I just watched the whole interview.....and it's clear that Chris Matthews was trying to get Trump to admit to something that didn't exist. Trump hit him back with Matthews' obvious hypocrisy. He's a practicing Catholic and he tried to use the Gospel to bail himself out on abortion. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars'" he says.
In other words, Chris wants to have it both ways. He wants to say he's a good Catholic but he wants to claim he's a liberal, which means that his church doesn't believe in abortions under any circumstances, but Chris wants to be able to show up at cocktail parties and wear his liberal bonifides as a badge of honor.
So essentially, Liberals are huge hypocrites. A baby isn't a baby unless it's left the birth canal. Until then, it's a disease. A tumor. A lump of flesh that has no importance.....except to Liberals who want to use it buy a Lamborghini.
What does the Democratic Party stand for?
Breaking the law.
The question that was asked by Chris Matthews was what would Trump do if abortion was illegal. Trump's answer was enforce the law. Trump has no intention of changing the law, just enforcing it.
Quite a change from the last 7 years.