What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
apparently you dont know the definition of conservatism ...
I won't support a Democrat nor, nor nor nor a Republican. My Christianity will NOT allow it.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?

Trump voters want Trump in office to try and clean up all the corruption and degredation the Dems have done since 1963.
Trump voters want America back to some moral standards of decency and higher quality education and law enforcement.
Trump visits anybody he thinks may need help from someone in his position (rich and knowledgable). Trump speaks with his supporters and fans alike. Trump knows how to treat people decently............those that deserve decent treatment.
Trump has always done everything aboveboard and with transparency.

The Dems want the middle class of people to all be exterminated. The Dems and their handlers only want two classes of people in this country...........the oligarchy and the slaves. This is why they have opened the borders to let all the dregs and shitstains of other countries flow in here like toxic and deadly sewage.
The Dems don't have any morals, ethics, or decency. They do and say whatever it is they need to do and say in order for them to get whatever it is they want. And if that includes the complete extermination of another country, as well as their own...........so be it.
The Dems don't give a shit who is in need. They don't care. The sooner you die, the happier they will be. They don't give a damn about honesty, integrity, or compassion.......these are all completely incomprehensible to them.
Dems do everything underhanded, under the table, in dark rooms, in locked back rooms, and fuck over and kill anybody that gets in their way.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
The difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter is that a Trump supporter likes Trump and a Biden supporter is so focused on their hatred of Trump that they would vote for anything.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
People vote for Rump because they listen to the White Folk Dog Whistles and look the other way at his autocracy and boorishness and arrogance.

People vote for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe because they'd had it with four years of idiotic Rumpian tweets at 2:00 AM and him with Rump's foot-in-mouth 24x7.

They voted for Old Joe as an Emergency Placeholder President, to sweep the Uncouth Clown out of the Oval Office and to hold the fort for something better.
A Trump supporter knows the difference between a man and a woman.

A Trump supporter knows a biological male can't menstruate or become pregnant.

A Trump supporter is more concerned about defending America's Border than the Ukrainian Border.

A Trump supporter understands that Americans need to manufacture here in the US...not China.

A Trump supporter believes that Americans not only have rights, but also responsibilities. It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country. A Democrat said that. Where are those Democrats today.

A Trump supporter knows it is far better to produce American oil than have to beg Saudi Arabia to produce more.

A Trump supporter wants meritocracy, not woke-tocracy. Current "woke" ideology is a suicide pact. We are a melting pot...not a bunch of segregated dishes.

A Trump supporter understands that a rising tide lifts all boats. If we don't rebuild our backbone of manufacturing, we will be the same formerly great countries as our old world cousins in Western Europe.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
You are a lying pos.
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
What is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter?
I feel the differnce is a Trump supporter is looking for Trump to change their lives. They will vote for him and he will do the rest. They will have a good life based on their vote. They do not need to do anything else. He is their savior.
I feel Biden supporters do not count on Biden to change their lives. They hope Biden can make positive changes but if des not they will not vote for him again. Biden supporters realize it is up to them to make their lives as good as possible no matter who is President. No pesident is their savior.

What do you think the differnce is?
Gee, how's all those "positive" changes Biden make working for ya?
A Trump supporter knows the difference between a man and a woman.

A Trump supporter knows a biological male can't menstruate or become pregnant.

A Trump supporter wants meritocracy, not woke-tocracy. Current "woke" ideology is a suicide pact. We are a melting pot...not a bunch of segregated dishes.
The problem is a Trump supporter swallows what Trump feeds them.
That Trump convinces them what's good for Trump is good for them.
Trump convinced his supporters to be against the intelligence agencies that picked up communications between Trump and Russia.
To be against the FBI that investigated ties between Trump and Russia.
To be against the DOJ, who prosecuted Trumps associates for their involvement with Russia.
What’s the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

The people in Dubai don’t like The Flintstones but the people in Abu Dhabi do

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