What Obama Really Thinks About the NSA


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Chris Hedges is one among many on the left and right who believe anything any president says is at least as likely to be a lie as not.

Obama is better than most at saying one thing and meaning the exact opposite.

Here is Chris's take on what Obama would have said about NSA terrorism if he had told the American people the truth in his recent speech:

"THE PRESIDENT: A small, secret surveillance committee of goons and thugs hiding behind the mask of patriotism was established in 1908 in Washington, D.C.

"The group was led from 1924 until 1972 by J. Edgar Hoover, and during his reign it became known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

"FBI agents spied upon and infiltrated labor unions, political parties, radical groups—especially those led by African-Americans—anti-war groups and the civil rights movement in order to discredit anyone, including politicians such as Henry Wallace, who questioned the power of the state and big business.

"Agents burglarized homes and offices, illegally opened mail and planted unlawful wiretaps.

"Bureau leaders created blacklists.

"They destroyed careers and sometimes lives.

"They demanded loyalty oaths.

"By the time they were done, our progressive and radical movements, which had given us the middle class and opened up our political system, were dead.

"And while the FBI was targeting internal dissidents, our foreign intelligence operatives were overthrowing regimes, bankrolling some of the most vicious dictators on the planet and carrying out assassinations in numerous countries, such as Cuba and the Philippines and later Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile, Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Throughout American history, intelligence services often did little more than advance and protect corporate profits and solidify state repression and imperialist expansion.

"War, for big business, has always been very lucrative and used as an excuse to curtail basic liberties and crush popular movements. 'Inter arma silent leges,' as Cicero said, or 'During war, the laws are silent

Chris Hedges: What Obama Really Meant Was ... - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

Every government ever created has served the interests of its richest 1% at the expense of its majorities.

Every Empire that's resulted from War and Debt has fallen.

When the US Empire falls, it may well take humanity with it.
"At the same time, globalization—our corporate policy of creating a worldwide neofeudalism of masters and serfs—means we must spy on citizens to prevent agitation and revolt.

"After all, if you are a worker, things are only going to get worse.

"To quash competitors of American companies, we spy on corporations in Brazil, including Brazil’s biggest oil company, Petrobras, and on corporations in Germany and France.

"We also steal information from the leaders of many countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose personal cellphone we tapped.

"However, Ms. Merkel, who grew up in East Germany, should not, as she has done, accuse us of being the Stasi.

"We are much more efficient than the Stasi was.

"We spied successfully on U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in addition to Pope Francis and the conclave that elected him last March.

"Senior U.N. officials and Roman Catholic cardinals are highly susceptible to recruitment by al-Qaida.

"The reasons are classified.

"I won’t share them with you.

"Believe me."

Chris Hedges: What Obama Really Meant Was ... - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Trying to convicce the right wing know-nothings on USMB that the REAL left is not a big fan of the O-Man is pretty much a wasted effort.

The RW Fools can never learn. They must have a simple and clear black and white world, One where there are totally bad people Versus them, totally good people.

The RW TOOLS who post already know this.

Their only goal is to fed a steady diet of lies to the RW fools

Nuanced thinking is not the forte of conservative thinkers but mind numbing hateful propaganda IS the forte of their MASTERS.

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Trying to convicce the right wing know-nothings on USMB that the REAL left is not a big fan of the O-Man is pretty much a wasted effort.

The RW Fools can never learn. They must have a simple and clear black and white world, One where there are totally bad people Versus them, totally good people.

The RW TOOLS who post already know this.

Their only goal is to fed a steady diet of lies to the RW fools

Nuanced thinking is not the forte of conservative thinkers but mind numbing hateful propaganda IS the forte of their MASTERS.

Just imagine how much better all of this will get if we're offered a Bush/Clinton choice in 2016?
When you saw a Clinton intern with some white dribble you probably had one salacious thought.

When you see an Obama intern with some white dribble you don't think anything salacious. That's because you know liberals are ALL drooling idiots.

I guess that's a moral victory of sorts.......
When you saw a Clinton intern with some white dribble you probably had one salacious thought.

When you see an Obama intern with some white dribble you don't think anything salacious. That's because you know liberals are ALL drooling idiots.

