What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Moreover, because of this atmosphere, the general culture is falling, and those who want to be a useful and decent person cannot prove themselves, instead they reap the benefits of this swamp, taking all the blows upon themselves.

I really understood the meaning of the right and left idea, its whole essence.
The left path is the path to the pigsty
And it is absolutely clear why the left-wing society is convenient. Such a herd is easy to manipulate, easy to trick, easy to make to work, and easy to use for military purposes as cannon fodder. The left "product" will not ask the authorities about their actions, because he does not understand politics, the left "product" will not ask why they put a rifle in his hands and who was ordered to kill, this is just an "enemy of Christ", an "enemy of faith", an enemy of a "bright communist future", an enemy of the "homeland", and so on.

This is a fraudster's paradise.
To put it even more simply, it will be something like this:

Democrats are supporters of slavery and communist totalitarianism in the economy, and Republicans are economic liberals in the spirit of the Austrian school of economy.

I'd like to believe that. For the most part the GOP is token opposition to the collectivist global elite. The DNC represents the most repugnant members of them.

Assholes in old aristocracies like the Bush's, Rockefellers, Kennedy's Et Al. sacrifices national sovereignty in exchange for dominance in the UN Global Government. In the mean time, they are complicit in the advancement of marxism and other regressive policies. Their objective of ensuring there never is another "World War" by waging hundreds of smaller wars that never end is asinine.
The only fucking role of the god damn government is supposed to be to protect the citizens by having closed borders, providing a military to prevent an invasions and have laws that dont allow criminals to steal from people or commit murder. Todays Democrats dont do shit in any of those categories. Yet all you progressive slaves think, Oh my what can i get free next...Bunch of worthless pieces of shit you are all..
I think Kennedy really wanted the truth and got in the way of the left. They would not have killed him just like that, and they killed not only him, but also many of his clan. I don't think Kennedy collaborated with the Marxists
Formally, he may have collaborated with Khrushchev, but Khrushchev himself was against the Marxists.
No not right! The Democrats believe and always have believed in Capitalism. There are no Communist in any position of leadership within the Democratic party let alone supporters of economic slavery.

Democrats believe the government can and should regulate the excesses of Capitalism. Like for instance they believe that everybody has the right to affordable health care and the government in Austria insures they have it. Unlike in the US.
yea taking care of 8 million people who are basically on the same page as compared to taking care of 330 million on a million different pages....yea what a comparison....
A very typical example of selective tongue-tied demagoguery. It is exactly under public order no one is responsible for anything. This is well known precisely from the experience of the former socialist camp.
On the contrary, when there is a responsible person, there is someone to ask, he took on obligations and he fulfills them. In liberal Europe, no one is responsible for anything. There, serial killers are in jails that look like vacation homes.
But the question remains as to who cleans up the property and who pays for the cleanup? Or should it just be left abandoned as is?
I think Kennedy really wanted the truth and got in the way of the left. They would not have killed him just like that, and they killed not only him, but also many of his clan. I don't think Kennedy collaborated with the Marxists
Formally, he may have collaborated with Khrushchev, but Khrushchev himself was against the Marxists.
No but when Daddy Kennedy made a deal with the Mafia on getting John elected by cheating in Chicago, then Johnny boy putting his brother Bobby hot on the tail of the mafia, did rub the mafia wrong.

To me, that is too specific and not generalized enough. (You go from the general to the specific)

It's about the question of who and how a person needing help obtains that assistance.
(Concept being that everyone needs assistance from somewhere...no one lives in a vacuum)

Now should that assistance come from the demand of a gun or threat of imprisonment (being a portion of mandated social responsibility because all wealthy people have taken advantage of everyone) or should it be a free will offering by individuals as God has caused them to give? (However, most people are indeed godless)

As you can see.... personal or social responsibility is a portion of this....but not all.

Brown sites are a great example. (An industrialized piece of property that is now poisonous and the company responsible for poisoning the land is now defunct and long gone)

Who should be responsible for cleaning up the brown site?

What I said....


How you explained it....

For example, what was the order in medieval peasant communities? There was mutual responsibility. Everybody paid for the crime or mistake of one. What the f**k am I going to be responsible for my neighbor's mistakes?
No, they didn't! They had the "hue and cry" where everyone who could had to join in the hunt for a criminal. But then they hanged the criminal; it was hardly a case of universal responsibility.
To put it even more simply, it will be something like this:

Democrats are supporters of slavery and communist totalitarianism in the economy, and Republicans are economic liberals in the spirit of the Austrian school of economy.

Well, this is the stupidest comment yet to be posted. Of course this comment is only on page one I'm sure there are dumber ones to come.
No not right! The Democrats believe and always have believed in Capitalism. There are no Communist in any position of leadership within the Democratic party let alone supporters of economic slavery.
Semantics are wonderful, aren't they? You can posit any kind of nonsense you like and fall back on semantics to justify it. Tell ya what, your party may be more successful in convincing American taxpayers they're pro-America if they stop letting Occasional Cortex and her merry band of racist, socialist, anti-Semites push their agenda so openly.
Republicans make decisions based on common sense, reason and facts.
Democrats make decisions based on how they feel at any given moment.
S#1: Is absurd. Republicans kick cans down the road and our infrastructure once the model of the world has rusted and some times allowed bridges to fall with cars and people.

S#2: Almost correct. Democrats have empathy, and plan for the future. Thus, health care should be the dominate need for our country; Republicans lack empathy and put profit before the people.
Democrats want power concentrated in a tiny number of individuals...who make the decisions for the society.

Republicans/conservatives, want power to be dispersed and controlled through a separation of powers, checks and balances because they understand that too much power, located in too few individuals leads to disaster.
Yep, another partisan post by a kook. This post lack substance, i.e. evidence as well as not thoughtful and nothing more than trolling.
With Democrats and Republicans it's basically the Hatfield versus McCoy syndrome. There is no more policy.... There is no more political standard. There is only the drive to be re-elected.
Anything that attains to that goal become sacred on the battlefield where there are no limits to treachery. The secondary business of actually running the country and taking care of the constituents well that's exactly what it is, secondary ..... perhaps it's even tertiary.

Thoughtful and thought provoking. The sad truth is too many members of the Congress put their job before the People. The Judiciary has been politicized; the ideology of the Supreme Court, for example, are out of touch with the people.

As to your second paragraph, there are too many members of The Congress who are demagogues, tell the people want they want to hear and blame the other party why it can't be done. See the wedge issues, and decide why there can be no compromise.
Both parties LOVE the fact that so many (as evidenced by this thread) are willing to stick up for "their side" while demonizing the other......while BOTH SIDES fuck them to death. Its exactly what's wrong with America today.

I think (the stated goal of) republicans more closely align with my values but im under no illusions. They ALL are in it for themselves. DC is broken and it will take nothing less than an actual revolution in this country to get things back on track. I doubt I will be alive to see it happen but it will happen at some point. It is absolutely necessary.
Please explain what your values are, and why. The simple decision is do you put people before profits, or profits before the people. In short the former is the R's and the latter is the D's.

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