What is “immigration reform” Democrat style?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The phrase, “IMMIGRATION REFORM” sounds so neat...it sounds like something that is supposed to ONLY benefit real Americans.....but is it in the context that Democrats use it?
I have a feeling “IMMIGRATION REFORM” as Democrats know it is ONLY to benefit Mexico’s citizens and the like while phucking Americans over.
Is there a courageous Dem here that will give it to us straight?
What is your idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM”?
This is the law and provides the solution:

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,

But we have that...try harder. Be MORE honest.
The phrase, “IMMIGRATION REFORM” sounds so neat...it sounds like something that is supposed to ONLY benefit real Americans.....but is it in the context that Democrats use it?
I have a feeling “IMMIGRATION REFORM” as Democrats know it is ONLY to benefit Mexico’s citizens and the like while phucking Americans over.
Is there a courageous Dem here that will give it to us straight?
What is your idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM”?

Immigration reform Democrat style is recruiting illegal aliens to fill the voter rolls
The phrase, “IMMIGRATION REFORM” sounds so neat...it sounds like something that is supposed to ONLY benefit real Americans.....but is it in the context that Democrats use it?
I have a feeling “IMMIGRATION REFORM” as Democrats know it is ONLY to benefit Mexico’s citizens and the like while phucking Americans over.
Is there a courageous Dem here that will give it to us straight?
What is your idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM”?
I'm not a democrat but I'll give it to you straight, amnesty for 11 million Illegals and open borders all funded by the American tax payer.
The Democratic Party's hate, racism, violence and epic corruption has alienated mainstream middle class voters.
Therefore the Democrats are on a quest to fill our great country with poor uneducated anti-American people for political power aka votes.
Liberals are not compassionate, they are greedy.
Immigration Reform = Rig elections by giving 20 million Mexicans the right to vote in our elections, canceling out the vote of 20 million Americans.
This is the law and provides the solution:

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,

Danny, you make the same foolish mistakes over and over again...somehow someway you’ve convinced yourself that Americans OWE the citizens of other nations opportunity, you’re convinced we need legislation to benefit the citizens of other nations, you’ve even said our constitution should be revised to better suit the citizens of other nations. Do you hear how stupid that all sounds?
I’m guessing you’ve developed this ignorant notion because your roots lie in another nation?
The phrase, “IMMIGRATION REFORM” sounds so neat...it sounds like something that is supposed to ONLY benefit real Americans.....but is it in the context that Democrats use it?
I have a feeling “IMMIGRATION REFORM” as Democrats know it is ONLY to benefit Mexico’s citizens and the like while phucking Americans over.
Is there a courageous Dem here that will give it to us straight?
What is your idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM”?
Their entire platform is from the UN's 666 Sustainable Development Platform which includes Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and bringing America under Global Governance and reducing the population of the world by 6 Billion.

Their Platform is Open Immigration and No Borders.
Come on Dems, get in here....is this “IMMIGRATION REFORM” you often throw around aimed to benefit Americans or Mexico’s people?
Mac1958 what do you think the Dems idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM” looks like?
Come on Dems, get in here....is this “IMMIGRATION REFORM” you often throw around aimed to benefit Americans or Mexico’s people?
Mac1958 what do you think the Dems idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM” looks like?
This is what it should look like:

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,

We have no Immigration clause and should have no illegal problem nor an illegal underclass. All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes.
“At the end of the day, when you have an immigration law that’s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We don’t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.” - Cecilia Munoz. So she's in favor of immigration reform..so why is that making liberals melt down?

Explain this “immigration reform”.
Should immigration reform in America benefit Mexico’s trespassing criminals or should it protect and benefit REAL Americans?
Don't be scared...be honest, tell us what you think.
The U.S. is INDEPENDENT of Mexico. Mexico’s citizens are NOT America’s citizens. Citizens of other nations are NOT welcome here without an invite from WE THE PEOPLE.
Simple shit huh danielpalos ?
I don't know what they are planning especially now that they won the elections. I am only happy that I managed to get my papers in order and settled myself in the states before everything went to hell. I worked really hard to be able to live in the states and I felt on cloud nine when I found out that I had the opportunity to apply for an e2 visa. I know it is not like an H1 or a green card but it was still a step in the direction of my American dream. I decided that in order to have an ironclad case I needed some legal advice. So I started looking for a lawyer. I concentrated my search on e2 visa lawyer Los Angeles because I always wanted to live in LA (well it didn't really work out but I am still happy). I talked with a lot of people before I found my guy. He has been amazing and he made sure that everything in my application was spot on. I got the visa really quick (even by his own admission) and am currently working in the States on legal grounds. Am super happy about it. I hope that the new government will not screw me over though.

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