What should we do if China invades Taiwan? Let's settle that question right here.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.

China has America by the balls (as small as they've become) and they know it.
Our entire nation would drop to it's knees in a week without Chinese imports.

What's worse, most of the Left party is obsessed with getting rich and will gladly sell their soul and America's to the Chinese if it means more $$$ in their pocket.

We are enjoying the residual wealth of a bygone era and once that wealth dwindles, America will be similar to Russia in global power and military strength. In time Russia will eclipse Americas strength and power if America continues this path. NO ONE wants to admit it, but it's painfully obvious if you just look at the facts. America is a diminishing, ultra divided, progressively less significant nation.

So what should we do? America can back down and survive, or challenge China and get it's ego and global status permanently damaged. Paper Tiger. We would lose most of our carriers. The US is no longer ready or capable of taking on another superpower. It won't win a war but.... we do have the worlds premier woke military. FWIW.
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My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.

How long ago was it that we recognized the Commies in China? Wasn't that Jimmy Carter's doing?

Stationing combat troops in Taiwan was NOT in the interest of the Republic of China and would be considered a act of war by the Commies.

Economic sanctions against a country holding all the cards? :abgg2q.jpg:

Just exactly what manufacturing did we export to China?
China has America by the balls (as small as they've become) and they know it.
Our entire nation would drop to it's knees in a week without Chinese imports.

What's worse, most of the Left party is obsessed with getting rich and will gladly sell their soul and America's to the Chinese if it means more $$$ in their pocket.

We are enjoying the residual wealth of a bygone era and once that wealth dwindles, America will be similar to Russia in global power and military strength. In time Russia will eclipse Americas strength and power if America continues this path. NO ONE wants to admit it, but it's painfully obvious if you just look at the facts. America is a diminishing, ultra divided, progressively less significant nation.

So what should we do? America can back down and survive, or challenge China and get it's ego and global status permanently damaged. Paper Tiger. We would lose most of our carriers. The US is no longer ready or capable of taking on another superpower. It won't win a war but.... we do have the worlds premier woke military. FWIW.
Wouldn't happen under Trump.
Isn't it yet painfully obvious 2020 was stolen?
How long ago was it that we recognized the Commies in China? Wasn't that Jimmy Carter's doing?

In a surprise unilateral move.

Of course we could have undone that anytime.
Stationing combat troops in Taiwan was NOT in the interest of the Republic of China and would be considered a act of war by the Commies.
Then we leave it alone.
Economic sanctions against a country holding all the cards? :abgg2q.jpg:
I thought that was my point.
Just exactly what manufacturing did we export to China?
I'll let you research that yourself. Start with the labels in your clothes. Then go to Walmart.
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.
Let Taiwan join NATO
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.
You just don't understand, the issue is way bigger than just Taiwan, its the entire pacific, we lose Taiwan then we lose everything, I am perfectly content sending your ass to die there, and at least a million other fascist youth. Taiwan is everything, and it ain't China's, it never has been, not really!

Then there is the chip production which traitorous US industry decamped to Taiwan, and now intend to send to the mainland itself, that reason all by itself is worth the cost of a million fascist democrat youth lives, who are really worthless anyway, much better to use them in this worth cause, then just allow them to continue on as parasites.

We lose Taiwan, we lose Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Phillipines, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, and probably Hawaii! :wink:
You just don't understand, the issue is way bigger than just Taiwan, its the entire pacific, we lose Taiwan then we lose everything, I am perfectly content sending your ass to die there, and at least a million other fascist youth. Taiwan is everything, and it ain't China's, it never has been, not really!

Then there is the chip production which traitorous US industry decamped to Taiwan, and now intend to send to the mainland itself, that reason all by itself is worth the cost of a million fascist democrat youth lives, who are really worthless anyway, much better to use them in this worth cause, then just allow them to continue on as parasites.

We lose Taiwan, we lose Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Phillipines, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, and probably Hawaii! :wink:
There it is again. 1939 all over again. China will conquer the world oh nooooooooo!

My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.

What should we do if China invades Taiwan? Let's settle that question right here.​

Sorry to pour cold water on your question, but it's not going to be settled "right here" It will be settled in the halls of Congress, at the State Department, and on the desk of the President.

A Political forum like his one is all well and good for people to air their views, but it's not designed to settle anything.
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.

The question here is "why would the US defend Taiwan".

The Powell Doctrine gives certain guidelines for US interference in other countries.

Generally it looks like three things.
1) If it impacts the US internally. Like the drug war in Columbia.
2) If the US can make money out of it. Like Iraq by destroying OPEC's cartel
3) If the other side is a major player. Like the USSR in the Cold War.

