What is the Moral Imperative That We All Live Together?

And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.
Yet is an entirely different thing to force this so-called "diversity" upon everyone, under the arrogant premise that it's for everyone's own good. The forced school busing in the 1970s being the best example.

That's not equality under the law by a dam sight.
Busing was to equalize educational opportunities. That by definition is attempting to provide equality in a venue run by local governments--the schools. Of course it was equality under the law.
Our jr.high school had local children in it when busing started. With busing mandates the school in the next district shipped out their problem kids. I was in seventh grade when this started. We had both black, latino and every type you can think of prior to the busing in of about thirty new kids. At lunch hour there was never enough tables for people to sit at outside and the inside was closed in good weather. People would buy what they wanted for lunch and sit in the court grassy area where the two feet elevated lift for the grassy area was surrounded by cement. This group that had been bused in were a nasty bunch. They first started kicking over lunches and kids that were easy targets. Generally one person to three set off by themselves. I nearly became one of their victims as I usually sat by my self to eat. I saw them comimg my way after kicking some of the smaller seventh grade boys about five feet from where I was. One in particular stepped towards me and I stood up as quickly as possible and faced them. It was not something anyone had done for about a week as this had been going on. I was used to getting my ass kicked at home by older family members and neighbor kids and wasn't about to let some strangers get a free shot without my resistance either. The leader of this little gang told the others "leave this one alone". It was about a month later that the knew school members determined that they were going to take on everyone in the school and they had talk a few of the former black students to join them but not all so their plan was revealed. Very foolish of them forty against a thousand who stood on the steps and told them "bring it on". I often wonder now if the current NAZI minded bullshit isn't karma coming back to haunt those who picked on and threatened the nerds who were formerly abuse.
And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.
Yet is an entirely different thing to force this so-called "diversity" upon everyone, under the arrogant premise that it's for everyone's own good. The forced school busing in the 1970s being the best example.

That's not equality under the law by a dam sight.
Busing was to equalize educational opportunities. That by definition is attempting to provide equality in a venue run by local governments--the schools. Of course it was equality under the law.
Our jr.high school had local children in it when busing started. With busing mandates the school in the next district shipped out their problem kids. I was in seventh grade when this started. We had both black, latino and every type you can think of prior to the busing in of about thirty new kids. At lunch hour there was never enough tables for people to sit at outside and the inside was closed in good weather. People would buy what they wanted for lunch and sit in the court grassy area where the two feet elevated lift for the grassy area was surrounded by cement. This group that had been bused in were a nasty bunch. They first started kicking over lunches and kids that were easy targets. Generally one person to three set off by themselves. I nearly became one of their victims as I usually sat by my self to eat. I saw them comimg my way after kicking some of the smaller seventh grade boys about five feet from where I was. One in particular stepped towards me and I stood up as quickly as possible and faced them. It was not something anyone had done for about a week as this had been going on. I was used to getting my ass kicked at home by older family members and neighbor kids and wasn't about to let some strangers get a free shot without my resistance either. The leader of this little gang told the others "leave this one alone". It was about a month later that the knew school members determined that they were going to take on everyone in the school and they had talk a few of the former black students to join them but not all so their plan was revealed. Very foolish of them forty against a thousand who stood on the steps and told them "bring it on". I often wonder now if the current NAZI minded bullshit isn't karma coming back to haunt those who picked on and threatened the nerds who were formerly abuse.
Junior high is such a dramatic age, isn't it? I remember some magnificent rumbles at that age (in my school they weren't about race--kids will find a way to separate into tribes, regardless). It sounds to me as if your teachers weren't paying enough attention, though you took matters into your own brave hands. My dad was a junior high principal and when busing came to his school, one black kid who had been bused into this strange suburban world had a complete melt down in class and the teacher had to clear the other students from the room. My dad went in and shut the door. Time went on and no one came out. A teacher finally peeked in and my dad was sitting on the floor talking calmly to the student, who had huddled under a desk shaking like a leaf. I didn't hear that story 'til my dad's funeral; he never talked about it. Kids are kids and how they react to perceived threat isn't that hard to figure out. But now, all these years later, no one bats an eye that a black or Hispanic kid is in the mix. You are right that some of the reaction today by white supremacists is push back about all this insistence on equality and fairness. I just don't think it's wrong to insist on it.
The moral imperative is the freedom of association, not a society contrived by government.
And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.

Economic status determines where you can and cannot live. It you don't have the money to build in an area, you are out.
I got no beef with that. I believe the OP is looking for a different, less de-facto type of segregation.

Op is a racist, intending to flame the board with nonsense.

I just want to play down to their level. We have enough of these types on the board.
And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.
Yet is an entirely different thing to force this so-called "diversity" upon everyone, under the arrogant premise that it's for everyone's own good. The forced school busing in the 1970s being the best example.

