What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

Nope. If you were not a partisan loser, you'd be OK with simply discussing Trump. The fact that you had to wedge in that BS about Clinton and voter fraud....is evidence that you cannot be normal.
Like I said - you simply can't handle having the truth about how corrupt the Dumbocrats and Hitlery Clinton are, how they engage in voter fraud (even against you, stupid - they make you an irrelevant slave whose voice doesn't matter), and how their entire platform is nothing but a big lie to keep them in power.

But...like I said...I'm not surprised that you are shocked by someone who is not a blind, obedient lap dog to a party. If one lived their entire life like that, someone like me would be a bit "shocking". We all know who and what you are so nobody is expecting more out of you LoneLaugher. That's the upside to setting the bar low as you have!

Pay attention, please. I will demonstrate how it is done.

Hillary Clinton was caught improperly using a personal email server to conduct state business. She broke state department protocol. She ordered her attorneys to delete many emails....some of which may have contained work related material. She was then evasive and not entirely forthcoming about this. It calls into question her judgement. This should be taken into consideration when making a decision to cast a vote for her in this election

Did ya see that? That is how one criticizes a politician who they intend to vote for.
Shocking, uh? You can't imagine someone not being a blind, partisan, ignorant lap dog such as yourself. How sad. Speaks volumes about your character and intellect (and since you're not too bright, I'll throw you a bone here: what it says is not good).

Are you trying to tell me that you are not a blind partisan lap dog?

I love the disconnect.
Clearly not as I'm voluntarily presenting evidence that I saw in a report that links Donald Trump's finances to Russia. That doesn't sound like a "blind, partisan, lap dog" to me. And it wouldn't to anyone else with an ounce of reason. Only an idiot would think so.

When is that last time you posted anything of substance that shed the left in a poor light? Game over.

Never, partisan nutters never do.

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Who are you? Are you someone?

I'm just one person, not that much different than you, who is just one person.

They are right you are pretty dumb. In fact I think they over estimated you.

Awesome. I will have to pay attention to you to see if I can learn something.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
It is actually a very stupid idea to ever reveal your tax return(s).

I don't know who first thought of this foolishness.

Revealing it allows the IRS and State to examine it and then slap you with an audit

There is nothing on Earth worse financially than an IRS or State audit of your taxes.

They will always find more taxes. Always.

They even disallow routine deductions and credits knowing that it is too expensive for you to fight it.

Most people have no idea of this until they are finally audited.

So the primary goal is NOT EVER to be audited.

And if you are already being audited then there is even more reason NOT to publish your return. Some genius in the Ethernet can find something and make a big deal out of it and then the IRS or State will assess you more tax as a result.


Scientists tell us that when you file a tax return, you are doing so with the IRS. Thus you have “revealed” it to them already.

Christ; that was the most idiotic post ever. It would actually be very stupid for you to ever post again.
Pay attention, please. I will demonstrate how it is done.

Hillary Clinton was caught improperly using a personal email server to conduct state business. She broke state department protocol. She ordered her attorneys to delete many emails....some of which may have contained work related material. She was then evasive and not entirely forthcoming about this. It calls into question her judgement. This should be taken into consideration when making a decision to cast a vote for her in this election

Did ya see that? That is how one criticizes a politician who they intend to vote for.
Wow....you finally criticized her months after the incident in a weak attempt to save face after your blind obedience was called out. We are all sooo impressed... :rolleyes:
Is Trump hiding his donations to NAMBLA? I haven't said it but lots of people are talking about it. I think it's interesting.
Is Trump hiding his donations to NAMBLA? I haven't said it but lots of people are talking about it. I think it's interesting.
Just when you think they hit rock bottom ....
Lots of very smart people, very smart people, are talking about it. That Trump gave them tremendous amounts of money. I read about it on the internet. It is very interesting.
Well if it's on the internet it has to be true.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
It is actually a very stupid idea to ever reveal your tax return(s).

I don't know who first thought of this foolishness.

