What Was Jimmy Carter's Greatest Achievement?

If I had to name a single greatest achievement by Jimmy Carter, I would say the Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter ignored the war hawks screaming that our honor was destroyed, that we needed strong military action, bomb them, invade Iran, make them pay

If Carter had listened, he would have appeared to be a strong, decisive President who takes no shit from nobody....It would have gotten him a second term
It also would have probably gotten the hostages killed

Instead, Carter took the insults about his manhood. He worked behind the scenes to negotiate a release

All hostages were returned safely.
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

Carter showed admirable restraint that resulted in all the hostages being returned safely

As the TV networks ticked off the days and Carters approval plummeted during an election year the easy response would have been to play John Wayne and order military action against Iran. It would have given Carter the tough guy cred that would have easily defeated Reagan. It would have also resulted in the death of many of the hostages

Carter realized the safety of the hostages was more important than his own political ambitions

It was his finest hour
Repeating yourself isnt arguing. You are still wrong.
Carter was too afraid to order decisive action and as a result appeared weak and vacillating. When he did finally order military action it was a total clusterfuck.
The Iranians appreciated strength and despised weakness. They still do. So their fear of Reagan led them to release the hostages.

Complete fucking bullshit. You live in a fucking Marvel Comic book.
The hostages were released under the terms of a treaty worked out over a couple of months It's a real document with signatures on it. And none of those signatures is Reagan's or any of his people. Warren Christopher got it done. It would have happened on the 19th if the airport was operational at night.

Countries in the real world (qv) don't just up and take actions because they "like" or "don't like" who got elected six thousand miles away. The world hasn't worked that way since the week after the wheel was invented. You're a fucking retard.

I don't believe they are Marvel but they are out there


Yeah I apologize to Marvel Comics. Just needed a quick metaphor. :D
Maybe a better question to ask is this:

What was George W. Bush's biggest fiasco?

A. Was it the debacle that was/is Iraq in his hunt for nonexistent WMDs?

That Clinton appointee George Tenet INSISTED were there. Remember the "slam dunk case" all the democrooks bought also?

An Idiot said:
B. Was it his botched federal response to a natural disaster that everyone saw coming on TV. I mean, it's NOT like it was an earthquake that came as a complete surprise.

Of course you have to ignore the fact that every other state seemed to be able to deal with every other hurricane before and after a bunch of democrooks couldn't evacuate a city, but the failure was all Bush's fault and not convicted felon DEMOCROOK Ray Nagin who was the executive of the city at the time.

an idiot said:
C. Was it the financial meltdown which was the biggest disruption of the economic lives of Americans (not to mention the rest of the world) since the Great Depression?

So I suppose all the economic upheaval currently going on is your moonbat messiah's fault? You still won't acknowledge the complete disaster the CRA (enacted by Carter and kept in place by democrooks) was and how it was the prime cause of the meltdown.

an idiot said:
My vote goes for A. since many thousands of American soldiers and marines lost their lives, 10s of thousands of Americans were wounded and maimed, and over hundred thousand Iraqis have been killed.

As a veteran of that conflict who has been fawned over by grateful Iraqi people for my insignificant role in taking out that despotic regime and thwarting the agenda of islamic sociopaths I just want to say a BIG FUCK YOU for trying to marginalize that endeavor. Self absorbed pieces of shit like you sleep comfortably thanks to the efforts of men you pretend to give a shit about while undermining their efforts to do so. I can not articulate the contempt I have for parasites like you with all the vulgarity ever spoken on earth.

a complete blithering idiot said:
And let's not forget that W was the conservatives' hero, and champion, and the one who was going to put American on the right track again. Of course, NOW, conservatives say this: George W. Bush? Well he wasn't REALLY a conservative. That reminds me of the old tagline from Mission Impossible when the voice on the tape said the following:

"As always should any member of your IMF force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions." Conservatives are now disavowing Bush's conservatism.

