What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million?

What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million?
0.01.5 X 32.2 = 4.908 million

and your point is--?
If the death rate holds at 1.5% out of a U.S. Population of 327 million that's over 4 million dead. More than all our wars combined.

The real death rate is no where near 1.5% however. There is no way of knowing, because we don't have testing of large groups of random people yet.
I have talked to many people and we shared the fact that we were all stricken down with the worst flu we had ever endured back in December. All the symptoms of the Coronavirus. I had a 103 temp for three days and developed pneumonia and had to take antibiotics. Took me weeks to fully recover. No health care unit ever did blood work and checked us for Coronavirus or anything else. It was a China problem and America was too busy with Christmas. I think Coronavirus outbreak was missed for months here in America.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million? Too Many!!!!!
Agree...but that's the raw numbers right now.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
I have a better idea. You, Trump and Britt Hume go back out and take you lumps. Donny can even go back to shaking hands, for all I care. 4,000,000 dead people (you predict) is a lot of dead people. I'll keep drawing and spending my retirements, stimulating the economy as I see fit, taking precautions and living the life I deserve for my lifelong hard work and fiscal conservatism. We need to listen to the science and medical experts now and pick up the pieces for your portfolio later.
That's exactly what I'm using...the scientific data on the death rate. What are you going to do, sit in the living room for the rest of your life? You just have to roll the dice and get on with life. If God wants to take us home that's on his terms and science won't do shit about it. I know I sound like a bad guy but reality is what it is.

You don"t sound like a bad guy at all!
You sound like you've reached the acceptance stage and you and yours will weather this as long as you remain vigilant too!
Acceptance is good!!
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million? Too Many!!!!!

What is 1.5% of Democrats? Not enough!
Conservatives are such pricks

Thank you. I'm pretty proud of it myself.

This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
I have a better idea. You, Trump and Britt Hume go back out and take you lumps. Donny can even go back to shaking hands, for all I care. 4,000,000 dead people (you predict) is a lot of dead people. I'll keep drawing and spending my retirements, stimulating the economy as I see fit, taking precautions and living the life I deserve for my lifelong hard work and fiscal conservatism. We need to listen to the science and medical experts now and pick up the pieces for your portfolio later.

The point has been repeatedly made that they are not exclusive of each other.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

Not 90%, but more as 99%. Covid-19 is a fake pandemy created by dems and China.
Wow, got a couple of retards that learned to work the computer here. Excellent!!
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
I have a better idea. You, Trump and Britt Hume go back out and take you lumps. Donny can even go back to shaking hands, for all I care. 4,000,000 dead people (you predict) is a lot of dead people. I'll keep drawing and spending my retirements, stimulating the economy as I see fit, taking precautions and living the life I deserve for my lifelong hard work and fiscal conservatism. We need to listen to the science and medical experts now and pick up the pieces for your portfolio later.
That's exactly what I'm using...the scientific data on the death rate. What are you going to do, sit in the living room for the rest of your life? You just have to roll the dice and get on with life. If God wants to take us home that's on his terms and science won't do shit about it. I know I sound like a bad guy but reality is what it is.
Your reality is warped by your political viewpoint. Your Avatar would roll over in his grave in shame.

..................................But, he pretty sure you're fooked!
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
I have a better idea. You, Trump and Britt Hume go back out and take you lumps. Donny can even go back to shaking hands, for all I care. 4,000,000 dead people (you predict) is a lot of dead people. I'll keep drawing and spending my retirements, stimulating the economy as I see fit, taking precautions and living the life I deserve for my lifelong hard work and fiscal conservatism. We need to listen to the science and medical experts now and pick up the pieces for your portfolio later.
That's exactly what I'm using...the scientific data on the death rate. What are you going to do, sit in the living room for the rest of your life? You just have to roll the dice and get on with life. If God wants to take us home that's on his terms and science won't do shit about it. I know I sound like a bad guy but reality is what it is.
This issue isn’t the number of deaths... look at the flu numbers each year. The problem is the fast rate that it’s spreading and the ability for our healthcare facilities to handle the needs of the infected.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million? Too Many!!!!!

