Duh.................juries find guilt..................judges convict.You can stop this nonsense at any time. You aren't worth my time to list the 34 counts where he was convicted. tRump has to win to prevent him from going to prison or at least house arrest for at least 18 months. HE's already been convicted and awaiting sentencing after the election. If he wins, those conviction will still be in affect but would have to wait until the end of his last term in office. But they won't go away. And that is the least of his worries. If he loses, he's got charges backed up to no end and could easily put him in prison for the rest of his natural life.
So no more of this "Ignorant" crap. It's only ignorant if you haven't been presented the facts. Instead of ignorance, it's downright stupid.
He hasn't been convicted by the judge.