What retro computers have you owned?


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
What retro computers have you owned?

Me: Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Amiga 500.
Atari 400
Apple II

Wish I had kept the Apple. I went as far as writing an OS so that I could use labeling in Assembly. The Pro-DOS required direct memory input of Assembly, which was a nightmare.

Ah, the simplicity of the old 6502...

I remember when I went into the aircraft instrument apprentice school. We had an entire course on how to use the slide rule. I remember buying a $25 state of the art slide rule from the local college. It could do quadratic functions and had a resolution out to 4 places. Man, those were the days. In college you could always tell the engineering students by the huge slide rules they carried strapped to their hips like giant knives. Then they started wearing those giant HP calculators. That was all before PC's. Then the college had an entire building devoted to housing one mainframe computer, in which we wrote programs, using key punch cards. Those were the days.

Enough of the nostalgia: My first PC was a Gateway 2000. After that, I built every other PC I ever had. I am on my 5th built PC, now. I would never buy a commercial PC, other than a laptop, of which I own, an HP.
I took a data processing course in college back in the ought-70's.
We used to run stacks of these LOL. We spit them out on a typing machine, bundled them, and dropped them off at the processing window. Some stacks were 4 inches thick.


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My first computer, bought nearly 25 years ago, was made by a company called CompuAdd...

state of the art at the time... cost me more'n $2000... (which is what...? 'bout $4000 in today's money...?)

'n didn't have nearly the processing power that today's dinky li'l $200-$400 hand-held devices have...
Atari 2600
Commodore 64
First PC game that I played a lot Quake on my HP P90 486sx.

Yeah, but most of those are video game consoles, not computers.

Atari made a couple of early computers, the 400 and the 800. I had a 400, which made me like computers, but it was a bit of a joke. Took about 15 minutes to boot off of a cassette tape player.

Atari 400 computer

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