That's how many go this year without Corona.

Closer to 1.25%....that is what we do every year. It's what you expect from a population that lives 80 years.

You going to stop that too ?
Damn......Conservatives are such pricks
I'm speaking in real terms. We need to admit this thing has us beaten and just go on with our lives.
You are talking like a moron

Allowing the virus to run its course will devastate our healthcare capacity.

It's going to run it anyway.

You really think you have the power to stop it ? Without keeping indefintely locked up ?

Conservatives don't like big stupid experiments like the one we are running right now.
If it were to make the world safe for living, it might be worth it. If it is just to preserve this sick, materialistic, destructive game playing, a lot fewer people would agree.
The "markets" don't see people, they see "consumers".
What it really means is people for them to consume.
What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million?
0.01.5 X 32.2 = 4.908 million

and your point is--?
If the death rate holds at 1.5% out of a U.S. Population of 327 million that's over 4 million dead. More than all our wars combined.

The real death rate is no where near 1.5% however. There is no way of knowing, because we don't have testing of large groups of random people yet.
I have talked to many people and we shared the fact that we were all stricken down with the worst flu we had ever endured back in December. All the symptoms of the Coronavirus. I had a 103 temp for three days and developed pneumonia and had to take antibiotics. Took me weeks to fully recover. No health care unit ever did blood work and checked us for Coronavirus or anything else. It was a China problem and America was too busy with Christmas. I think Coronavirus outbreak was missed for months here in America.
I agree... I don’t see how playing it off like it’s business as usual is helping as our medical facilities quickly approach max capacity. We can see right now what it looks like by looking at Italy
This issue isn’t the number of deaths... look at the flu numbers each year. The problem is the fast rate that it’s spreading and the ability for our healthcare facilities to handle the needs of the infected.
What is your evidence that it is spreading fast? Do we really know that it just appeared? In Michigan our first KNOWN case was a couple weeks ago, now it's about 2,000. But we weren't TESTING, and we're still not testing unless you have symptoms.

How many have had the disease in weeks past, recovered from "the flu" without ever having been tested? These are legitimate questions. I dont see how we can have accurate numbers at all.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
Gee, how many errors of fact can you make in one post? Developing a cure may take less than 2 years, and treatments to lessen the effects of the virus may be available a lot sooner. There's absolutely no evidence that once you've had covid-19, you have lifelong immunity; nobody knows. The basic idea of the quarantine is to prevent a huge number of people from getting the virus AT THE SAME TIME. If that happens, hospitals will be overwhelmed and people who could have been saved will die because there aren't enough ventilators and other supplies to go around. But apparently, you're willing to let 4 million people die so you can get your job back.
This issue isn’t the number of deaths... look at the flu numbers each year. The problem is the fast rate that it’s spreading and the ability for our healthcare facilities to handle the needs of the infected.
What is your evidence that it is spreading fast? Do we really know that it just appeared? In Michigan our first KNOWN case was a couple weeks ago, now it's about 2,000. But we weren't TESTING, and we're still not testing unless you have symptoms.

How many have had the disease in weeks past, recovered from "the flu" without ever having been tested? These are legitimate questions. I dont see how we can have accurate numbers at all.
You're right, we are never going to have spot on accurate numbers because we don’t test everybody... but that fact is baked in and the numbers show what we can measure. Do you really think you’re onto something that the experts haven’t considered? We’ve seen how hard Trump tried to dismiss this thing... and now to see him supporting quarantines, shelter in place, and a 2 Trillion dollar stimulus... that’s gotta tell you something. Right?

that stuff wouldn’t be happening if it was a hoax or if it wasn’t a threat. Trump wouldn’t be playing ball if he didn’t absolutely have to.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

Not 90%, but more as 99%. Covid-19 is a fake pandemy created by dems and China.
Yet the repub senate wants to spend 2 trillion dollars which will create a debt because of it.
Wage earners and businesses must be compensated for time lost our the economy is wrecked.

Watch out with that, asswipe made a good chunk of his money from bankruptcy protection.

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