What is a man?

It means no whining when the situation does not go your way.

It means standing up for your friends, your family, your wife/gf/fiance

It means determination in the face of adversity

My fiance is an independent professional, my equal in our profession and our personal life. However she still wants me to "act like a man" and not some metrosexual touchy feely hippie guy.
When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean?

It mean's they are teaching the kid toxic masculinity and that woman and femininity is inherently inferior.
I agree to an extent. If this is some male adult role model telling a kid to assume responsibility for his actions that is one thing. Same thing as "grow up". That's the intent. Biological.

It becomes a toxic masculinity when say parents split up and dad leaves and says to number one son---you are the man of the house now. Anecdotal: there are women who then encounter problems with that kid when he attempts to exert dominance in the household because it is his right as a male. It is the assumption that women are inferior and are not capable of running the household. And as men they don't have to abide by rules. Some of those kids then attempt to take on more responsibility then what they are prepared for in how they treat their siblings (disciplinarian) and what they can and cannot do.

It can filter down in a two parent household the exact same way simply by watching it in action.

It definitely filters down through media stereotypes.

There are instances where it is instigating or granting approval for violence. Masculinity=respect=violence. Machismo. Femininity is simply a structured performance if we follow Butler. So is masculinity.
When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean?

It mean's they are teaching the kid toxic masculinity and that woman and femininity is inherently inferior.

No. I've told my daughter to man up often.

I means taking responsibility for yourself, totally and completely.

That's interesting. Why would you not tell her to woman up? Women don't take complete and total responsibility for themselves?
It mean's they are teaching the kid toxic masculinity and that woman and femininity is inherently inferior.

No. I've told my daughter to man up often.

I means taking responsibility for yourself, totally and completely.

That's interesting. Why would you not tell her to woman up? Women don't take complete and total responsibility for themselves?

If she mans up she does :).

Because they mean the same thing, masculine terms can be used cross-gender and are often. We've all heard such phrases as grow some stones or brass balls used towards a female. Just like "put on your big girl panties" is.

A woman can act like a man to a much greater extent than I would ever want a man to act like a woman ;)
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As I was taught it, being a Man is about Responsibility and Duty. It's about understanding what you are supposed to be responsible for and what your Duties in life are. It's also about understanding what a woman and a child's Responsibilities and Duties are, and in the case of your wife and children ensuring they live up to theirs as well.
As I was taught it, being a Man is about Responsibility and Duty. It's about understanding what you are supposed to be responsible for and what your Duties in life are. It's also about understanding what a woman and a child's Responsibilities and Duties are, and in the case of your wife and children ensuring they live up to theirs as well.

What does that mean exactly?
What does that mean exactly?

What it means is that in a proper society there is "A Place for Everyone and Everyone is In That Place." Society only runs properly when Men, women & children understand, accept, embrace, and carry through on their proper roles and responsibilities to themselves, each other, and society as a whole.

Men are the leaders, the breadwinners, the ones in charge. It is His place to earn the money, to be the head of household, and the one who ensures that the family operates properly. Women are the support staff. The homemakers. The mothers and wives who cook, clean, and deal with the majority of the domestic tasks. Children's role is to learn, both through formal education and by soaking in the active and passive lessons taught by their parents in order to be able to take on their proper places in society as they become adults.
If you look up "man" in the dictionary, you will see a photo of me. All real men try their best to be just like me.
What does that mean exactly?

What it means is that in a proper society there is "A Place for Everyone and Everyone is In That Place." Society only runs properly when Men, women & children understand, accept, embrace, and carry through on their proper roles and responsibilities to themselves, each other, and society as a whole.

Men are the leaders, the breadwinners, the ones in charge. It is His place to earn the money, to be the head of household, and the one who ensures that the family operates properly. Women are the support staff. The homemakers. The mothers and wives who cook, clean, and deal with the majority of the domestic tasks. Children's role is to learn, both through formal education and by soaking in the active and passive lessons taught by their parents in order to be able to take on their proper places in society as they become adults.

Who decided what constitutes a a proper society?
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

If you do not know what it means when a young boy is told act like a man then you have never been around one. Humans with different organs than you maybe but noooo Men.
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!
A real man is someone who defoliates an entire forest to build a fire, on which he cooks the last specimen of an endangered species. He then goes and dominates all .

A real man gives up one night stands for a women he cannot stand one night without.
What does that mean exactly?

What it means is that in a proper society there is "A Place for Everyone and Everyone is In That Place." Society only runs properly when Men, women & children understand, accept, embrace, and carry through on their proper roles and responsibilities to themselves, each other, and society as a whole.

Men are the leaders, the breadwinners, the ones in charge. It is His place to earn the money, to be the head of household, and the one who ensures that the family operates properly. Women are the support staff. The homemakers. The mothers and wives who cook, clean, and deal with the majority of the domestic tasks. Children's role is to learn, both through formal education and by soaking in the active and passive lessons taught by their parents in order to be able to take on their proper places in society as they become adults.

And the sexism begins.
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

It means to act like an adult. And yes, it should apply to women although how it is phrased should be different. Either way the message is grow up and stop acting like a child.
This thread needs a theme song. I nominate this classic...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oECIKVaz5rc]orgazmo - now you are a man - YouTube[/ame]

No, it's probably the titties! :lmao:
What is your definition of a man? When someone tells a kid to act like a man, what does it mean? Is your definition of what it means to be a man different from the expectations of others?

As others have said, when a man (or a woman) tells a boy to act like a man it means to act more like an adult.

Adults take responsibility. Children wait for others to take responsibility for them.

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