The bottom line is that we do NOT need any more conservative leadership in this country, period!

Regarding the rest of your insipid drivel. Bush was no conservative champion, in fact he gave you bed wetters half of everything you wanted and you were gracious enough to piss and moan for 8 years about everything he did. Fuck you and that horse in your avatar.

I àlways admired Carter for putting solàr collectors on the roof of the White House, which Regan removed when he moved in. :-(
A useless feel good gesture that Reagan rightly rescinded. Who wants that ugly shit up there anyway?
If I had to name a single greatest achievement by Jimmy Carter, I would say the Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter ignored the war hawks screaming that our honor was destroyed, that we needed strong military action, bomb them, invade Iran, make them pay

If Carter had listened, he would have appeared to be a strong, decisive President who takes no shit from nobody....It would have gotten him a second term
It also would have probably gotten the hostages killed

Instead, Carter took the insults about his manhood. He worked behind the scenes to negotiate a release

All hostages were returned safely.
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

How many hostages were Killed under Raygun compared to Carter?

The military planned the rescue operation not the President.

Congress mandated cuts to the military.

Our special forces capability in the 70s is nothing compared to today. They split up the team so that all services were represented and nobody took all the credit. The equipment was poorly suited for the environment or the mission
Even the bin Laden mission which was looked at as such a success was almost a colossal failure as one helicopter crashed on the wall. Thankfully, nobody was killed
Yeah the military, esp SF, really thrived under Bush. Too bad Obama has reversed all that and rendered the military nearly helpless.

Really now?

Why is it Obamas special forces killed bin Laden and Bush couldn't even find him?
You're talking about SEAL Team 6, derided by liberals as "Dick Cheney's Hit Squad"? On a mission originally authorized by Bush? With a decision that Obama was going to wimp out on until Biden put the muscle on him?
Obama has to borrow Biden's balls periodically if he ever wants to do something bold. Biden must have been out of town the day Obama cut and run from his promise to bomb Syria if they used chem weapons.
Obama will be probably remembered for being the first black president who was doing nothing but giving interviews and participating in survivalist reality shows. He is surely not the worst president we've ever had but he's definitely one of the worst.
Obama will be probably remembered for being the first black president who was doing nothing but giving interviews and participating in survivalist reality shows. He is surely not the worst president we've ever had but he's definitely one of the worst.
He is the worst president ever. And I include Jean Claude Duvalier in that statement.
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

How many hostages were Killed under Raygun compared to Carter?

The military planned the rescue operation not the President.

Congress mandated cuts to the military.

Our special forces capability in the 70s is nothing compared to today. They split up the team so that all services were represented and nobody took all the credit. The equipment was poorly suited for the environment or the mission
Even the bin Laden mission which was looked at as such a success was almost a colossal failure as one helicopter crashed on the wall. Thankfully, nobody was killed
Yeah the military, esp SF, really thrived under Bush. Too bad Obama has reversed all that and rendered the military nearly helpless.

Really now?

Why is it Obamas special forces killed bin Laden and Bush couldn't even find him?
You're talking about SEAL Team 6, derided by liberals as "Dick Cheney's Hit Squad"? On a mission originally authorized by Bush? With a decision that Obama was going to wimp out on until Biden put the muscle on him?
Obama has to borrow Biden's balls periodically if he ever wants to do something bold. Biden must have been out of town the day Obama cut and run from his promise to bomb Syria if they used chem weapons.

You get dumber by the day Rabbi

"In 2006, conservative Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes told Hannity’s Fox News that in a recent meeting with Bush, the president had told him “bin Laden doesn’t fit with the administration’s strategy for combating terrorism.” Barnes said Bush told him that capturing bin Laden is “not a top priority use of American resources.”