Revealing it allows the IRS and State to examine it and then slap you with an audit

There is nothing on Earth worse financially than an IRS or State audit of your taxes.

They will always find more taxes. Always.

They even disallow routine deductions and credits knowing that it is too expensive for you to fight it.

Most people have no idea of this until they are finally audited.

So the primary goal is NOT EVER to be audited.

And if you are already being audited then there is even more reason NOT to publish your return. Some genius in the Ethernet can find something and make a big deal out of it and then the IRS or State will assess you more tax as a result.


Scientists tell us that when you file a tax return, you are doing so with the IRS. Thus you have “revealed” it to them already.

Christ; that was the most idiotic post ever. It would actually be very stupid for you to ever post again.

You needed a scientist to tell you this?

Is Trump hiding his donations to NAMBLA? I haven't said it but lots of people are talking about it. I think it's interesting.
Just when you think they hit rock bottom ....
Lots of very smart people, very smart people, are talking about it. That Trump gave them tremendous amounts of money. I read about it on the internet. It is very interesting.
Well if it's on the internet it has to be true.

Yep, read it on the interwebs.
Is Trump hiding his donations to NAMBLA? I haven't said it but lots of people are talking about it. I think it's interesting.
Just when you think they hit rock bottom ....
Lots of very smart people, very smart people, are talking about it. That Trump gave them tremendous amounts of money. I read about it on the internet. It is very interesting.
And yet you've failed to add a link to this "story" on the internet. You're an idiot. It's liberals that support NAMBLA, laws allowing disturbed sexual deviants to shower with little girls in public facilities, and attempt to "normalize" child molestation daily.
Is Trump hiding his donations to NAMBLA? I haven't said it but lots of people are talking about it. I think it's interesting.
Just when you think they hit rock bottom ....
Lots of very smart people, very smart people, are talking about it. That Trump gave them tremendous amounts of money. I read about it on the internet. It is very interesting.
And yet you've failed to add a link to this "story" on the internet. You're an idiot. It's liberals that support NAMBLA, laws allowing disturbed sexual deviants to shower with little girls in public facilities, and attempt to "normalize" child molestation daily.
I'm hearing it from smart people, very smart people, who are talking about it. I get calls - some of the things I hear are absolutely terrible. And I don't want to believe them but people keep saying it. And maybe there's something going on. I don't know. I just don't know.

We can't know until he releases his tax returns.
Is Trump hiding his donations to NAMBLA? I haven't said it but lots of people are talking about it. I think it's interesting.
Just when you think they hit rock bottom ....
Lots of very smart people, very smart people, are talking about it. That Trump gave them tremendous amounts of money. I read about it on the internet. It is very interesting.
And yet you've failed to add a link to this "story" on the internet. You're an idiot. It's liberals that support NAMBLA, laws allowing disturbed sexual deviants to shower with little girls in public facilities, and attempt to "normalize" child molestation daily.
I'm hearing it from smart people, very smart people, who are talking about it. I get calls - some of the things I hear are absolutely terrible. And I don't want to believe them but people keep saying it. And maybe there's something going on. I don't know. I just don't know.

We can't know until he releases his tax returns.
Maybe that's why he won't. No matter what's in there the left will spin it. A gift to the Catholic church will be interpreted as support for pedophila.

You SHOULD care about the DNC , or the RNC , being hacked, hell you should care about those in power having their personal emails being hacked. Blackmailing is a real thing.

Since democrats are for sale to the highest bidder, why would anyone bother to blackmail them? If Iran want's our nuclear codes, they can simply buy them from Hillary.

Pay attention, please. I will demonstrate how it is done.

Hillary Clinton was caught improperly using a personal email server to conduct state business. She broke state department protocol. She ordered her attorneys to delete many emails....some of which may have contained work related material. She was then evasive and not entirely forthcoming about this. It calls into question her judgement. This should be taken into consideration when making a decision to cast a vote for her in this election

Did ya see that? That is how one criticizes a politician who they intend to vote for.
Wow....you finally criticized her months after the incident in a weak attempt to save face after your blind obedience was called out. We are all sooo impressed... :rolleyes:

As I have said here...you don't pay attention. You speak from a position of ignorance.