Clearly 1 and 2 aren't relevant here. Taiwan is nothing for the US, no oil, no natural resources. The chip manufacturing could easily be replaced somewhere else.

So, the US would defend Taiwan the same as it would defend the Ukraine, because the opposition is in play. Does the US see China as more of a risk than Russia? Probably. Doesn't mean they'd send troops.

Another thing to take into account is US allies. Japan and South Korea. The US needs to keep them happy in order to have bases and influence close to China. Without those two the US becomes almost irrelevant.

So it's about the US keeping up its world strength.
So by saying stay out of Taiwan, you'd be saying the US would literally relinquish it's influence and power in Asia. The US would become less of a world player. Limited to Africa, Latin America and reduced influence in Europe with the rise of the EU.

So, essentially it depends whether you want the US to go back to being just another country or not.
There is a reason Biden wisely withdrew from Afghanistan, though of course the execution of the withdrawal was horribly conducted. There was a sharp shift in focus by the U.S to the East. The battle for global supremacy will be between the U.S and China, this much is certain.

Here is what makes it difficult for the U.S, your so-called "allies", I speak primarily of Canada due to my experiences here; have all undermined America and betrayed basic premises of civil liberties and capitalism for far too long. No one held them to account, so...

It seems that U.S intelligence suspect that some of your traditional allies may not be as they seem and thus, they've pivoted to nations in Asia whom they suspect will more closely share Americas world view while helping them with what is comparably a shared rival.

Thus, the answer to "what should we do", it depends on the collection of intelligence and securing of newer allies who you will keep close.

China is a very old civilization and as I've said for some time even when some "experts" underestimated them, they are an admirable adversary. The arrogance by some in the West was a welcome reality for those looking to have the Wests focus elsewhere. All of our leaders obliged

I'm not sure China even has to invade Taiwan to succeed. They intend to win the hearts and minds of Taiwan. So far they haven't been near successful as they'd like, but if America loses it's place...
Let them know that under no circumstances can they invade without us firing the nukes.

Then if they do it, gg world, fire the nukes.

Not the best plan, but eh, oh well. Worked with the Soviets. Fun fact, a lot of humans DON'T want the human race to go extinct and kind of want to avoid that.
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.

We need to cut regulations now, open up steel mills again in the US, stop buying crap from China who is our mortal enemy. Start manufacturing again and tell them to fuck off. Worry about global warming bullshit later, once we develop better technology.
We are now in an emergency situation world wide which warrants lifting of many regulations and rducing taxes on major companies. Bring jobs back to the U.S. and keep Chinese money out of the pockets of U.S. politicians. That would be a good start.. PRE any Chinese invasion.
My answer is this: nothing.

If we were ever going to spend American blood and treasure defending Taiwan, we should have never recognized commie China, and we should have stationed troops in Taiwan, so the Chinese would know that they cannot invade without fighting the U.S.

Economic sanctions, I'd be more OK with. I have a son in the reserves, so I'm never going to be OK with going to war over another country. But even with sanctions, we'd hurt ourselves as much as China.

So, if we were ever going to cut off economic ties to China to punish them for taking Taiwan, we should have never exported our manufacturing to them, and borrowed so much money from them.

But, I'd like to hear y'all's opinion so we can come to an consensus.
By all means let’s appease the Chinese Communist dictators. If we cower in fear they are sure to leave us alone.
I'm not sure China even has to invade Taiwan to succeed. They intend to win the hearts and minds of Taiwan. So far they haven't been near successful as they'd like, but if America loses it's place...
You've stumbled on the facts with that. China intends to take back Taiwan by peaceful means and always has. America's strategy is to disrupt that process.

And of course America is losing it's power to influence, is aware of that, and must foment unrest in Taiwan by means of threats.
You've stumbled on the facts with that. China intends to take back Taiwan by peaceful means and always has. America's strategy is to disrupt that process.

And of course America is losing it's power to influence, is aware of that, and must foment unrest in Taiwan by means of threats.
I forgot how peaceful the CCP is.

We should all be grateful for Xi Jin Ping’s benevolent and grandfatherly rule.
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By all means let’s appease the Chinese Communist dictators. If we cower in fear they are sure to leave us alone.
Yeah, I get that. What’s your alternative? If it’s going to war, will you be fighting yourself, or armchair generating it?
Yeah, I get that. What’s your alternative? If it’s going to war, will you be fighting yourself, or armchair generating it?
We should make it very clear we will defend Taiwan if the CCP attacks. We should build a coalition (India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia, etc.) against CCP aggression.

The CCP has forcibly sterilized, imprisoned, starved, tortured, killed tens of millions of its own people. Can you imagine how the CCP will treat foreigners? Do you want to live in a world dominated by CCP dictators?

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