What race would I be considered in the USA together with my family?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I think and many here said already that I look "more white" then anything else. So maybe I could get away with being seen as white. But if they see my relatives, I guess they would consider them mixed blacks or mixed hispanics and because of their deep dark skin. Or if the americans know it they would know they are gypsies but they wouldnt consider them "white". So how would that affect how they see me? Would they ask why Im not as brown as them?

Man, you guys really cleaned those plates! Seriously though Mort, I would say you look mixed, maybe with some Russian blood. The girl close to the camera looks Hispanic. Are you guys drinking beer and smoking cigarettes in the first picture?
Thread # 234 for Mort wanting to know what race he looks like.
Damn Mortie, you spend too much time worrying about such things. Most people here have already pretty much accepted you as just another poster, but with your constant questions about what race you look like, I'm gonna say you are starting to resemble a neurotic Muppet, based on your thread titles.
What race would I be considered in the USA together with my family?
I think and many here said already that I look "more white" then anything else. So maybe I could get away with being seen as white. But if they see my relatives, I guess they would consider them mixed blacks or mixed hispanics and because of their deep dark skin. Or if the americans know it they would know they are gypsies but they wouldnt consider them "white". So how would that affect how they see me? Would they ask why Im not as brown as them?

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We all look the same to them. So here, you would be a honky or a cracker.

What race would I be considered in the USA together with my family?

Definitely the race of annoying, aggravating foreigners I'd want to tell to just sit the hell down, shut the fuck up, quit taking pictures of yourselves all through your eating like you were some sort of celebrity fascinated with yourself and just eat your fricking meal like normal people! like a dog with a squeeze toy, you obviously cannot be trusted to deal with owning a simple camera in your hand to take pictures of anything interesting or useful.

I'd probably want to take the stupid thing and smash it with my foot, but in today's PC world that favors and protects people like you, I'd probably do the wiser, calmer, more socially sensible and permissible thing and after complaining to the management about your annoying and disruptive group, would take my family, get us all the fuck out of that dive far far away from you to a much better one that I know would be much too expensive and exclusive to let your kind of riff raff in at the irritantcy of the other patrons who just want to be able to enjoy their meals in dignity and peace.
What race would I be considered in the USA
Maybe the egg and spoon race...


No, sorry, allow me to reconsider. On reflection, the sack race. Definitely the sack race.

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