And just six months after 9/11, Bush suggested in a press conference that Bin Laden was not a top priority for his administration. Asked whether Bush thought capturing Bin Laden was important, Bush scolded those who cared about Bin Laden for not “understand[ing] the scope of the mission” because Bin Laden was just “one person,” whom Bush said, “I really just don’t spend that much time on“:

Who knows if he’s hiding in some cave or not. We haven’t heard from him in a long time. The idea of focusing on one person really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person. He’s just a person who’s been marginalized. … I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."
That Clinton appointee George Tenet INSISTED were there. Remember the "slam dunk case" all the democrooks bought also?

Completely irrelevant what Tenet did to try to please his bosses. The point was, Bush had a choice. Let the inspectors finish their jobs, or go on an ill-advised invasion. He decided that he would rather go to war with Saddam because Saddam tried to kill his Pa!

Of course you have to ignore the fact that every other state seemed to be able to deal with every other hurricane before and after a bunch of democrooks couldn't evacuate a city, but the failure was all Bush's fault and not convicted felon DEMOCROOK Ray Nagin who was the executive of the city at the time.

Bit of a problem with that claim. Nagin didn't do enough, but FEMA didn't prepare an evacuation plan. They had known for years that a Cat 4 or 5 Hurricane hitting NOLA would be a disaster, but didn't have a plan in place for the day that happened.

So I suppose all the economic upheaval currently going on is your moonbat messiah's fault? You still won't acknowledge the complete disaster the CRA (enacted by Carter and kept in place by democrooks) was and how it was the prime cause of the meltdown.

Even the Banking Industry isn't blaming the CRA, guy. The problem was not that banks weren't allowed to deny qualified buyers in poor neighborhoods (which is all the CRA does). The problem was banks were writing sub-prime loans to middle class people hoping to flip McMansions they couldn't afford. They then took those bad mortgages and sold them as investments that were overvalued. That's whta caused the recession of 2008.

And up until it crashed, Bush considered the increase in home ownership to be one of his greatest accomplishments.

As a veteran of that conflict who has been fawned over by grateful Iraqi people for my insignificant role in taking out that despotic regime and thwarting the agenda of islamic sociopaths I just want to say a BIG FUCK YOU for trying to marginalize that endeavor. Self absorbed pieces of shit like you sleep comfortably thanks to the efforts of men you pretend to give a shit about while undermining their efforts to do so. I can not articulate the contempt I have for parasites like you with all the vulgarity ever spoken on earth.

Yawn, guy, the thing is, no one is criticizing the guys who did the job. The war itself was a terrible idea, and a lot of the professionals TOLD Bush it was a terrible idea. He ignored them.

Regarding the rest of your insipid drivel. Bush was no conservative champion, in fact he gave you bed wetters half of everything you wanted and you were gracious enough to piss and moan for 8 years about everything he did. Fuck you and that horse in your avatar.

The thing isn't an argument of "conservative" vs. "liberal", guy. It's a question of competence vs. incompetence.

Bush was incompetent. He didn't have the managerial skills to make good decisions and understand problems. And we all paid a price for it.
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

How many hostages were Killed under Raygun compared to Carter?

The military planned the rescue operation not the President.

Congress mandated cuts to the military.

Our special forces capability in the 70s is nothing compared to today. They split up the team so that all services were represented and nobody took all the credit. The equipment was poorly suited for the environment or the mission
Even the bin Laden mission which was looked at as such a success was almost a colossal failure as one helicopter crashed on the wall. Thankfully, nobody was killed
Yeah the military, esp SF, really thrived under Bush. Too bad Obama has reversed all that and rendered the military nearly helpless.

Really now?

Why is it Obamas special forces killed bin Laden and Bush couldn't even find him?
You're talking about SEAL Team 6, derided by liberals as "Dick Cheney's Hit Squad"? On a mission originally authorized by Bush? With a decision that Obama was going to wimp out on until Biden put the muscle on him?
Obama has to borrow Biden's balls periodically if he ever wants to do something bold. Biden must have been out of town the day Obama cut and run from his promise to bomb Syria if they used chem weapons.

