What sort of depraved monsters boil turtles alive?

No good reason to find out what either of those things tastes like.

I agree. Feed the grass to the beef critter, then eat said beef critter. I like to massage olive oil on the beef, salt with Kosher salt and cracked black pepper. Six mins on the grill. On one side, 8 on the other then over to the cool side for about 10 mins, or until it reaches the level of doneness I like. That's how.I.consume my greens.

Wow, that sounds way overdone. You gotta keep some juices flowing in there. If you don't see some red in there, go eat a piece of bread instead. If it looks too rare, set it aside for 5 minutes before deciding to cook all the flavor out of it.

That's for london broils. I have had decent luck with the poke test. So far, I have hit it a bit rare.
Vegan? Vegetarian? Doesn't matter. If you are a living human being animals will die as an inevitable consequence of your being alive. The idea that what you eat makes much difference is simply simplistic ignorance of the real world. How the land is used is a much greater factor. The less demand for meat = the fewer animals of that species that ever live to begin with. And transporting, storing, and processing food requires roads and buildings etc. no matter what kind of food it is.

That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.
Oh for fuck sake. Minorities have no majority on animal cruelty. Stupid rednecks definitely own that spot. I live among them so I think I'm qualified to be an expert on this matter.

The damn turtles don't come out until spring. There are far more edible things to devour in a pinch.

I boil lobsters alive. Should I be arrested?
Vegan? Vegetarian? Doesn't matter. If you are a living human being animals will die as an inevitable consequence of your being alive. The idea that what you eat makes much difference is simply simplistic ignorance of the real world. How the land is used is a much greater factor. The less demand for meat = the fewer animals of that species that ever live to begin with. And transporting, storing, and processing food requires roads and buildings etc. no matter what kind of food it is.

That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.

Can plants be altruistic? You bet, says new CU-Boulder-led study | University of Colorado Boulder
What was the purpose of this thread Koshergrl?

yes. People are glossing over the main topic of the thread- :up: koshergirl's overt racism

What was the purpose of this thread Koshergrl?

She likes to exercise the old hypocrisy muscles, that they shouldn't atrophy. What kind of depraved monsters burn women alive?

I am not sure what her intent is with the thread title.

In her responses she seems to be targeting non-vegans, however, the title seems geared to incite that only a specific race boils turtles.

I thought it better to ask her intention, purpose and opinion of the this thread title she created and article she posted.:cool:
That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.

Your fruits and veggies didn't come from a seed? :eusa_eh:
That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.

Your fruits and veggies didn't come from a seed? :eusa_eh:

Seeds are not mothers. And I'm flabbergasted to find that even this level of knowledge needs to be explained to you. I misunderestimated your density.
Vegan? Vegetarian? Doesn't matter. If you are a living human being animals will die as an inevitable consequence of your being alive. The idea that what you eat makes much difference is simply simplistic ignorance of the real world. How the land is used is a much greater factor. The less demand for meat = the fewer animals of that species that ever live to begin with. And transporting, storing, and processing food requires roads and buildings etc. no matter what kind of food it is.

That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.

Can plants be altruistic? You bet, says new CU-Boulder-led study | University of Colorado Boulder

I think Mr. Pogo missed this one.
That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.

Your fruits and veggies didn't come from a seed? :eusa_eh:

Seeds are not mothers. And I'm flabbergasted to find that even this level of knowledge needs to be explained to you. I misunderestimated your density.

My guess is you're "flabbergasted" alright but by your own lack of insight into the origin of the food you eat. It's a very Zen kind of subject....I suggest you meditate for the rest of the afternoon until you're enlightened. :eusa_whistle:
That's true. Cows as they exist today simply would not exist if we didn't breed them for a food source. And their grazing is a far less efficient use of the land than agriculture of the same land would be. That's a large part of why I don't eat anything that has a mother. I don't care for inefficiency.

Can plants be altruistic? You bet, says new CU-Boulder-led study | University of Colorado Boulder

I think Mr. Pogo missed this one.

Not at all. I read it, just didn't see the relevance to anything here. What do you want me to say?

I noted where it said, "Diggle said it is fairly clear from previous research that plants can preferentially withhold nutrients from inferior offspring when resources are limited." -- which could be useful in some abortion thread or something, but I don't see what it's got to do with this thread.

Not at all. I read it, just didn't see the relevance to anything here. What do you want me to say?.

There is nothing for you to say, since it completely undermines your pseudo-moral position vis-à-vis the consumption of meat. You could try letting your reason take a shot at issues before handing it over to your tender emotions, but I doubt that you will.
I think Mr. Pogo missed this one.

Not at all. I read it, just didn't see the relevance to anything here. What do you want me to say?.

There is nothing for you to say, since it completely undermines your pseudo-moral position vis-à-vis the consumption of meat. You could try letting your reason take a shot at issues before handing it over to your tender emotions, but I doubt that you will.

I haven't posted anything about the consumption of meat. What in the fuck are you talking about?

Again, if there's supposed to be a point in there, all you have to do is quote it and spell it out. As it is it's an irrelevant side note.
An article about altruism in plants? What's that got to do with anything? :dunno:
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