Zone1 What kind of LDS Mormon are you (Utah)?

Supernatural feats? Like controlling matter? healing physical deformities? Controlling nature?


YOU are out of your mind. You have left actual reality out of your speculations, so enjoy living out the rest of your days under an irrational delusion clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age.
The evidence proves it. The first Christians who witnessed the supernatural acts performed by Jesus - which included controlling matter, controlling nature, healing physical deformities, healing diseases, raising the dead and resurrecting himself from death - worshiped Jesus as God because they witnessed those miracles. Non-Christian historians recorded that the first Christians worshiped Jesus as God because he performed supernatural feats. 24,000 written manuscripts documented the supernatural feats Jesus performed and the first Christians witnessed. The Babylonian Talmud confirms Jewish religious leaders put Jesus to death for sorcery and for leading Israel into apostasy. There are no opposing accounts that document that Jesus did not perform any supernatural acts. There are no opposing accounts that argue Jesus wasn't put to death for performing sorcery and inciting Israel to apostasy. There are no opposing accounts which document Jesus wasn't resurrected. There are no opposing accounts that the first Christians didn't witness Jesus performing supernatural acts. There are no opposing accounts that document the first Christians didn't worship Jesus as God.
It takes a special type of faith to believe in miracles, especially when a person only uses the intellect the World has given him.

My God given intellect and hard learned lessons, knowledge of this world, prevents me from having the "special type of faith" to pretend to believe in what I know is impossible to be the truth

Sorry. Never have and never will. Go try and peddle your bread baked on human dung elsewhere.

I just don't have what it takes to lie to myself, my family, my neighbors, and my fellow Americans.

Woe is me!

My God given intellect and hard learned lessons, knowledge of this world, prevents me from having the "special type of faith" to pretend to believe in what I know is impossible to be the truth

Sorry. Never have and never will. Go try and peddle your bread baked on human dung elsewhere.

I just don't have what it takes to lie to myself, my family, my neighbors, and my fellow Americans.

Woe is me!

The irony here is that you know you have it. It is within you and outside of you. Your struggles stem from the war your stubborn nature wages against it.
-Is Jesus' way (His teachings; his works) the correct path, in your opinion?

If you take the monumental effort required to fart and apply that intelligence to deciphering complicated metaphors like "opening the eyes of the blind" "raising the dead" or the command to "eat my flesh", it is the only way to comply with the Laws demands that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life here and now on earth, not after you die or at the end of time.
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The irony here is that you know you have it. It is within you and outside of you.
Sure. I do know that I have the ability and am as capable as anyone else of being a pretentious sanctimonious deceitful hypocritical religious asshole, but I have resisted the temptation. lol

Your struggles stem from the war your stubborn nature wages against it.

Is it wrong to be stubborn when people are trying to convince me to defy the Law of God? Or when demons are trying to brainwash me with religious bullshit in order to possess my soul?

If being stubborn is wrong, I don't want to be right. lol
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So? Is it wrong to be stubborn when people are trying to convince me to defy the Law of God?
First of all, no one here is trying to convince you. We are defending our beliefs against your attacks.

Secondly, you are arguing for the Jewish and Muslim interpretation of the law of God. Christians have a different interpretation. So rather than live and let live you spew hatred towards Christians.

Tell me where I am wrong.
Sure. I know I have the ability and am as capable as anyone else of being a pretentious sanctimonious deceitful hypocritical religious asshole, but I resist the temptation. lol


Is it wrong to be stubborn when people are trying to convince me to defy the Law of God? Or when demons are trying to brainwash me with religious bullshit in order to possess my soul?

If so then I don't want to be right. lol
Being stubborn can be a truly exceptional and rare trait.

The Law spoke of and produced many Prophets and Messengers.

Do you believe that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are correct?

If you imply that intelligence to deciphering complicated metaphors like "opening the eyes of the blind" "raising the dead" or the command to "eat my flesh", it is the only way to comply with the Laws demands that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life here and now on earth, not after you die or at the end of time.

Ok, now you begin to state what is truly inside of you and outside of you.