I guess that's a moral victory of sorts.......
IFF our "choice" in 2016 is Bush or Clinton, which will you drool over?
Up until the end of the Cold War the Intelligence community was chasing the Soviet Union around. Lately they have been chasing terrorist around. Who and what they are after currently is the reason for the anti-IC campaign. The IC would be "speaking truth to power" if there was not a concerted effort to silence them right now.
Up until the end of the Cold War the Intelligence community was chasing the Soviet Union around. Lately they have been chasing terrorist around. Who and what they are after currently is the reason for the anti-IC campaign. The IC would be "speaking truth to power" if there was not a concerted effort to silence them right now.
Who is seeking to silence the US intelligence community?

"It is a testimony to the hard work and dedication of the men and women of our intelligence community that over the past decade we’ve taken enormous strides in making the Middle East a caldron of rage.

"New capabilities and new laws have turned us into the most efficient killers on the planet.

"Relationships with foreign intelligence services have expanded, creating one immense, global corporate system of surveillance and security that obliterates the rights of people at home and abroad.

"Taken together, these efforts have killed hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

"We have terrorized whole countries from the sky and forced millions to become refugees.

"This will ensure endless war, which ensures endless profits for those who make war—which is the point."

Chris Hedges: What Obama Really Meant Was ... - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

Do you personally sense any threat from a global corporate security and surveillance apparatus?
When you saw a Clinton intern with some white dribble you probably had one salacious thought.

When you see an Obama intern with some white dribble you don't think anything salacious. That's because you know liberals are ALL drooling idiots.

I guess that's a moral victory of sorts.......
IFF our "choice" in 2016 is Bush or Clinton, which will you drool over?

Who's the Libertarian candidate? The Independent?
You all need to ask yourselves one question... Why would a President who will be gone soon, protect the NSA when its politically toxic for him to do so? If you're answer involves some kind of Hollywood conspiracy, then kill yourself. The answer should be obvious, unlike the rest of us, he actually knows how important that program is to Americans. He's taking one for the team because its the right thing to do.

By the way, I'm a conservative and no ally of Obamas.
Anyone that thinks Hillary "No Child Left Behind" Clinton has a shot at the White House is straight up retarded.

That developmentally disabled, intellectually challenged, handi-capable hag should have been left behind every year, starting with the womb.
When you saw a Clinton intern with some white dribble you probably had one salacious thought.

When you see an Obama intern with some white dribble you don't think anything salacious. That's because you know liberals are ALL drooling idiots.

I guess that's a moral victory of sorts.......
IFF our "choice" in 2016 is Bush or Clinton, which will you drool over?

Who's the Libertarian candidate? The Independent?
Libertarians seem to have three in the running, any of whom would probably be more vote worthy than any Clinton or Bush.

2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidates
Anyone that thinks Hillary "No Child Left Behind" Clinton has a shot at the White House is straight up retarded.

That developmentally disabled, intellectually challenged, handi-capable hag should have been left behind every year, starting with the womb.
Personally, I hope you're right; however, after Reagan and Bush II found their way to the Oval Office I wouldn't count on developmental or intellectual disabilities stopping Hillary.
You all need to ask yourselves one question... Why would a President who will be gone soon, protect the NSA when its politically toxic for him to do so? If you're answer involves some kind of Hollywood conspiracy, then kill yourself. The answer should be obvious, unlike the rest of us, he actually knows how important that program is to Americans. He's taking one for the team because its the right thing to do.

By the way, I'm a conservative and no ally of Obamas.
Are you concerned about the NSA's corporate partners and their effects on your privacy?

"Every day, there is new information on the shrinking of the scope of liberty and personal privacy.

"Thursday, for example, the New York Times reported:

"The National Security Agency is winning its long-running secret war on encryption, using supercomputers, technical trickery, court orders and behind-the-scenes persuasion to undermine the major tools protecting the privacy of everyday communications in the Internet age, according to newly disclosed documents."

Who Are the NSA's Corporate Partners?

FWIW, Obama is definitely a team player, but he's playing for the wrong team.
IFF our "choice" in 2016 is Bush or Clinton, which will you drool over?

Who's the Libertarian candidate? The Independent?
Libertarians seem to have three in the running, any of whom would probably be more vote worthy than any Clinton or Bush.

2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidates


I like Johnson, he got my vote last time and I would vote for him again in a heartbeat, but I'm not sure he'll run again. I'll have to look closer at Perry, but his resume seems a little weak. A lot of declared Independents, guess I will have some learning to do before 2016...

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