Who knew Bush was so prophetic?

Ordering a mission for three years after he left office
How many hostages were Killed under Raygun compared to Carter?

The military planned the rescue operation not the President.

Congress mandated cuts to the military.

Our special forces capability in the 70s is nothing compared to today. They split up the team so that all services were represented and nobody took all the credit. The equipment was poorly suited for the environment or the mission
Even the bin Laden mission which was looked at as such a success was almost a colossal failure as one helicopter crashed on the wall. Thankfully, nobody was killed
Yeah the military, esp SF, really thrived under Bush. Too bad Obama has reversed all that and rendered the military nearly helpless.

Really now?

Why is it Obamas special forces killed bin Laden and Bush couldn't even find him?
You're talking about SEAL Team 6, derided by liberals as "Dick Cheney's Hit Squad"? On a mission originally authorized by Bush? With a decision that Obama was going to wimp out on until Biden put the muscle on him?
Obama has to borrow Biden's balls periodically if he ever wants to do something bold. Biden must have been out of town the day Obama cut and run from his promise to bomb Syria if they used chem weapons.

Who knew Bush was so prophetic?

Ordering a mission for three years after he left office
You dont really get how this works, do you?
Our special forces capability in the 70s is nothing compared to today. They split up the team so that all services were represented and nobody took all the credit. The equipment was poorly suited for the environment or the mission
Even the bin Laden mission which was looked at as such a success was almost a colossal failure as one helicopter crashed on the wall. Thankfully, nobody was killed
Yeah the military, esp SF, really thrived under Bush. Too bad Obama has reversed all that and rendered the military nearly helpless.

Really now?

Why is it Obamas special forces killed bin Laden and Bush couldn't even find him?
You're talking about SEAL Team 6, derided by liberals as "Dick Cheney's Hit Squad"? On a mission originally authorized by Bush? With a decision that Obama was going to wimp out on until Biden put the muscle on him?
Obama has to borrow Biden's balls periodically if he ever wants to do something bold. Biden must have been out of town the day Obama cut and run from his promise to bomb Syria if they used chem weapons.

Who knew Bush was so prophetic?

Ordering a mission for three years after he left office
You dont really get how this works, do you?

Imagine that....Bush ordered "If you find bin Laden...Kill him"

Problem is, He wasn't in Iraq, when he ran into Pakistan, Bush stopped looking
Yeah the military, esp SF, really thrived under Bush. Too bad Obama has reversed all that and rendered the military nearly helpless.

Really now?

Why is it Obamas special forces killed bin Laden and Bush couldn't even find him?
You're talking about SEAL Team 6, derided by liberals as "Dick Cheney's Hit Squad"? On a mission originally authorized by Bush? With a decision that Obama was going to wimp out on until Biden put the muscle on him?
Obama has to borrow Biden's balls periodically if he ever wants to do something bold. Biden must have been out of town the day Obama cut and run from his promise to bomb Syria if they used chem weapons.

Who knew Bush was so prophetic?

Ordering a mission for three years after he left office
You dont really get how this works, do you?

Imagine that....Bush ordered "If you find bin Laden...Kill him"

Problem is, He wasn't in Iraq, when he ran into Pakistan, Bush stopped looking
Yeah more fantasy from someone living in another dimension.
You're dismissed. You've filled your quota of stupid things for one day.
If I had to name a single greatest achievement by Jimmy Carter, I would say the Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter ignored the war hawks screaming that our honor was destroyed, that we needed strong military action, bomb them, invade Iran, make them pay

If Carter had listened, he would have appeared to be a strong, decisive President who takes no shit from nobody....It would have gotten him a second term
It also would have probably gotten the hostages killed

Instead, Carter took the insults about his manhood. He worked behind the scenes to negotiate a release

All hostages were returned safely.
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

Carter showed admirable restraint that resulted in all the hostages being returned safely

As the TV networks ticked off the days and Carters approval plummeted during an election year the easy response would have been to play John Wayne and order military action against Iran. It would have given Carter the tough guy cred that would have easily defeated Reagan. It would have also resulted in the death of many of the hostages

Carter realized the safety of the hostages was more important than his own political ambitions

It was his finest hour
Repeating yourself isnt arguing. You are still wrong.
Carter was too afraid to order decisive action and as a result appeared weak and vacillating. When he did finally order military action it was a total clusterfuck.
The Iranians appreciated strength and despised weakness. They still do. So their fear of Reagan led them to release the hostages.