You thinking that I desire saving face in a discussion with you....is very funny.
Pay attention, please. I will demonstrate how it is done.

Hillary Clinton was caught improperly using a personal email server to conduct state business. She broke state department protocol. She ordered her attorneys to delete many emails....some of which may have contained work related material. She was then evasive and not entirely forthcoming about this. It calls into question her judgement. This should be taken into consideration when making a decision to cast a vote for her in this election

Did ya see that? That is how one criticizes a politician who they intend to vote for.
Wow....you finally criticized her months after the incident in a weak attempt to save face after your blind obedience was called out. We are all sooo impressed... :rolleyes:

As I have said here...you don't pay attention. You speak from a position of ignorance.

You thinking that I desire saving face in a discussion with you....is very funny.
You just proved it junior... :lmao:
Pay attention, please. I will demonstrate how it is done.

Hillary Clinton was caught improperly using a personal email server to conduct state business. She broke state department protocol. She ordered her attorneys to delete many emails....some of which may have contained work related material. She was then evasive and not entirely forthcoming about this. It calls into question her judgement. This should be taken into consideration when making a decision to cast a vote for her in this election

Did ya see that? That is how one criticizes a politician who they intend to vote for.
Wow....you finally criticized her months after the incident in a weak attempt to save face after your blind obedience was called out. We are all sooo impressed... :rolleyes:

As I have said here...you don't pay attention. You speak from a position of ignorance.

You thinking that I desire saving face in a discussion with you....is very funny.
You just proved it junior... :lmao:

What I proved, son, is that it is possible to criticize the candidate that one supports....without adding some bullshit about the other candidate. Yiu should try it sometime.....if you want to shed yourself of your lame partisan hackery.
Pay attention, please. I will demonstrate how it is done.

Hillary Clinton was caught improperly using a personal email server to conduct state business. She broke state department protocol. She ordered her attorneys to delete many emails....some of which may have contained work related material. She was then evasive and not entirely forthcoming about this. It calls into question her judgement. This should be taken into consideration when making a decision to cast a vote for her in this election

Did ya see that? That is how one criticizes a politician who they intend to vote for.
Wow....you finally criticized her months after the incident in a weak attempt to save face after your blind obedience was called out. We are all sooo impressed... :rolleyes:

As I have said here...you don't pay attention. You speak from a position of ignorance.

You thinking that I desire saving face in a discussion with you....is very funny.
You just proved it junior... :lmao:

What I proved, son, is that it is possible to criticize the candidate that one supports....without adding some bullshit about the other candidate. Yiu should try it sometime.....if you want to shed yourself of your lame partisan hackery.
But you've never done that before. Ever. So you just proved that you only did it to "save face" while claiming that you weren't trying to "save face". :lmao:
Just watch a very good broadcast in which all of the dots were connected. In the end - they presented a very compelling case that the Russian oligarchs (Putin and his cronies) have significant investments with Trump and thus why he is refusing to release his taxes. It was very convincing (and for the record - it was done by hard core conservatives so nobody can claim liberal bias on it).

That being said - I found the ending very disturbing. They harped on the dangers of (and I quote) "being hacked by a foreign nation". Yeah....uh....who gives a shit about the DNC? Foreign nations have hacked the DoD on multiple occasions. Now that is a grave concern. The fact that the DNC was hacked is something to celebrate. Any time lies by people in government can be exposed and the truth delivered to the people - it is a good thing. It is a great thing. Shame on any liberal denouncing the WikiLeaks release. The left should be more outraged than anybody over the DNC silencing their voice.

We're never going to clean this mess up until the right holds Donald Trump accountable (demand that he release his taxes) and the left hold Hitlery Clinton and the DNC accountable for voter fraud and making the will of the people irrelevant.

I doubt that Trump would partner with Putin in any significant fashion when he has been working towards getting elected for quite some time.

That would be dumb and TRump is not dumb.

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