-function research is conducted in the hope of gaining a head start on a virus and being able to develop a vaccine or therapeutic before it emerges.[4] The term "gain of function" is sometimes applied more narrowly to refer to "research which could enable a pandemic-potential pathogen to replicate more quickly or cause more harm in humans or other closely-related mammals."[5][6]--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gain-of-function_research

Right-wingers would like to have us believe that the US is on good enough terms with China to pursue design of gain of function on viruses and potential bioweapons yet, they also have a problem with China and started a "trade war".

“Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses.

Only the cognitive dissonance of right-wing fantasy would justify that line of reasoning. True, basic research sounds more credible. Or, was Steve Bannon on a Chinese yacht to help with "gain of function"? Collaborating on bioweapons research with China seems literally incredible when considering right-wing antagonism toward China.

Furthermore, if it was design of gain of function, wouldn't that have been even more reason for greater safety measures and more alertness than for basic research leading to "complacency"?

And, the Spanish flu originated in the US with no apparent research into gain of function. And, historical plagues had no research into the gain of function, yet were still deadly to the populations involved.
Researching gain of function for greater understanding is not the same as designing gain of function for a virus. Basic research is not the same as applied research. How else can scientists discover a "cure for the common cold" without basic and fundamental research?
I agree. However.. It doesn't seem to be the case that they didn't build it.
In virology, gain-of-function research is employed with the intention of better understanding current and future pandemics.[4] In vaccine development, gain-of-function research is conducted in the hope of gaining a head start on a virus and being able to develop a vaccine or therapeutic before it emerges.[4] The term "gain of function" is sometimes applied more narrowly to refer to "research which could enable a pandemic-potential pathogen to replicate more quickly or cause more harm in humans or other closely-related mammals."[5][6]--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gain-of-function_research

Right-wingers would like to have us believe that the US is on good enough terms with China to pursue design of gain of function on viruses and potential bioweapons yet, they also have a problem with China and started a "trade war".
Ummm.. No. Not "Right-wingers"... People who are actually following and looking at the evidence. Nobody... I say again.. NOBODY is saying we didn't fund this in the past. What is being said now, is that it wasn't funded after the ban.
“Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses.

Only the cognitive dissonance of right-wing fantasy would justify that line of reasoning. True, basic research sounds more credible. Or, was Steve Bannon on a Chinese yacht to help with "gain of function"? Collaborating on bioweapons research with China seems literally incredible when considering right-wing antagonism toward China.
I agree. I say it again... You are wrong. You can look this stuff up. Hell, there is another thread on it right now. I suggest you watch that video. Edit: And ... Umm... It's not exactly right wing people we are talking about here either. TRUMP had problems with China. Republicans and Democrats don't for some reason.
Furthermore, if it was design of gain of function, wouldn't that have been even more reason for greater safety measures and more alertness than for basic research leading to "complacency"?
Yes... Which is likely why they chose China... Let them take the risk was likely the thinking behind it. I don't know that. Personally, I don't think it should be funded at all.
And, the Spanish flu originated in the US with no apparent research into gain of function. And, historical plagues had no research into the gain of function, yet were still deadly to the populations involved.
Nobody is saying that pandemics can't happen without human interference. Straw man. What is being said, is that this one did not. There is evidence that shows it did not. Your arguments here did not dent that at all. Please read post #38 that I posted like 20 minutes before this one.
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