CDZ What should we do?

What should we do?

  • Demand Trump end this issue with a mere stroke of his pen

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Demand Congress pass legislation to solve this issue

    Votes: 17 89.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
One parent should be restored custody of the child or children (preferably the mother), and this until all are prossesed and deported safely out of the country. No illegal entry should be rewarded as it only encourages more and more. They must all be deported together. No woman or child should be criminalized for illegal entry, but the father should take the penalty. Even so they all (the family), must be deported together.
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
Why do you think these kids came here alone?

If Trump had a heart, let alone a political brain, he would have sent judges to the border to hear asylum cases. At the very least he should permit asylum seekers to actually ask for asylum nefore branding them as 'criminals'. We could detain the parents alongside their children thus alleviating the separation trauma unnecessary to enforce the law.

By being as,cruel as possible, he is telling his shrinking base that, yes indeed, he is tough on border security. Should congress, rightfully, deny him the money for his wall (remember how Mexico was going to pay for it?) at least Trump could still strut and blame congress and Democrats and anyone else he wants to blame. After all, he and his supporters think he is infallible and they all need someone to blame.
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This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
What should be done? Buses ready at the border. Soon as someone walks across without documents...stick them on the bus. If they have kids, stick them on the bus too. No muss. Have a igloo cooler or two with water in it, a bag of sandwiches. When the bus is them back across the border about 10 miles or less, dump them off, come back for the next load.
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
What should be done? Buses ready at the border. Soon as someone walks across without documents...stick them on the bus. If they have kids, stick them on the bus too. No muss. Have a igloo cooler or two with water in it, a bag of sandwiches. When the bus is them back across the border about 10 miles or less, dump them off, come back for the next load.

You left out the part where they do a Kunta Kinte on em.....
If ya dont it'll be a revolving circle.

Ya need to air drop em into Tuxla Gutierrez at the very least,and better yet into Puerto Navarino.
This is a fake 'problem', created by total scum, and these kids have low lifes for 'parents', if indeed those they're with are actually their 'parents. They are Mexico's problem, not ours, period. If the hypocrites who claim to be 'concerned' about them are genuine, then all they have to do is merely step up and sponsor them. Otherwise, let the Mexican authorities worry about their problem. IF the UN can feed fake 'Palestinians' for decades, they can feel Mexico's pain and feed a lot of fat fairly well-dressed 'refugees' in Mexico, too.
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
Why do you think these kids came here alone?

If Trump had a heart, let alone a political brain, he would have sent judges to the border to hear asylum cases. At the very least he should permit asylum seekers to actually ask for asylum nefore branding them as 'criminals'. We could detain the parents alongside their child Loren thus alleviating the separation trauma unnecessary to enforce the law.

By being as,cruel as possible, he is telling his shrinking base that, yes indeed, he is tough on border security. Should congress, rightfully, deny him the money for his wall (remember how Mexico was going to pay for it?) at least Trump could still strut and blame congress and Democrats and anyone else he wants to blame. After all, he and his supporters think he is infallible and they all need someone to blame.

Quit lying; nobody is 'being as cruel as possible', except you left wing liars and phonies generating yet another fake 'crisis' you will never have to be responsible for.
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
Why do you think these kids came here alone?

If Trump had a heart, let alone a political brain, he would have sent judges to the border to hear asylum cases. At the very least he should permit asylum seekers to actually ask for asylum nefore branding them as 'criminals'. We could detain the parents alongside their child Loren thus alleviating the separation trauma unnecessary to enforce the law.

By being as,cruel as possible, he is telling his shrinking base that, yes indeed, he is tough on border security. Should congress, rightfully, deny him the money for his wall (remember how Mexico was going to pay for it?) at least Trump could still strut and blame congress and Democrats and anyone else he wants to blame. After all, he and his supporters think he is infallible and they all need someone to blame.

Quit lying; nobody is 'being as cruel as possible', except you left wing liars and phonies generating yet another fake 'crisis' you will never have to be responsible for.
First, the crisis is real. Second, Trump and his zero tolerance policy caused the problem. And third, how,did you conclude that all these kids either came here alone or, at least, not accompanied by their actual parents?
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
Why do you think these kids came here alone?

If Trump had a heart, let alone a political brain, he would have sent judges to the border to hear asylum cases. At the very least he should permit asylum seekers to actually ask for asylum nefore branding them as 'criminals'. We could detain the parents alongside their child Loren thus alleviating the separation trauma unnecessary to enforce the law.

By being as,cruel as possible, he is telling his shrinking base that, yes indeed, he is tough on border security. Should congress, rightfully, deny him the money for his wall (remember how Mexico was going to pay for it?) at least Trump could still strut and blame congress and Democrats and anyone else he wants to blame. After all, he and his supporters think he is infallible and they all need someone to blame.
Came here alone ??? The children ? If we have children without parents here, then they sure are in a good place from what I've seen.