That's not equality under the law by a dam sight.
Busing was to equalize educational opportunities. That by definition is attempting to provide equality in a venue run by local governments--the schools. Of course it was equality under the law.
Our jr.high school had local children in it when busing started. With busing mandates the school in the next district shipped out their problem kids. I was in seventh grade when this started. We had both black, latino and every type you can think of prior to the busing in of about thirty new kids. At lunch hour there was never enough tables for people to sit at outside and the inside was closed in good weather. People would buy what they wanted for lunch and sit in the court grassy area where the two feet elevated lift for the grassy area was surrounded by cement. This group that had been bused in were a nasty bunch. They first started kicking over lunches and kids that were easy targets. Generally one person to three set off by themselves. I nearly became one of their victims as I usually sat by my self to eat. I saw them comimg my way after kicking some of the smaller seventh grade boys about five feet from where I was. One in particular stepped towards me and I stood up as quickly as possible and faced them. It was not something anyone had done for about a week as this had been going on. I was used to getting my ass kicked at home by older family members and neighbor kids and wasn't about to let some strangers get a free shot without my resistance either. The leader of this little gang told the others "leave this one alone". It was about a month later that the knew school members determined that they were going to take on everyone in the school and they had talk a few of the former black students to join them but not all so their plan was revealed. Very foolish of them forty against a thousand who stood on the steps and told them "bring it on". I often wonder now if the current NAZI minded bullshit isn't karma coming back to haunt those who picked on and threatened the nerds who were formerly abuse.
Junior high is such a dramatic age, isn't it? I remember some magnificent rumbles at that age (in my school they weren't about race--kids will find a way to separate into tribes, regardless). It sounds to me as if your teachers weren't paying enough attention, though you took matters into your own brave hands. My dad was a junior high principal and when busing came to his school, one black kid who had been bused into this strange suburban world had a complete melt down in class and the teacher had to clear the other students from the room. My dad went in and shut the door. Time went on and no one came out. A teacher finally peeked in and my dad was sitting on the floor talking calmly to the student, who had huddled under a desk shaking like a leaf. I didn't hear that story 'til my dad's funeral; he never talked about it. Kids are kids and how they react to perceived threat isn't that hard to figure out. But now, all these years later, no one bats an eye that a black or Hispanic kid is in the mix. You are right that some of the reaction today by white supremacists is push back about all this insistence on equality and fairness. I just don't think it's wrong to insist on it.
My best friend from Elementary on was black. She caught three of the new girls that attempted to jump me in the bathroom and told them if they touched me they would have to deal with her.

Teachers and admin had no clue what went on there or they ignore it.

I had to walk by the glue sniffing crowd on the way to and from school each day also. They did that very close to the school and I always wondered why no one paid attention. A big guy named Luke came to my rescue one day when the glue sniffers decided I should be forced to join in with them. He was there with them but told them all they were in no uncertain terms to leave me alone.

I wouldn't call it being "brave" just an instinct for survival back at that point in my life.

I agree with you people should live by free will and not forced into accepting anything that disagrees with them. Neither should we be made to be responsible for the choices good or bad others make. I know where a lot of those people that were exceedingly abusive to me ended up in life and their lives are not rosey by any means. Justice will always prevail even if many cannot see it.
The moral imperative is the freedom of association, not a society contrived by government.
And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.

Economic status determines where you can and cannot live. It you don't have the money to build in an area, you are out.
I got no beef with that. I believe the OP is looking for a different, less de-facto type of segregation.

Op is a racist, intending to flame the board with nonsense.

I just want to play down to their level. We have enough of these types on the board.
The OP is very serious. Not right IMO but he is serious.
The moral imperative is the freedom of association, not a society contrived by government.
And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.

Economic status determines where you can and cannot live. It you don't have the money to build in an area, you are out.
I got no beef with that. I believe the OP is looking for a different, less de-facto type of segregation.

Op is a racist, intending to flame the board with nonsense.

I just want to play down to their level. We have enough of these types on the board.
The OP is very serious. Not right IMO but he is serious.

The OP is serious, not bright but serious, that is why I play down to his level.
I just don't think it's wrong to insist on it.
Sorry I read that wrong. It is not up to us to regulate every lil aspect of peoples personal opinions. You can hope people will do the right thing but in a society of liberty they must be free to make their own choices as long as they are not damaging another. It may be emotional for some but that is a part of life on earth.
Diversity seems to be our new god. It is said that we must all live together in peace.

But why?

Maybe we should live apart.

The world is huge. The planet has plenty of space. Why do non-whites all need to crowd into white nations?

Has anyone ever wondered why China, which has population and landmass similar to the U.S., isn't "diverse"? Does it get attacked for being xenophobic for having a population that is 98 percent Han Chinese? Does it have one single refugee? Is it doing poorly as a result of its lack of racial diversity? How about Japan? Would Japanese be happier if we dropped a million black Africans into Tokyo?
China actually has a vary diverse ethnic population if you look into to it.

