What part of thou shalt not kill do people not get!


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Nov 29, 2008
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It really is simple. Killing another is wrong. It makes no difference what your religious preference is or if you have no religion at all.... Murdering people and killing their means of food or support is wrong.

US Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle'
Tuesday June 02, 2009 11:29

The statement was printed in response to the question “How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?” in the May/June edition of the Jewish magazine 'Moment', in a section titled 'Ask the Rabbis'. The magazine printed responses from nine different rabbis, each representing a different school of Jewish thought. The rabbis surveyed included Independent, Humanist, Reform, Modern Orthodox, Renewal, Reconstructionist, Conservative, Sephardic and Chabad.

Rabbi Friedman represented the Chabad section of the article. His full statement was as follows:

“I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).”

“The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East. First, the Arabs will stop using children as shields. Second, they will stop taking hostages knowing that we will not be intimidated. Third, with their holy sites destroyed, they will stop believing that G-d is on their side. Result: no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war.”“Zero tolerance for stone throwing, for rockets, for kidnapping will mean that the state has achieved sovereignty. Living by Torah values will make us a light unto the nations who suffer defeat because of a disastrous morality of human invention.”

You mean like the war in Iraq?
Did a religious organizational leader call for the the farmers, women, children, cattle and everyday civilians in Iraq to be slaughtered?

If so provide the information. Put in the links.
Each and every religions has its religious fanaticals. This guy being representative of the Jews and their beliefs is on par with The Phelps folks.
In my religion killing is NOT wrong, thus why I support the death penalty, abortion, etc.. Killing is only wrong if there is no reason for it. "Senseless" is the only true sin.
I'm sure I could find a bunch more...
Keep putting them in here. "Thou shalt not kill" was what God told His people. If they are calling for the murder of innocent people then they are not representing God's word are they?
I'm sure I could find a bunch more...
Keep putting them in here. "Thou shalt not kill" was what God told His people. If they are calling for the murder of innocent people then they are not representing God's word are they?

Who is "they?" One man said this, he doesn't represent all jews. Just like the person(s) who kill in the name of Christianity, they don't represent all Christians.
I'm sure I could find a bunch more...
Keep putting them in here. "Thou shalt not kill" was what God told His people. If they are calling for the murder of innocent people then they are not representing God's word are they?

The way I understand it, the literal translation is you shall not commit murder, and murder was when you killed another member of the twelve tribes of Israel, not an outsider. As evidence let me remind you that all the people living in what was to be the promised land were to be killed and their land taken, and that did not violate what God told his people.
It really is simple. Killing another is wrong. It makes no difference what your religious preference is or if you have no religion at all.... Murdering people and killing their means of food or support is wrong.

Perhaps they simply have the correct translation that states "Thou shalt not murder".

Granted, Im not sure how they justify this all the same. But God has not forbidden the taking of a life. He has just limited the circumstances where we have a right to.
you got to love semantics..thou shall not kill ...is really thou shall not murder.....arent yall always on a rip about the violence of islamics etc..but do i hear a negative word about a jew calling for genocide....of another people...no...

the "never again" bullshit applies only to them

remember the uss liberty
Because religious nuts believe that the rules written in their books are flexible, and that it's ok to break them if you can convince yourself that your God would've wanted it that way (also applies to the constiution and people's rights in general).
And what about George Bush's "crusade" against arabs? That should count as well. GW is/was the leader of an ultra-religion sect called the Republicans.
And what about George Bush's "crusade" against arabs? That should count as well. GW is/was the leader of an ultra-religion sect called the Republicans.

Thanks for announcing yourself as a partisan hack that is incapable of actual thought and analysis. It saves so much time for those of us that might respond to you.
You mean like the war in Iraq?
Did a religious organizational leader call for the the farmers, women, children, cattle and everyday civilians in Iraq to be slaughtered?

If so provide the information. Put in the links.

you really think an islamic website is telling you the truth?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

btw, it wasn't thou shalt not kill... the word was thou shalt not MURDER... there's a difference. not that it matters for propaganda purposes, but thought i'd clarify.

And even if true, which i'd doubt ... every group has its nutters.... which is how Rabin and Sadat ended up dead.
You mean like the war in Iraq?
Did a religious organizational leader call for the the farmers, women, children, cattle and everyday civilians in Iraq to be slaughtered?

If so provide the information. Put in the links.

you really think an islamic website is telling you the truth?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

btw, it wasn't thou shalt not kill... the word was thou shalt not MURDER... there's a difference. not that it matters for propaganda purposes, but thought i'd clarify.

And even if true, which i'd doubt ... every group has its nutters.... which is how Rabin and Sadat ended up dead.
Who needs the islamic website when you have a jewish one that repeats the same information.. Do you really think it is all about you Jillian and no one else but you?
Chabad rabbi: ‘Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)’

Ask the rabbis
How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?

I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.

The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).

The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East. First, the Arabs will stop using children as shields. Second, they will stop taking hostages knowing that we will not be intimidated. Third, with their holy sites destroyed, they will stop believing that G-d is on their side. Result: no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war.

Zero tolerance for stone throwing, for rockets, for kidnapping will mean that the state has achieved sovereignty. Living by Torah values will make us a light unto the nations who suffer defeat because of a disastrous morality of human invention.
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies
St. Paul, MN

Settlers burn hundreds of Acres planted with olives, wheat, and barley

Apparently there are settlers in Israel that are taking this guy's advice....
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