What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Lets make one thing clear

Fox News

These companies are about profit... It is their legal obligation to make as much of it as possible...

Facebook fact checked because it was good for their business... The reputation damage because of spreading lies was going to effect their bottom line or they were going to see more regulation...

Fox News has a market position of Conservative/Trump News... The Australian (living in UK) is interested in money and power over any ideology... Murdoch has basically no moral compass and that showed in the British newspaper scandal...


All these corporations have primary objective of making money... Some have better ethics than others but in survival mode they will revert to primary objective...

Saying that Salesforce have taken a very interesting view with calling various entities as Stakeholders (Customers, Shareholders, Employees...) and that have each should have a respected view how the company should be run... This was taken from a more German model...
Thank you for proving my point. The guy that said the left always puts people above profit is a liar.
earlier in this thread some idiot (probably on ignore now) stated that (D)s put people over profits unlike (R)s who do the opposite.......well so much for that theory....

I stated the truth. You can't refute a theory with an ad hominem.
Thank you for proving my point. The guy that said the left always puts people above profit is a liar.
Once again, calling me a liar is not a rebuttal and doesn't prove alternatives; it's unfortunate that you label Facebook and other social media as leftists. In fact you define all Democrats as "leftist" a term you can't define and one which includes millions of Democrats divided by differences, i.e. progressives, liberals, moderates and conservative.

The other fact is people who hate Democrats use other words to demean this political party as "commies", "socialists" "leftists" with all the ignorance; built on BIG LIES, Conspiracy Stories (stories because they are fictions, i.e. a deep state) and character assassinations are the fodder that sustains them in posting the same bullshit over and over again.

You maybelooking but you are blind to reality.
It used to be a different approach to government. Democrats believe the role of the government is to help people directly.

Republicans believe the government should have as little impact on people's life as possible and let free market capitalism sort it out.

Now. I believe it is more about Democrats believing a watered-down version of what I stated and Republicans opposing it, or anything else Democrats believe in. Policy vs anti-policy.

This is oversimplified but I think basically correct.
The difference is that Democrats want to destroy America and Republicans want to leave people alone..
The difference is that Democrats want to destroy America and Republicans want to leave people alone..
Idiot-gram ^^^. Any women raped and pregnant by the rape in Texas is not left alone, they are forced to flee the State, or live with a rapists progeny to pay for the birth and raise a bastard.
What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?
Look at California: Literally Hell on Earth.

Their policies have drained their water reservoirs so farmers cannot irrigate their crops.

In California, children are sex objects and prostitutes for The Left. Literally it is now legal in California to prostitute yourself at age 13. Harris btw approves of this legislation.

California Democrats are intentionally slowing down shipping and trying to bust the supply chain so thousands of ships are forced to anchor of the CA coast. This caused a ship to snag an anchor on an underwater pipeline. CA caused it's own oil spill through their stupid policies.

Then you have the scam high speed railway. Billions spent and all of it went in to the hands of politicians and their friends pockets.

Their tax policies and social policies are so unfriendly towards businesses and citizens that California is now an Exodus state.

They are losing so much of their population that they decided to import illegals to shit on their streets, and crime is an epidemic in most California shit hole sanctuary shitties.

They refuse to manage their forests so California is burning, literally. Record number of wildfires covering record acreage destroying record number of properties. It's expensive to be stupid and in the end California will make it's citizenry pay for their government's idiocy.

I would not be surprised if The Sodom and Gomorrah state isn't hit by a storm of Hell Fire and Brimstone soon!
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Who are these criminals that the left supports? Trump had people looking into his antics early on with the mueller report. Here's a link below of a few mainly good buddies of trump that he pardoned. Looks like he even pardoned thieving congressman duncan hunter sos he could get his pension. No, I think the republicans have the market cornered when it comes to criminality. Been going on at least since Nixon.

Oh please. The son of the current President got a multi-million job he had no experience in when his father was in charge of Ukraine. His laptop was finally confiscated by the FBI which had videos of him having sex with children and discussing shady international business deals he and his father were part of and they did nothing about it. He then lied on a federal firearms application and obtained an illegal gun. His girlfriend then threw that gun in a dumpster near a school and not even a slap on the hand. He owed the IRS a million dollars in back taxes and they never lifted a finger to go after him. Now he's selling his so-called art that looks like a child made it for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The purchasers of this garbage are all anonymous because it's nothing more than buying influence to his father.
They both love war and tax cuts. Remember Ears kept W’s tax cuts and now old Joe keeps dumb Don’s tax cuts.

Round and round we go.

That's because they know of the economic impact increasing taxes on businesses have. They won't tell their constituents about it. Instead they will tell them they're on their side and ready to tax those businesses out of existence. Their followers are sheep and just believe every word they say. Now Dementia wants to place a huge tobacco tax on his constituents months after saying nobody making less than 400K a year will see any kind of tax increase. Again, the sheep believed his every word.
What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?
Republicans seek to preserve and protect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding, American sovereignty, America's history, America's principles, moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion and even America's language.

Democrats hate and despise all of the aforementioned...they aim to tear America apart from the inside out.
Idiot-gram ^^^. Any women raped and pregnant by the rape in Texas is not left alone, they are forced to flee the State, or live with a rapists progeny to pay for the birth and raise a bastard.
You found an exception, Otherwise, Dims are trying to destroy this country. Everydollar of that $3.5 trillion "infrastructure" bill will be used to harass people and control what they do.
Once again, calling me a liar is not a rebuttal and doesn't prove alternatives; it's unfortunate that you label Facebook and other social media as leftists. In fact you define all Democrats as "leftist" a term you can't define and one which includes millions of Democrats divided by differences, i.e. progressives, liberals, moderates and conservative.

The other fact is people who hate Democrats use other words to demean this political party as "commies", "socialists" "leftists" with all the ignorance; built on BIG LIES, Conspiracy Stories (stories because they are fictions, i.e. a deep state) and character assassinations are the fodder that sustains them in posting the same bullshit over and over again.

You maybelooking but you are blind to reality.
A leftist is a person who opposes freedom.

It's really that simple.
A leftist is a person who opposes freedom.

It's really that simple.
Are you surprised? The most totalitarian regime was the ultra-left regime in the USSR in the 1930s, then even children were imprisoned for "politically incorrect" words. There is nothing to be surprised at, it is the left who strives to crush freedom as much as possible. Their freedom is fictitious, it is only the freedom of vice, the freedom of sodomy and liars, but not the real freedom.
His laptop was finally confiscated by the FBI which had videos of him having sex with children
This is what the former Grand Old Party has come too.


"This is so much kind of a feeling of what they were talking about when we were talking about in a Nazi time of when people were lied to all the time and what that led to," Schwarzenegger told CNN's Dana Bash, who asked the former governor why he put out a video message comparing the January 6 riot to Kristallnacht, in an upcoming episode of her CNN podcast "Total Recall: California's Political Circus."
"I just felt that it was so sad of what happened on January 6," Schwarzenegger said. "Eventually, this whole thing can go really quickly south."

To put it even more simply, it will be something like this:

Democrats are supporters of slavery and communist totalitarianism in the economy, and Republicans are economic liberals in the spirit of the Austrian school of economy.

Not even close except in the land of the Querdeken.

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