What the Media Won't Tell You About the United States' Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
What the Media Won't Tell You About the United States' Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate

16 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Margolis
Without fail, the media seems intent on making America out to be the lone failure in the world in the battle against the coronavirus.
Many media outlets have described the United States as “losing the war” against the coronavirus because of the number of cases keeps going up. Axios, for example created a chart show that if all coronavirus patients (confirmed cases) were a city, it would be the third-largest city in the country. The recent trend of the media to focus on the total number of cases seems to be a result of the recent spike cases that failed to produce a similar spike in deaths. So far, we’ve only just seen a small bump in fatalities, and there is evidence that data dumps of backlogged data could be inflating those numbers.
Nevertheless, because we’ve witnessed a spike in cases and there have roughly 3.5 million cases in the United States, that’s the number the media seems to be gravitating to. Why? Because when you look at the number of cases or the number deaths individually and compare them to other countries, the USA seems be the hardest hit…
…that is until you account for population or look at the ratio of deaths per confirmed cases. I’ve previously examined how the United States measures up on cases and deaths per capita, so we know why the media doesn’t report on that, but the media the media also doesn’t want to report about case fatality rate (CFR). And the following graphs will show you why.
But what this proves is that the media is still avoiding any comparison that shows the United States is a positive light compared to other countries during this pandemic. Back in March, I noted how the media was avoiding cases and deaths data per capita because that showed that the United States was doing better than other comparable countries. That data didn’t show the United States as number one for deaths or cases. The media wants us to believe the United States is disproportionately losing the battle against COVID-19 compared to other nations because they want the public to blame Trump and vote him out of office.

Had the use of the HCQ cocktail been used more liberally in the U.S. rather than the biased LSM propaganda and disinformation fighting against it, there would have been less deaths attributed to the Wuhan Covid-19.
Democrat governors have already shot their wad by killing many as possible in nursing home and care facility's, so their media lackeys naturally want to ignore CFR.
NY still has a high performance capita death rate for a U.S. State. New Jersy and Philadelphia also have tons of packed apartment buildings, and dense population too. per capita feels like a better measurement to me since population density and size vary.
Anyone with an IQ higher than a lawn chair knows this including the media knows this. But they are biased and corrupt beyond belief. They want two things from the China virus... first and foremost to destroy Trump... but almost as important they see it as a tool to measure how much Socialist Marxism Democrat governors and mayors can impose on Americans and how much they're willing to accept.
The MSM is throwing EVERYTHING that might stick in hopes that DJT loses in November. They certainly have twisted the stats on Covid 19 to a laughable level in hopes that the gullible will swallow the bait. It appears that even the slow witted are beginning to awaken to the absurdity of the Demoncrats clown car campaign. Redux 2016?
Trump could have been the hero of this crisis but he just had to make it all about him and his reelection. He just had to automatically take up a contrary position to democrats on everything. Now he will take the blame. We have every tape of him predicting the course of the pandemic and being dead wrong every time. You can allege dark plots and such but what will sink him is just how treasonously bad he is at predicting the future.
Trump could have been the hero of this crisis but he just had to make it all about him and his reelection. He just had to automatically take up a contrary position to democrats on everything. Now he will take the blame. We have every tape of him predicting the course of the pandemic and being dead wrong every time. You can allege dark plots and such but what will sink him is just how treasonously bad he is at predicting the future.

So you deny that DJT was able to distribute ventilators, respirators, ppe, and two hospital ships to whining Governors? Especially when thousands respirators were found in a NY State warehouse along with extra PPE that was witheld from hospitals that needed them.... Supposedly stokpiled for distribution but held back while patients died.
Then there's the HCQ media mess that tried to stop the use of this treatment, or the fact that Trump is urging the search for a vaccine. Just how much can one man do for his country in the midst of tongue clickers that do nothing but compain.

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Trump could have been the hero of this crisis but he just had to make it all about him and his reelection. He just had to automatically take up a contrary position to democrats on everything. Now he will take the blame. We have every tape of him predicting the course of the pandemic and being dead wrong every time. You can allege dark plots and such but what will sink him is just how treasonously bad he is at predicting the future.
Good grief. Didn't you even bother to read the OP? Oh, wait. Staring at your own naval takes all your time, so what anyone else has to say is irrelevant. LOL.
So you deny that DJT was able to distribute ventilators, respirators, ppe, and two hospital ships to whining Governors? Especially when thousands respirators were found in a NY State warehouse along with extra PPE that was witheld from hospitals that needed them.... Supposedly stokpiled for distribution but held back while patients died.

As soon as it became obvious there were no easy solutions he lost all interest and instead decided to bullshit his way through a difficult situation like always. It worked for you but for the rest of America we have witnessed the worst case of presidential malpractice in history.
Trump could have been the hero of this crisis
Really. Bozo? There is a hero in this crisis? And after 4 years, Trump could have been "it" for you? What, do you think we are stupid?

but he just had to make it all about him and his reelection
I thought that was you!

He just had to automatically take up a contrary position to democrats on everything
Funny, I remember him having a position FIRST, and the democrats taking an opposite position on everything to him!

Now he will take the blame
You weren't blaming him before? You've blamed him for everything except the sunrise these past four years, idiot.

We have every tape of him predicting the course of the pandemic and being dead wrong every time
WE have every tape of Trump doing the RIGHT stuff, like banning travel in from China and Biden and Nancy walking the streets of SF telling people there was nothing to worry about and that Trump was just being a xenophobe.

