What is Romney's problem?

Diver Diva

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2019
I have had enough of Pierre Delecto. I hope he gets primaried for re-election, because I will donate to his opponent's campaign. It's time for the people of Utah to throw out this two faced, back stabbing, fake Republican.

I held my nose and voted for this p.o.s. in 2012 because it was the right thing to do for the country. But he couldn't even put aside his personal vendetta for Trump and do the right thing.
He didn't get the memo that American conservatism is now nothing more than serving Trump.
He’s just a POS that wants to stay in politics, and will do whatever it takes to not fade away.

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he’s a weirdo
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I think he wants to run for Prez in 2024. If so, he's going about it in the wrong way, all us deplorables are not going to vote for him in the primaries. I'd rather see Nicki Haley as the GOP nominee.
He is a petulant child of privilege who has enriched himself by raiding the Mormon treasury. Carried interest, anyone?
He’s just a POS that wants to stay in politics, and will do whatever it takes to not fade away.

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I have family in Utah and they are trying to legislate the ability to recall him.. Romney just burnt his bridge in Utah and his days are numbered. A Deseret News poll has Romney now losing to everyone including democrats... That is a sad state of affairs.
I have had enough of Pierre Delecto. I hope he gets primaried for re-election, because I will donate to his opponent's campaign. It's time for the people of Utah to throw out this two faced, back stabbing, fake Republican.

I held my nose and voted for this p.o.s. in 2012 because it was the right thing to do for the country. But he couldn't even put aside his personal vendetta for Trump and do the right thing.
Mitt has a monetary interest in Ukraine. His adviser is getting paid by Ukrainian energy companies. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...viser_sits_on_burisma_board_of_directors.html
I think he wants to run for Prez in 2024. If so, he's going about it in the wrong way, all us deplorables are not going to vote for him in the primaries. I'd rather see Nicki Haley as the GOP nominee.

In 2024, he will probably switch parties if he wants to run for President. I can't see the party nominating someone so antagonistic IMHO.
I have had enough of Pierre Delecto. I hope he gets primaried for re-election, because I will donate to his opponent's campaign. It's time for the people of Utah to throw out this two faced, back stabbing, fake Republican.

I held my nose and voted for this p.o.s. in 2012 because it was the right thing to do for the country. But he couldn't even put aside his personal vendetta for Trump and do the right thing.

Pierre is a RINO. Its that simple.
It's two fold in my opinion first like so many he can't deal with the fact Trump a man who never held or even ran for any public office before 2016 did something Romney with all his political experience couldn't run for President and win. Second I think Romney is still ticked that Trump didn't go with him for Secretary of State at the start of his term.
Is he supposed to be loyal to party? I've never understood loyalty to another person other than my wife. Surely not a boss, employer, etc. It's called thinking for yourself not standing in line if that is not what you believe.

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