Complete fucking bullshit. You live in a fucking Marvel Comic book.
The hostages were released under the terms of a treaty worked out over a couple of months It's a real document with signatures on it. And none of those signatures is Reagan's or any of his people. Warren Christopher got it done. It would have happened on the 19th if the airport was operational at night.

Countries in the real world (qv) don't just up and take actions because they "like" or "don't like" who got elected six thousand miles away. The world hasn't worked that way since the week after the wheel was invented. You're a fucking retard.

Giveaway of the Panama Canal.

"Giveaway" huh?
Diga me Tonto -- where did we "get" Panama?
For that matter where did Panama come from?

The Algiers Accord is not a treaty. It came down to Carter paying off the Iranians for taking over the US Embassy and holding US hostages.

“The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords" ]of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982.”

The US built the Panama Canal and it was authorized by an actual treaty.

TheHay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty was a treaty signed on November 18, 1903, by the United States andPanama, which established thePanama Canal Zone and the subsequent construction of thePanama Canal.

Article XVIII

The Canal and its entrances shall be neutral in perpetuity and open given all the terms in the treaty.
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If I had to name a single greatest achievement by Jimmy Carter, I would say the Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter ignored the war hawks screaming that our honor was destroyed, that we needed strong military action, bomb them, invade Iran, make them pay

If Carter had listened, he would have appeared to be a strong, decisive President who takes no shit from nobody....It would have gotten him a second term
It also would have probably gotten the hostages killed

Instead, Carter took the insults about his manhood. He worked behind the scenes to negotiate a release

All hostages were returned safely.
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

Carter showed admirable restraint that resulted in all the hostages being returned safely

As the TV networks ticked off the days and Carters approval plummeted during an election year the easy response would have been to play John Wayne and order military action against Iran. It would have given Carter the tough guy cred that would have easily defeated Reagan. It would have also resulted in the death of many of the hostages

Carter realized the safety of the hostages was more important than his own political ambitions

It was his finest hour
Repeating yourself isnt arguing. You are still wrong.
Carter was too afraid to order decisive action and as a result appeared weak and vacillating. When he did finally order military action it was a total clusterfuck.
The Iranians appreciated strength and despised weakness. They still do. So their fear of Reagan led them to release the hostages.

Complete fucking bullshit. You live in a fucking Marvel Comic book.
The hostages were released under the terms of a treaty worked out over a couple of months It's a real document with signatures on it. And none of those signatures is Reagan's or any of his people. Warren Christopher got it done. It would have happened on the 19th if the airport was operational at night.

Countries in the real world (qv) don't just up and take actions because they "like" or "don't like" who got elected six thousand miles away. The world hasn't worked that way since the week after the wheel was invented. You're a fucking retard.

Giveaway of the Panama Canal.

"Giveaway" huh?
Diga me Tonto -- where did we "get" Panama?
For that matter where did Panama come from?

The Algiers Accord is not a treaty. It came down to Carter paying off the Iranians for taking over the US Embassy and holding US hostages.

“The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords" ]of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982.”

How is releasing their own assets paying them off?
LOL! You live in a fantasy world.
In the real world Carter sat by impotently, finally ordering a military strike that was a desperate failure, owing to his cutting the military after Vietnam, and did nothing effective. The Iranians were scared of Reagan and they released the hostages the day he became president.