So which is it, are they alone here or do they have parents here for whom brought them here ??

My idea is still the same if they have parents here, and that idea is to keep the mother and child together, but the dad must be separated and charged. Then they all should be deported quickly. If the mother with child or children seeks asylum then ok, but only temporarily until deported back home to a safe place. No rewarding of illegal crossings period.
First, the crisis is real.

First, no, it isn't, it's manufactured from beginning to end.

Second, Trump and his zero tolerance policy caused the problem.

Second, no, Trump didn't cause it, criminals and fake 'progressives' cause it by encouraging mass criminal activity and violations of U.S. law, abetted by foreign governments, like Mexico.

And third, how,did you conclude that all these kids either came here alone or, at least, not accompanied by their actual parents?

How do you not conclude many come here without their parents when your own fake news media has done many stories on them??? If they're in such dire 'danger n stuff', why are their parents allowing so many to come alone or with them or their friends in the first place?

Fake stories, fake problem, fake 'progressives' merely lying yet again. The criminals cause the problems, not Trump. Anybody who can't admit that is just a spammer and Democratic Party shill with less than zero credibility. you're going to lose in 2020 yet again, so just get used to it. Better yet, leave the country. If you want to live in a mostly brown country because of your violent racism against whites, there are many choices out there for you to pick from.
Quit lying; nobody is 'being as cruel as possible', except you left wing liars and phonies generating yet another fake 'crisis' you will never have to be responsible for.
I guess the former FLOTUS Bush is mistaken when she called enactment of the zero tolerance policy cruel and immoral.
This child separation issue is getting on my nerves, not only the imagery, but the game of political football going on. On one hand, I can't help but have sympathy for the children at the center of this debacle. I can't help but feel great anger towards the parents who chose to send their children thousands of miles north from Central America to the southern border, alone. On the other hand I want the law to be enforced. Sympathy should simply take a back seat. I find this conundrum troubling because both sides make valid points. This whole thing feels wrong to me.

So, what should be done?
Why do you think these kids came here alone?

If Trump had a heart, let alone a political brain, he would have sent judges to the border to hear asylum cases. At the very least he should permit asylum seekers to actually ask for asylum nefore branding them as 'criminals'. We could detain the parents alongside their child Loren thus alleviating the separation trauma unnecessary to enforce the law.

By being as,cruel as possible, he is telling his shrinking base that, yes indeed, he is tough on border security. Should congress, rightfully, deny him the money for his wall (remember how Mexico was going to pay for it?) at least Trump could still strut and blame congress and Democrats and anyone else he wants to blame. After all, he and his supporters think he is infallible and they all need someone to blame.

Quit lying; nobody is 'being as cruel as possible', except you left wing liars and phonies generating yet another fake 'crisis' you will never have to be responsible for.
First, the crisis is real. Second, Trump and his zero tolerance policy caused the problem. And third, how,did you conclude that all these kids either came here alone or, at least, not accompanied by their actual parents?
What crisis other than the illegals being handled with the best of care down on the border by us ? Try this bullcrap anywhere else in reverse, like say heck I don't know, maybe crossing the Mexican border over to their side, and see how you would be treated. Fake crisis here ? Could very well be.
Quit lying; nobody is 'being as cruel as possible', except you left wing liars and phonies generating yet another fake 'crisis' you will never have to be responsible for.
I guess the former FLOTUS Bush is mistaken when she called enactment of the zero tolerance policy cruel and immoral.

Nobody cares what rich people who live in Highland Park think about anything; she wouldn't be caught dead hanging with any of those 'refugees', except when she needs to buy one to live over her garage and do her laundry and house cleaning or something. Don't have to pay Social Security on under the table slave labor, you know.
Quit lying; nobody is 'being as cruel as possible', except you left wing liars and phonies generating yet another fake 'crisis' you will never have to be responsible for.
I guess the former FLOTUS Bush is mistaken when she called enactment of the zero tolerance policy cruel and immoral.
Women are always more highly emotional than men, and especially when it comes to children, but in light of Mrs. Bush's bias due to Trump's trouncing of Jeb and the Bush family in the campaign, one can't help but figure that she is just angry still about it all.

Hey when opportunity knocks it's pay back time right ? Since when do Demon-crats give a rats butt about Laura Bush, and what she has to say ?? LOL.
Why is giving them back to Mexico 'bad'? Isn't that racist bigotry and hatred of Mexican culture?
Republicans hold the house, senate, and presidency. They can end this anytime they want. That's the truth.
Mrs. Bush's bias due to Trump's trouncing of Jeb and the Bush family in the campaign, one can't help but figure that she is just angry still about it all.
How about the other three living former FLOTUS? Partisanship?

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