I prefer to judge people on their character rather than the color of their skin. There are some whites I don't want anywhere near me.

If like you someone wants to each should be free to live in those segregated neighborhoods. Maybe you can buy a whole town somewhere and do that?

China is 90% Han Chinese, why do you lie?
And yet that government specified at its inception that all men are created equal in the eyes of the law So it would not be acceptable, in this country under that government, to say that one cannot live in your neighborhood because of his race or religion or even his economic status (say a trailer dweller who won the lotto). If you don't like the way our government is structured, there are other countries far less accepting of "others." Unfortunately, that would also include you. Maybe you'd best get used to equality under the law.
Yet is an entirely different thing to force this so-called "diversity" upon everyone, under the arrogant premise that it's for everyone's own good. The forced school busing in the 1970s being the best example.

That's not equality under the law by a dam sight.
Busing was to equalize educational opportunities. That by definition is attempting to provide equality in a venue run by local governments--the schools. Of course it was equality under the law.

which is why blacks segregated into afro centric schools, they wanted 'equality'

when are you dipshits going to learn reality?
I just don't think it's wrong to insist on it.
Sorry I read that wrong. It is not up to us to regulate every lil aspect of peoples personal opinions. You can hope people will do the right thing but in a society of liberty they must be free to make their own choices as long as they are not damaging another. It may be emotional for some but that is a part of life on earth.

and 'the right thing' is what you say it is I suppose
Diversity seems to be our new god. It is said that we must all live together in peace.

But why?

Maybe we should live apart.

The world is huge. The planet has plenty of space. Why do non-whites all need to crowd into white nations?

Has anyone ever wondered why China, which has population and landmass similar to the U.S., isn't "diverse"? Does it get attacked for being xenophobic for having a population that is 98 percent Han Chinese? Does it have one single refugee? Is it doing poorly as a result of its lack of racial diversity? How about Japan? Would Japanese be happier if we dropped a million black Africans into Tokyo?

Throughout history Europeans have invaded all but a select group of coutries in the world.

Had they just stayed in Europe and left everyone else alone, your "problem" would never have come to fruition.
There is good and bad in all races, I don't think any race is superior to another race. Diversity has a lot more pluses than minuses.

prove it

Prove that there isn't good or bad in all races.

proving the negative is logical fallacy.

I didn't make the original assertion, you did. The person making the assertion has the burden of proof. Only an ass like you would go around making any comment you want with no evidence or definition, then demand anyone who disagrees must supply a higher standard of evidence.

The terms 'good' and 'bad' are such childish and meaningless platitudes
There is good and bad in all races, I don't think any race is superior to another race. Diversity has a lot more pluses than minuses.

prove it

Prove that there isn't good or bad in all races.

proving the negative is logical fallacy.

I didn't make the original assertion, you did. The person making the assertion has the burden of proof. Only an ass like you would go around making any comment you want with no evidence or definition, then demand anyone who disagrees must supply a higher standard of evidence.

The terms 'good' and 'bad' are such childish and meaningless platitudes

I am basing it off my personal experience, I have met many people of all races, colors, sexes, on and on, I have found that race isn't a determining factor in whether a person is good or bad. Your experience is obviously different.

Whether you or anyone else disagrees...I really don't care, I gave an opinion, you didn't like it. That's life, take care.
Diversity seems to be our new god. It is said that we must all live together in peace.

But why?

Maybe we should live apart.

The world is huge. The planet has plenty of space. Why do non-whites all need to crowd into white nations?

Has anyone ever wondered why China, which has population and landmass similar to the U.S., isn't "diverse"? Does it get attacked for being xenophobic for having a population that is 98 percent Han Chinese? Does it have one single refugee? Is it doing poorly as a result of its lack of racial diversity? How about Japan? Would Japanese be happier if we dropped a million black Africans into Tokyo?

Throughout history Europeans have invaded all but a select group of coutries in the world.

Had they just stayed in Europe and left everyone else alone, your "problem" would never have come to fruition.

right, the muslim hoardes invading Europe prove you correct
There is good and bad in all races, I don't think any race is superior to another race. Diversity has a lot more pluses than minuses.

prove it

Prove that there isn't good or bad in all races.

proving the negative is logical fallacy.

I didn't make the original assertion, you did. The person making the assertion has the burden of proof. Only an ass like you would go around making any comment you want with no evidence or definition, then demand anyone who disagrees must supply a higher standard of evidence.

The terms 'good' and 'bad' are such childish and meaningless platitudes

I am basing it off my personal experience, I have met many people of all races, colors, sexes, on and on, I have found that race isn't a determining factor in whether a person is good or bad. Your experience is obviously different.

Whether you or anyone else disagrees...I really don't care, I gave an opinion, you didn't like it. That's life, take care.

didn't ask you to care, and I don't care if you care, I asked you to elaborate and prove it because after all this is a message board and not a group hug

I guess some folks don't care if they have an empty trite opinion, ok, but then why bother with this place?

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