Carter showed admirable restraint that resulted in all the hostages being returned safely

As the TV networks ticked off the days and Carters approval plummeted during an election year the easy response would have been to play John Wayne and order military action against Iran. It would have given Carter the tough guy cred that would have easily defeated Reagan. It would have also resulted in the death of many of the hostages

Carter realized the safety of the hostages was more important than his own political ambitions

It was his finest hour
Repeating yourself isnt arguing. You are still wrong.
Carter was too afraid to order decisive action and as a result appeared weak and vacillating. When he did finally order military action it was a total clusterfuck.
The Iranians appreciated strength and despised weakness. They still do. So their fear of Reagan led them to release the hostages.

Complete fucking bullshit. You live in a fucking Marvel Comic book.
The hostages were released under the terms of a treaty worked out over a couple of months It's a real document with signatures on it. And none of those signatures is Reagan's or any of his people. Warren Christopher got it done. It would have happened on the 19th if the airport was operational at night.

Countries in the real world (qv) don't just up and take actions because they "like" or "don't like" who got elected six thousand miles away. The world hasn't worked that way since the week after the wheel was invented. You're a fucking retard.

Giveaway of the Panama Canal.

"Giveaway" huh?
Diga me Tonto -- where did we "get" Panama?
For that matter where did Panama come from?

The Algiers Accord is not a treaty. It came down to Carter paying off the Iranians for taking over the US Embassy and holding US hostages.

“The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords" ]of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982.”

How is releasing their own assets paying them off?
Because they didnt have the money. Duh.
Now Obozo is doing it again: releasing billions of dollars even while Iran has judgements against it from US citizens that it refuses to pay.
Obama has sold out to the Iranians.
Carter showed admirable restraint that resulted in all the hostages being returned safely

As the TV networks ticked off the days and Carters approval plummeted during an election year the easy response would have been to play John Wayne and order military action against Iran. It would have given Carter the tough guy cred that would have easily defeated Reagan. It would have also resulted in the death of many of the hostages

Carter realized the safety of the hostages was more important than his own political ambitions

It was his finest hour
Repeating yourself isnt arguing. You are still wrong.
Carter was too afraid to order decisive action and as a result appeared weak and vacillating. When he did finally order military action it was a total clusterfuck.
The Iranians appreciated strength and despised weakness. They still do. So their fear of Reagan led them to release the hostages.

Complete fucking bullshit. You live in a fucking Marvel Comic book.
The hostages were released under the terms of a treaty worked out over a couple of months It's a real document with signatures on it. And none of those signatures is Reagan's or any of his people. Warren Christopher got it done. It would have happened on the 19th if the airport was operational at night.

Countries in the real world (qv) don't just up and take actions because they "like" or "don't like" who got elected six thousand miles away. The world hasn't worked that way since the week after the wheel was invented. You're a fucking retard.

Giveaway of the Panama Canal.

"Giveaway" huh?
Diga me Tonto -- where did we "get" Panama?
For that matter where did Panama come from?

The Algiers Accord is not a treaty. It came down to Carter paying off the Iranians for taking over the US Embassy and holding US hostages.

“The negotiations resulted in the "Algiers Accords" ]of January 19, 1981. The Algiers Accords called for Iran's immediate freeing of the hostages, the unfreezing of $7.9 billion of Iranian assets and immunity from lawsuits Iran might have faced in America, and a pledge by the United States that "it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs". The Accords also created the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal, and Iran deposited $1 billion in an escrow account to satisfy claims adjudicated by the Tribunal in favor of American businesses that had lost assets after the hostage takeover. The Tribunal closed to new claims by private individuals on January 19, 1982.”

How is releasing their own assets paying them off?
Because they didnt have the money. Duh.
Now Obozo is doing it again: releasing billions of dollars even while Iran has judgements against it from US citizens that it refuses to pay.
Obama has sold out to the Iranians.


Iran seizes hostages and we seize their money in retaliation
Iran releases hostages and you think we should keep the money

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