You can allege dark plots and such but what will sink him is just how treasonously bad he is at predicting the future.
Like predicting his win in 2016?
Good grief. Didn't you even bother to read the OP? Oh, wait. Staring at your own naval takes all your time, so what anyone else has to say is irrelevant. LOL.
I read the OP. Somehow the media is at fault for reporting what the president says and does.
As soon as it became obvious there were no easy solutions he lost all interest and instead decided to bullshit his way through a difficult situation like always. It worked for you but for the rest of America we have witnessed the worst case of presidential malpractice in history.

Hmm..., I'd say that the onus is on those governors that refused to follow guidelines, contaminated Nursing Homes and withheld stockpiled medical equipment from hospital that needed them...
Hmm..., I'd say that the onus is on those governors that refused to follow guidelines, contaminated Nursing Homes and withheld stockpiled medical equipment from hospital that needed them...
The red states are seeing an absolute explosion of cases and you are still obsessed with the failures of New York. Might want to look around whatever shitty flyover state you live in.
Chew on this:

FOX 35 Orlando Finds Man Who Died In Motorcycle Crash Listed As COVID-19 Death | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

"But you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash."

Unfcukingbelieveable. THIS is why our numbers in Florida are so high. A few months back a guy was killed in Jacksonville after getting t-boned in an intersection. Ironically, he was on his way home from getting tested for Covid, so they counted him as a "positive".

His results came back negative...
Accepted. The trouble with the media is that changing the narrative to destroy Republicans who support President Trump is their only goal.
We expect a lot from our presidents when the shit hits the fan. They at least have to act like they have a handle on things. Trump can't even fake it.
As soon as it became obvious there were no easy solutions he lost all interest and instead decided to bullshit his way through a difficult situation like always. It worked for you but for the rest of America we have witnessed the worst case of presidential malpractice in history.
Lolol... so you hate Trump. He orange . He bad... lolol... TDS. MUCH
Good grief. Didn't you even bother to read the OP? Oh, wait. Staring at your own naval takes all your time, so what anyone else has to say is irrelevant. LOL.
Pajamas media, is hardly a good source....

And hospitalizations and deaths are lagging indicators... And hospitals in Florida and Texas hot spots are ripping at the seams.... not enough beds, not enough ICU spots and not enough PPE and not enough doctors and nurses..... it's NYC all over again!!!

When cases rise, it's a 2 to 4 week lag, before the deaths show up.... And they are showing up now, right on schedule! :(
We are 4% of the world's population and have 25% of the world's COVID cases..

And over 25% of the world's deaths from COVID....

we are in the same category as Iran, with handling this virus....

You trumpets have nothing to be proud of your messiah for...... we are near the worst in the whole world! :( shame on us!!!!
What the Media Won't Tell You About the United States' Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate

16 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Margolis
Without fail, the media seems intent on making America out to be the lone failure in the world in the battle against the coronavirus.
Many media outlets have described the United States as “losing the war” against the coronavirus because of the number of cases keeps going up. Axios, for example created a chart show that if all coronavirus patients (confirmed cases) were a city, it would be the third-largest city in the country. The recent trend of the media to focus on the total number of cases seems to be a result of the recent spike cases that failed to produce a similar spike in deaths. So far, we’ve only just seen a small bump in fatalities, and there is evidence that data dumps of backlogged data could be inflating those numbers.
Nevertheless, because we’ve witnessed a spike in cases and there have roughly 3.5 million cases in the United States, that’s the number the media seems to be gravitating to. Why? Because when you look at the number of cases or the number deaths individually and compare them to other countries, the USA seems be the hardest hit…
…that is until you account for population or look at the ratio of deaths per confirmed cases. I’ve previously examined how the United States measures up on cases and deaths per capita, so we know why the media doesn’t report on that, but the media the media also doesn’t want to report about case fatality rate (CFR). And the following graphs will show you why.
But what this proves is that the media is still avoiding any comparison that shows the United States is a positive light compared to other countries during this pandemic. Back in March, I noted how the media was avoiding cases and deaths data per capita because that showed that the United States was doing better than other comparable countries. That data didn’t show the United States as number one for deaths or cases. The media wants us to believe the United States is disproportionately losing the battle against COVID-19 compared to other nations because they want the public to blame Trump and vote him out of office.
View attachment 364621

Had the use of the HCQ cocktail been used more liberally in the U.S. rather than the biased LSM propaganda and disinformation fighting against it, there would have been less deaths attributed to the Wuhan Covid-19.
Democrat governors have already shot their wad by killing many as possible in nursing home and care facility's, so their media lackeys naturally want to ignore CFR.
NY still has a high performance capita death rate for a U.S. State. New Jersy and Philadelphia also have tons of packed apartment buildings, and dense population too. per capita feels like a better measurement to me since population density and size vary.
Anyone with an IQ higher than a lawn chair knows this including the media knows this. But they are biased and corrupt beyond belief. They want two things from the China virus... first and foremost to destroy Trump... but almost as important they see it as a tool to measure how much Socialist Marxism Democrat governors and mayors can impose on Americans and how much they're willing to accept.
The MSM is throwing EVERYTHING that might stick in hopes that DJT loses in November. They certainly have twisted the stats on Covid 19 to a laughable level in hopes that the gullible will swallow the bait. It appears that even the slow witted are beginning to awaken to the absurdity of the Demoncrats clown car campaign. Redux 2016?
If Don loses in November, we as a nation will have suddenly defeated the virus. Well, at least according to the MSM.
Trump could have been the hero of this crisis but he just had to make it all about him and his reelection. He just had to automatically take up a contrary position to democrats on everything. Now he will take the blame. We have every tape of him predicting the course of the pandemic and being dead wrong every time. You can allege dark plots and such but what will sink him is just how treasonously bad he is at predicting the future.
the fucked up democrats are the ones who said to use this crisis to make their dreams come true.

go fuck yourself.

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