"Eternal life" cannot die or else it would not be eternal, yes? If you believe in "abundant blessings and eternal life here on Earth" then you believe that The Spirit is eternal and cannot die, yes?
Don't fool yourself.

At any point Ding could've admitted the obvious. He is an idolator and if scripture is true, as he claims, he is already dead and in hell. Its not like he doesn't know he is just pretending to believe.

Its not my problem that he has confused faith with obstinate stupidity. So his guilt remains. He could've been pardoned from the hell he has lived in for his entire life but has shown no remorse.

Thats on him.

Ha ha.

How many of you are there, twinkle toes?

You are deranged, then. We can all pray for you.
Ok, now you begin to state what is truly inside of you and outside of you.

"Eternal life" cannot die or else it would not be eternal, yes? If you believe in "abundant blessings and eternal life here on Earth" then you believe that The Spirit is eternal and cannot die, yes?
Yes and yes.

The Spirit, what people call consciousness, is the only thing incorporeal in humans that could potentially become eternal, if the persons purifies and refines their mind according to the instruction given in the law. Some people deliberately use their consciousness under the dominion of the evil inclination, the foreskin of the mind, and will have no life, find no abode, for eternity.

People who defy the Law religiously, like you, died and descended into hell, the realm of the dead, in the very same day that you first set aside the Law of God and turned to a lifeless piece of bread MADE BY HUMAN HANDS to worship and eat for spiritual life. This is the first death. Spiritual.

Unless a person "eats my flesh" accept this teaching of Jesus about the figurative nature of the words used and hidden subjects of the law and drinks his blood by complying with its demands in this light they can have no life in them. Blessings and eternal life being the promise of God for all who listen to that teaching and do it. Life is in the blood, in the doing. This is the first resurrection.

Everyone who takes part in the first resurrection cannot be harmed by the second death, the death of the physical body. The second resurrection is from death of the body to enter an eternal abode, becoming an eternal superior form of life dwelling with God in the eternal realm of God.

those who do not take part in the first resurrection will be judged according to their words and deeds and as I have shown many will not survive judgment or the destruction of their defiled spirit
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Do you believe that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are correct?
Yes, but only if you understand the figures of speech that he used revealing the hidden subjects of the Law and do it. Jesus was lifted up like Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Right?

some people think that Jesus was a mangod, an austere human sacrifice, so that "believers" who celebrate his death can sin with impunity for life and eat his flesh either literally or symbolically.
Imagine that! There has never been any such Jesus ever in existence. They worship the antichrist

Seriously, how dumb can such otherwise intelligent people get? Damn. A God made man? Grullo!

"till now I have been using figures of speech" John 16:25, Jesus said this after all that crazy talk about coming down from heaven, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead, eat my flesh, etc. The sensible thing for the reader to do at this point is to go back and decipher what the hell he meant.

This shows that Jesus presented a test, even warning his sleeping disciples three times, which was failed like the people failed who turned to a statue of a serpent for healing. Hezekiah was credited with doing what is right by destroying the statue which, like Jesus, became the object of idolatry. So all that you have to do to get out of hell is ask yourself, "What would Hezekiah do?"


Get off your knees, get out of your deathbed, stand upright, and walk like a God made man.
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You are deranged, then.
You believe that Jesus was a God made man. I believe that Jesus was a God made man. If thats deranged I am a nut job, completely out of my tree, toys in the attic, loony tunes, coo coo crazy.

And as deranged as I might seem to you, you are by far more deranged from where I am standing.

We can all pray for you.
Don't bother. You will only be wasting your precious time. I'm cool. I am a God made man. So whoever "we all" is pray for yourselves. If scripture is true, you are all screwed unless you repent.
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You believe that Jesus was God made man. I believe that Jesus was a God made man. If that deranged I am a nut job, completely out of my tree, toys in the attic, loony tunes, coo coo crazy.

Whoever 'we' is pray for yourselves.

I'm cool. I am a God made man.

Did not happen.
We are defending our beliefs against your attacks.

your beliefs are used to persecute and victimize the innocent by using commandments you claim to be heavenly that never existed.

- when in fact where those beliefs originate are in fact a corruption of the truth from the time they are claimed to have been made.

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