What leader, what government, what country is getting right?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
I am hearing many who feel Obama is creating a socialist state, taking our rights away, basically creating a tyrannical government.

To those individuals I ask what real world leader, leading a real world government in a real country is better than a Obama led government in the USA.

I am guessing you will have several countries based on the total dissatifaction with Obama.
I am hearing many who feel Obama is creating a socialist state, taking our rights away, basically creating a tyrannical government.

To those individuals I ask what real world leader, leading a real world government in a real country is better than a Obama led government in the USA.

I am guessing you will have several countries based on the total dissatifaction with Obama.

I think you may have missed this point. Americans left Europe more than 200 years ago to escape that form of government. Now we are trying to become just like them and America doesn't want a Socialist Democracy....we want a Republic!!!
What's the point of this stupid thread?

The point is show me a better leader, a better government, a better country than our Obama led government.

It is easy to say in a theoretical sense you can do a lot better.

Show us some real world examples.

I am taking from your response you cannot name any.
I am hearing many who feel Obama is creating a socialist state, taking our rights away, basically creating a tyrannical government.

To those individuals I ask what real world leader, leading a real world government in a real country is better than a Obama led government in the USA.

I am guessing you will have several countries based on the total dissatifaction with Obama.

I think you may have missed this point. Americans left Europe more than 200 years ago to escape that form of government. Now we are trying to become just like them and America doesn't want a Socialist Democracy....we want a Republic!!!

Show me an example of a real world Republic that is working bettert than the USA right now.

No theoretical BS. Real world.
I don't have to do that. This country is the greatest on the planet....and it's NOT DUE TO A SINGLE THING Obama has done. Right now 70% of Americans are against the direction the country is headed in. That's all the justification I need to once again exercise my vote.
What's the point of this stupid thread?

The point is show me a better leader, a better government, a better country than our Obama led government.

It is easy to say in a theoretical sense you can do a lot better.

Show us some real world examples.

I am taking from your response you cannot name any.

We are America. We are unique. We don't need to follow the example of others. We were founded to be a beacon - a unique, free society for others to emulate.... not to emulate others. Have you never read our history?

What a fucking dumbassed question.
What's the point of this stupid thread?

The point is show me a better leader, a better government, a better country than our Obama led government.

It is easy to say in a theoretical sense you can do a lot better.

Show us some real world examples.

I am taking from your response you cannot name any.

We are America. We are unique. We don't need to follow the example of others. We were founded to be a beacon - a unique, free society for others to emulate.... not to emulate others. Have you never read our history?

What a fucking dumbassed question.

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to California Girl again."
What's the point of this stupid thread?

The point is show me a better leader, a better government, a better country than our Obama led government.

It is easy to say in a theoretical sense you can do a lot better.

Show us some real world examples.

I am taking from your response you cannot name any.

We are America. We are unique. We don't need to follow the example of others. We were founded to be a beacon - a unique, free society for others to emulate.... not to emulate others. Have you never read our history?

What a fucking dumbassed question.

Show me a country that gives you more freedoms, more gun rights, more opportunity, a better taxation system.


The US has leadership challenges most countries do not; over 300 million people, a very diverse population, the highest standard of living to maintain.

This perfect government you want could be realized easier in a smaller less diverse country.

Show me something close.
Chris Christie in NJ is looking good so far.
What's the point of this stupid thread?
It's yet another lame attempt at the brain dead game of "well, at least my despotic authoritarian goober sucks ass less badly than your despotic authoritarian goober sucks".

Second verse same as the first.

Shut me up.

Show me a real world example.

Show me a couple of examples.
America, during the Coolidge administration.

Though I don't expect that will stop you from playing your silly little game.
It's yet another lame attempt at the brain dead game of "well, at least my despotic authoritarian goober sucks ass less badly than your despotic authoritarian goober sucks".

Second verse same as the first.

Shut me up.

Show me a real world example.

Show me a couple of examples.
America, during the Coolidge administration.

Though I don't expect that will stop you from playing your silly little game.

There are people talking revolution because Obama has turned our nation in a tyrannical, socialist government.

He has not. An Obama led US government balances freedom, opportunity and government better than any country in the world. And the US has some of the toughest leadership challenges of any country in the world.

If he was as bad as so many are saying you would be able to rattle off many countries that are doing a better job right now.
Shut me up.

Show me a real world example.

Show me a couple of examples.
America, during the Coolidge administration.

Though I don't expect that will stop you from playing your silly little game.

There are people talking revolution because Obama has turned our nation in a tyrannical, socialist government.

He has not. An Obama led US government balances freedom, opportunity and government better than any country in the world. And the US has some of the toughest leadership challenges of any country in the world.

If he was as bad as so many are saying you would be able to rattle off many countries that are doing a better job right now.

Please cite...specifically...who is talking revolution.

Obama has done NOTHING to balance freedom, opportunity and government by creating 160+ new government agencies to oversee government run healthcare and punish citizens for non compliance.
Increasing the size of government by over 50% is not the way to Balance Freedom and Opportunity.

Just sayin'.
If I were of the mindset of the Obama critics I would say Haiti.

We are talking minimal government.

If you do not want government interfering in your life, Haiti would be a great place to go.

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